Noting that an undirected simple graph can have at most <sup>2</sup>-)/2 ≈ V<sup> 2</sup>}} edges, allowing loops, we can let /<sup>2</sup>}} denote the density of the graph. Then, > <sup>2</sup>/8}} when /<sup>2</sup> > 1/64}}, that is the adjacency list representation occupies more space than the adjacency matrix representation when . Thus a graph must be sparse enough to justify an adjacency list representation. | Noting that an undirected simple graph can have at most <sup>2</sup>-)/2 ≈ V<sup> 2</sup>}} edges, allowing loops, we can let /<sup>2</sup>}} denote the density of the graph. Then, > <sup>2</sup>/8}} when /<sup>2</sup> > 1/64}}, that is the adjacency list representation occupies more space than the adjacency matrix representation when . Thus a graph must be sparse enough to justify an adjacency list representation. |