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删除13字节 、 2022年3月29日 (二) 11:44
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These models represent a minimal biophysical interpretation for an excitable cell in which current flow across the membrane is due to charging of the membrane capacitance, \( I_C \ ,\) and movement of ions across ion channels.  
These models represent a minimal biophysical interpretation for an excitable cell in which current flow across the membrane is due to charging of the membrane capacitance, \( I_C \ ,\) and movement of ions across ion channels.  
In its simplest version, a conductance-based model represents a neuron by a single isopotential electrical compartment, neglects ion movements between subcellular compartments, and represents only ion movements between the inside and outside of the cell.  
In its simplest version, a conductance-based model represents a neuron by a single isopotential electrical compartment, neglects ion movements between subcellular compartments, and represents only ion movements between the inside and outside of the cell.  

