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== 编者推荐 ==
=== 课程推荐 ===
[[文件:Image2.png|缩略图|584x584像素|课程:[https://campus.swarma.org/course/3533 复杂网络的数学建模与应用 | 网络科学第三期]]]
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/3533 复杂网络的数学建模与应用 | 网络科学第三期]
[https://campus.swarma.org/course/3539 流网络:从贸易流到人类集体注意力 | 应用模块]
=== 集智文章推荐 ===
[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SoQ7i85v9BJGcgMLgxIqMg Flownetwork:流网络的开源Python包]
[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9reMFkMWcp8aplBqmUp54g 研究速递:几何自组织实现流网络的均匀载荷]
=== '''相关经典书籍/论文推荐''' ===
1. Banavar, Jayanth R., Amos Maritan, and Andrea Rinaldo. "Size and form in efficient transportation networks."Nature 399.6732 (1999): 130-132.
2. Garlaschelli, Diego, Guido Caldarelli, and Luciano Pietronero. "Universal scaling relations in food webs." Nature 423.6936 (2003): 165-168.
3. Zhang, Jiang, and Liangpeng Guo. "Scaling behaviors of weighted food webs as energy transportation networks." Journal of theoretical biology 264.3 (2010): 760-770.
4. Zhang, Jiang, and Lingfei Wu. "Allometry and dissipation of ecological flow networks." PloS one 8.9 (2013): e72525.
5. Wu, Lingfei, and Jiang Zhang. "The decentralized flow structure of clickstreams on the web." The European Physical Journal B 86.6 (2013): 1-6.
6. Zhang, Jiang, and Yuanjing Feng. "Common patterns of energy flow and biomass distribution on weighted food webs." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 405 (2014): 278-288.
7. Pei-teng, Shi, et al. "Centralized flow structure of international trade networks for different products." 2013 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 20th Annual Conference Proceedings. IEEE, 2013.
8. Wu, Lingfei, Jiang Zhang, and Min Zhao. "The metabolism and growth of web forums." PloS one 9.8 (2014): e102646
9. Zhang, Jiang, Xiaodan Lou, and Liangzhu Guo. "Universal patterns and constructal law in open flow networks." Int. J. Heat Tech 34 (2016): S1.
10. Shi, Peiteng, et al. "Hierarchicality of trade flow networks reveals complexity of products." PloS one 9.6 (2014): e98247.
