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删除2,312字节 、 2020年8月17日 (一) 22:22
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The total entropy of a system and its surroundings can remain constant in ideal cases where the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, or is undergoing a (fictive) reversible process. In all processes that occur, including spontaneous processes, the total entropy of the system and its surroundings increases and the process is irreversible in the thermodynamic sense. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past.
The total entropy of a system and its surroundings can remain constant in ideal cases where the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, or is undergoing a (fictive) reversible process. In all processes that occur, including spontaneous processes, the total entropy of the system and its surroundings increases and the process is irreversible in the thermodynamic sense. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past.
系统及其周围环境的总熵在理想情况下可以保持不变,在这种情况下,系统处于热力学平衡状态,或者正在经历一个(<font color = 'red'><s>虚拟的</s></font><font color = 'blue'>假想的</font>)可逆过程。<font color = 'red'><s>在所有发生的</s></font><font color = 'blue'>所有</font>过程中,包括<font color="#ff8000">'''自发过程 Spontaneous Processes'''</font>,系统及其周围环境的总熵增加,这一过程在热力学意义上是不可逆的。熵的增加解释了自然过程的不可逆性,以及未来和过去之间的不对称性。
系统及其周围环境的总熵在理想情况下可以保持不变,在这种情况下,系统处于热力学平衡状态,或者正在经历一个假想的可逆过程。所有过程中,包括<font color="#ff8000">'''自发过程 Spontaneous Processes'''</font>,系统及其周围环境的总熵增加,这一过程在热力学意义上是不可逆的。熵的增加解释了自然过程的不可逆性,以及未来和过去之间的不对称性。
      第76行: 第76行:  
The first law of thermodynamics provides the definition of the internal energy of a thermodynamic system, and expresses the law of conservation of energy. The second law is concerned with the direction of natural processes. It asserts that a natural process runs only in one sense, and is not reversible. For example, when a path for conduction and radiation is made available, heat always flows spontaneously from a hotter to a colder body. Such phenomena are accounted for in terms of entropy. If an isolated system is held initially in internal thermodynamic equilibrium by internal partitioning impermeable walls, and then some operation makes the walls more permeable, then the system spontaneously evolves to reach a final new internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and its total entropy, S, increases.
The first law of thermodynamics provides the definition of the internal energy of a thermodynamic system, and expresses the law of conservation of energy. The second law is concerned with the direction of natural processes. It asserts that a natural process runs only in one sense, and is not reversible. For example, when a path for conduction and radiation is made available, heat always flows spontaneously from a hotter to a colder body. Such phenomena are accounted for in terms of entropy. If an isolated system is held initially in internal thermodynamic equilibrium by internal partitioning impermeable walls, and then some operation makes the walls more permeable, then the system spontaneously evolves to reach a final new internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and its total entropy, S, increases.
'''热力学第一定律 First Law Of Thermodynamics''' <font color = 'red'><s>对</s></font> <font color = 'blue'>定义了</font>热力学系统所涉及到的'''内能 Internal Energy'''<font color = 'red'><s>进行了定义</s></font> ,并体现了能量守恒定律。热力学第二定律与'''自然过程Natural Processes'''的方向有关。它<font color = 'red'><s>设定</s></font> <font color = 'blue'>断言</font>自然过程只在一种意义上进行,且<font color = 'red'><s>是</s></font> 不可逆<font color = 'red'><s>的</s></font> 。例如,当有了传导和辐射的(传播)路径时,热<s>量</s>总是自发地从一个较热的物体流向一个较冷的物体。这种现象可以用'''熵Entropy'''来解释。<font color = 'red'><s>若一个孤立系统最初在内部不可渗透的薄膜维持内部的热力学平衡,通过一些操作使得薄膜具有渗透性,则该系统可自发地演变,最终达到一个新的内部热力学平衡,其总熵增加。</s></font>
'''热力学第一定律 First Law Of Thermodynamics'''定义了热力学系统所涉及到的'''内能 Internal Energy'',并体现了能量守恒定律。热力学第二定律与'''自然过程Natural Processes'''的方向有关。它断言自然过程只在一种意义上进行,且不可逆 。例如,当有了传导和辐射的(传播)路径时,热总是自发地从一个较热的物体流向一个较冷的物体。这种现象可以用'''熵Entropy'''来解释。
<font color = '#32CD32'>若一个'''孤立系统Isolated System'''最初在具有隔热内壁的系统内维持热力学平衡,通过一些操作使内壁透热,则该系统可自发地演变,最终达到一个新的内部热力学平衡,且其总熵{{math|''S''}}增加。If an isolated system is held initially in internal thermodynamic equilibrium by internal partitioning impermeable walls, and then some operation makes the walls more permeable, then the system spontaneously evolves to reach a final new internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and its total entropy, S, increases.</font>
  --[[用户:趣木木|趣木木]]([[用户讨论:趣木木|讨论]]) more permeable不知道是否需要译为更具有  impermeable wall是不可渗透 如果要使用比较级  是否应该再有一个 permeable
  --[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) internal partitioning impermeable walls翻译为隔热的内壁,从而permeable指的是透热的。我觉得这里的渗透性应该是说系统可以和外界进行能量/热的交换。?不知道是否正确。
'''<font color="#32CD32">若一个'''孤立系统Isolated System'''最初在具有隔热内壁的系统内维持热力学平衡,通过一些操作使内壁透热,则该系统可自发地演变,最终达到一个新的内部热力学平衡,且其总熵{{math|''S''}}增加。If an isolated system is held initially in internal thermodynamic equilibrium by internal partitioning impermeable walls, and then some operation makes the walls more permeable, then the system spontaneously evolves to reach a final new internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and its total entropy, S, increases.</font>'''
      第90行: 第85行:  
In a fictive reversible process, an infinitesimal increment in the entropy () of a system is defined to result from an infinitesimal transfer of heat () to a closed system (which allows the entry or exit of energy – but not transfer of matter) divided by the common temperature () of the system in equilibrium and the surroundings which supply the heat:
In a fictive reversible process, an infinitesimal increment in the entropy () of a system is defined to result from an infinitesimal transfer of heat () to a closed system (which allows the entry or exit of energy – but not transfer of matter) divided by the common temperature () of the system in equilibrium and the surroundings which supply the heat:
在<font color = 'red'><s>设置的虚拟</s></font> <font color = 'blue'>假想的</font>可逆过程中,系统的熵的无穷小增量<math>dS</math>被定义为由无穷小的热<s>量</s><math>δQ</math>传递到一个封闭系统(允许能量进入或出去,但不允许物质传递<font color = 'blue'>的系统</font>)除以<font color = 'blue'>该</font>平衡系统和提供热<s>量</s>的环境的共同温度 <math>T</math>:
在假想的可逆过程中,系统的熵的无穷小增量<math>dS</math>被定义为由无穷小的热<math>δQ</math>传递到一个封闭系统(允许能量进入或出去,但不允许物质传递的系统)除以该平衡系统和提供热的环境的共同温度 <math>T</math>:
: <math>\mathrm dS > \frac{\delta Q}{T_{surr}} \,\, \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \text {(closed system, actually possible, irreversible process封闭系统中理想状态下的可逆过程).}</math>
: <math>\mathrm dS = \frac{\delta Q}{T}</math> system, actually possible, irreversible process 封闭系统中理想状态下的可逆过程).}</math>
  --[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) 这里的公式和备注貌似有误,公式应为 <math>\mathrm dS = \frac{\delta Q}{T}</math>,备注应为“closed system, idealized fictive reversible process”封闭系统,理想的可逆过程。或者?
        第103行: 第98行:  
Different notations are used for infinitesimal amounts of heat () and infinitesimal amounts of entropy () because entropy is a function of state, while heat, like work, is not. For an actually possible infinitesimal process without exchange of mass with the surroundings, the second law requires that the increment in system entropy fulfills the inequality   
Different notations are used for infinitesimal amounts of heat () and infinitesimal amounts of entropy () because entropy is a function of state, while heat, like work, is not. For an actually possible infinitesimal process without exchange of mass with the surroundings, the second law requires that the increment in system entropy fulfills the inequality   
用不同的符号''δ''和''d''表示无穷小量的热<s>量</s>和无穷小量的熵,因为熵是状态函数,而热<s>量</s>和功一样<font color = 'blue'>则</font>不是状态函数。<font color = 'red'><s>第二定律要求系统熵的增量满足不等式,</s></font>对于实际上可能存在的不与环境发生<font color = 'red'><s>质量</s></font><font color = 'blue'>物质</font>交换的无穷小过程,<font color = 'blue'>第二定律要求</font>系统熵增量满足不等式:
用不同的符号''δ''和''d''表示无穷小量的热和无穷小量的熵,因为熵是状态函数,而热和功一样,并不是状态函数。对于实际上可能存在的不与环境发生物质交换的无穷小过程,<font color = 'blue'>第二定律要求</font>系统熵增量满足不等式:
  --[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) 根据上下文(讲到封闭系统),此处疑“mass”译为物质更佳
: <math>\mathrm dS > \frac{\delta Q}{T_{surr}} \,\, \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \text {(closed system, actually possible, irreversible process 封闭系统中,实际上可能发生的可逆过程).}</math>
: <math>\mathrm dS = \frac{\delta Q}{T}</math> system, actually possible, irreversible process 封闭系统中理想状态下的可逆过程).}</math>
      第121行: 第114行:       −
<font color = 'blue'>这是因为</font>这种情况下的一般过程可能包括周围环境对系统所做的功,<font color = 'red'><s>这是因为</s></font><font color = 'blue'>这个功</font>在系统内部会产生摩擦或粘滞效应,<font color = 'blue'>或是因为</font>此时<font color = 'red'><s>是由于</s></font><font color = 'blue'>一个</font>化学反应可能正在<font color = 'blue'>系统内部</font>进行,或<font color = 'blue'>因为</font>热传递实际上是不可逆地发生,<font color = 'red'><s>通过</s></font>系统温度<math>T</math>和周围环境温度<math>T_surr</math>之间<font color = 'red'><s>存在差异而进行驱动</s></font><font color = 'blue'>的差异驱动了热传递的发生</font>。
这是因为在这种情况下的一般过程可能包括周围环境对系统所做的功,该功在系统内部会产生摩擦或粘滞效应,或是因为此时一个化学反应可能正在<font color = 'blue'>系统内部</font>进行,或<font color = 'blue'>因为</font>热传递实际上是不可逆地发生,<font color = 'red'><s>通过</s></font>系统温度<math>T</math>和周围环境温度<math>T_surr</math>之间<font color = 'red'><s>存在差异而进行驱动</s></font><font color = 'blue'>的差异驱动了热传递的发生</font>。
   --[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) 我觉得应该是“This is because a general process……,because a chemical reaction……,or because heat transfer……surroundings (<sub>surr</sub>).”的并列结构。
   --[[用户:嘉树|嘉树]]([[用户讨论:嘉树|讨论]]) 我觉得应该是“This is because a general process……,because a chemical reaction……,or because heat transfer……surroundings (<sub>surr</sub>).”的并列结构。

