
添加3字节 、 2020年7月17日 (五) 21:56
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In the opinion of Schrödinger, "It is now quite obvious in what manner you have to reformulate the law of entropyor for that matter, all other irreversible statementsso that they be capable of being derived from reversible models. You must not speak of one isolated system but at least of two,  which you may for the moment consider isolated from the rest of the world, but not always from each other." The two systems are isolated from each other by the wall, until it is removed by the thermodynamic operation, as envisaged by the law. The thermodynamic operation is externally imposed, not subject to the reversible microscopic dynamical laws that govern the constituents of the systems. It is the cause of the irreversibility. The statement of the law in this present article complies with Schrödinger's advice. The cause–effect relation is logically prior to the second law, not derived from it.
In the opinion of Schrödinger, "It is now quite obvious in what manner you have to reformulate the law of entropyor for that matter, all other irreversible statementsso that they be capable of being derived from reversible models. You must not speak of one isolated system but at least of two,  which you may for the moment consider isolated from the rest of the world, but not always from each other." The two systems are isolated from each other by the wall, until it is removed by the thermodynamic operation, as envisaged by the law. The thermodynamic operation is externally imposed, not subject to the reversible microscopic dynamical laws that govern the constituents of the systems. It is the cause of the irreversibility. The statement of the law in this present article complies with Schrödinger's advice. The cause–effect relation is logically prior to the second law, not derived from it.
薛定谔的认为:“现在很明显,您必须以何种方式重新制定熵定律(亦或者所有其他不可逆陈述)以使它们能够从可逆模型中得出。你不能只谈论一个孤立的系统,而应该至少谈论两个。你可以暂时认为它们与世界其它地方是孤立的,但并不总是相互孤立的。”这两个系统被隔离墙彼此分开,直到被热力学(有热力学定律设想出来的)作用而拆除。热力学作用是从外部施加的,不受支配系统组成部分的可逆微观动力学定律的制约。这是不可逆转的原因。本文中的法律声明符合薛定谔的的建议。 因果关系在逻辑上先于第二定律,而不是由第二定律推导而来。
薛定谔的认为:“现在很明显,您必须以何种方式重新制定熵定律(亦或者所有其他不可逆陈述)以使它们能够从可逆模型中得出。你不能只谈论一个孤立的系统,而应该至少谈论两个。你可以暂时认为它们与世界其它地方是孤立的,但并不总是相互孤立的。”这两个系统被隔离内壁彼此分开,直到被热力学(有热力学定律设想出来的)作用而拆除。热力学作用是从外部施加的,不受支配系统组成部分的可逆微观动力学定律的制约。这是不可逆转的原因。本文中的法律声明符合薛定谔的的建议。 因果关系在逻辑上先于第二定律,而不是由第二定律推导而来。
===Poincaré recurrence theorem===
===Poincaré recurrence theorem===
