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添加372字节 、 2020年9月27日 (日) 11:11
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这里要注意的是两个样本检验出来的数据样本是否来自同一分布。其并未指定该共同分布是什么(例如,它是正常还是不正常)。而且关键值表已经得出。Kolmogorov–Smirnov检验没有那么有效,因为它被设计为对两个分布函数之间所有可能的差异敏感。如刊登在Journal of Nonparametric Statistics2009年刊上Marozzi, Marco (2009)的文章《Some Notes on the Location-Scale Cucconi Test》和刊登在Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation2013年刊上同样Marozzi, Marco (2009)的文章《Nonparametric Simultaneous Tests for Location and Scale Testing: a Comparison of Several Methods显示了证据,当比较两个分布函数时,最初建议同时比较位置和比例的Cucconi检验比Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验更有效。
这里要注意的是两个样本检验出来的数据样本是否来自同一分布。其并未指定该共同分布是什么(例如,它是正常还是不正常)。而且关键值表已经得出。Kolmogorov–Smirnov检验没有那么有效,因为它被设计为对两个分布函数之间所有可能的差异敏感。如刊登在Journal of Nonparametric Statistics2009年刊上Marozzi, Marco (2009)的文章《Some Notes on the Location-Scale Cucconi Test》和刊登在Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation2013年刊上同样Marozzi, Marco (2009)的文章《Nonparametric Simultaneous Tests for Location and Scale Testing: a Comparison of Several Methods显示了证据,当比较两个分布函数时,最初建议同时比较位置和比例的Cucconi检验比Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验更有效。
==Setting confidence limits for the shape of a distribution function==
== Setting confidence limits for the shape of a distribution function 为分布函数的形状设置置信极限 ==
{{main article|Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality}}
{{main article|Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality}}
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While the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test is usually used to test whether a given ''F''(''x'') is the underlying probability distribution of ''F''<sub>''n''</sub>(''x''), the procedure may be inverted to give confidence limits on ''F''(''x'') itself. If one chooses a critical value of the test statistic ''D''<sub>''α''</sub> such that P(''D''<sub>''n''</sub>&nbsp;>&nbsp;''D''<sub>''α''</sub>) = ''α'', then a band of width ±''D''<sub>''α''</sub> around ''F''<sub>''n''</sub>(''x'') will entirely contain ''F''(''x'') with probability 1&nbsp;−&nbsp;''α''.
While the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test is usually used to test whether a given ''F''(''x'') is the underlying probability distribution of ''F''<sub>''n''</sub>(''x''), the procedure may be inverted to give confidence limits on ''F''(''x'') itself. If one chooses a critical value of the test statistic ''D''<sub>''α''</sub> such that P(''D''<sub>''n''</sub>&nbsp;>&nbsp;''D''<sub>''α''</sub>) = ''α'', then a band of width ±''D''<sub>''α''</sub> around ''F''<sub>''n''</sub>(''x'') will entirely contain ''F''(''x'') with probability 1&nbsp;−&nbsp;''α''.
==The Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic in more than one dimension==
==The Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic in more than one dimension==

