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The DBS system consists of three components: the implanted pulse generator (IPG), the lead, and an extension. The IPG is a battery-powered neurostimulator encased in a titanium housing, which sends electrical pulses to the brain that interfere with neural activity at the target site. The lead is a coiled wire insulated in polyurethane with four platinum-iridium electrodes and is placed in one or two different nuclei of the brain. The lead is connected to the IPG by an extension, an insulated wire that runs below the skin, from the head, down the side of the neck, behind the ear, to the IPG, which is placed subcutaneously below the clavicle, or in some cases, the abdomen.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease information page  Retrieved November 23, 2006. The IPG can be calibrated by a neurologist, nurse, or trained technician to optimize symptom suppression and control side effects.
The DBS system consists of three components: the implanted pulse generator (IPG), the lead, and an extension. The IPG is a battery-powered neurostimulator encased in a titanium housing, which sends electrical pulses to the brain that interfere with neural activity at the target site. The lead is a coiled wire insulated in polyurethane with four platinum-iridium electrodes and is placed in one or two different nuclei of the brain. The lead is connected to the IPG by an extension, an insulated wire that runs below the skin, from the head, down the side of the neck, behind the ear, to the IPG, which is placed subcutaneously below the clavicle, or in some cases, the abdomen.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease information page  Retrieved November 23, 2006. The IPG can be calibrated by a neurologist, nurse, or trained technician to optimize symptom suppression and control side effects.
= = 组件和放置 = = DBS 系统由三部分组成: 植入式脉冲发生器(IPG)、引线和扩展。IPG 是一种电池驱动的神经刺激器,安装在钛合金外壳内,向大脑发送电脉冲,干扰目标位置的神经活动。导线是一个由四个铂铱电极和聚氨酯绝缘的盘绕电线,被放置在大脑的一个或两个不同的细胞核中。导线通过延长连接到 IPG,这是一根绝缘导线,从皮肤下面,从头部,沿着脖子的一侧,在耳朵后面,连接到 IPG,这是放在锁骨下皮下,或在某些情况下,放在腹部。全国神经紊乱和中风研究院。脑深部电刺激治疗帕金森病信息检索页2006年11月23日。IPG 可以由神经科医生、护士或受过训练的技术人员进行校准,以优化症状抑制和控制副作用。
DBS系统由三部分组成:植入脉冲发生器(IPG)、引线和扩展部分。IPG是一种由'''电池([[battery (electricity)|battery]])'''供电的神经刺激器,包裹在'''钛( [[titanium]])'''外壳中,它向大脑发送电脉冲,干扰目标部位的'''神经活动([[neural]] [[action potential|activity]])'''。铅是用'''聚氨酯([[polyurethane]])'''绝缘的线圈,有四个'''铂铱([[platinum-iridium alloy|platinum-iridium]])'''电极,被放置在大脑的一个或两个不同的核中。引线通过一根延伸线与IPG连接,这是一根绝缘电线,在皮肤下面,从头部、颈部侧面、耳朵后面,到IPG, IPG位于'''锁骨( [[clavicle]])'''下皮下,在某些情况下,是'''腹部([[Human abdomen|abdomen]])<ref name="NINDS" />''' 。IPG可以由'''神经科医生([[neurology|neurologist]])'''、'''护士( [[nurse]])'''或训练有素的'''技术人员([[technician]])'''校准,以优化症状抑制和控制副作用<ref name="Volkmann" />。
DBS leads are placed in the brain according to the type of symptoms to be addressed. For non-Parkinsonian essential tremor, the lead is placed in either the ventrointermediate nucleus of the [[Human thalamus|thalamus]] or the [[zona incerta]];<ref>{{cite journal|vauthors = Lee JY, Deogaonkar M, Rezai A|title = Deep brain stimulation of globus pallidus internus for dystonia|journal = Parkinsonism & Related Disorders|volume = 13|issue = 5|pages = 261–65|date = July 2007|pmid = 17081796|doi = 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2006.07.020}}</ref> for dystonia and symptoms associated with PD ([[Rigidity (neurology)|rigidity]], [[bradykinesia]]/[[akinesia]], and [[tremor]]), the lead may be placed in either the [[globus pallidus internus]] or the [[subthalamic nucleus]]; for OCD and depression to the [[nucleus accumbens]]; for incessant pain to the posterior thalamic region or [[periaqueductal gray]]; and for epilepsy treatment to the [[Anterior nuclei of thalamus|anterior thalamic nucleus]].<ref>[http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/Ce-Fi/Deep-Brain-Stimulation.html Deep brain stimulation.] Surgery Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 25, 2007.</ref>
DBS leads are placed in the brain according to the type of symptoms to be addressed. For non-Parkinsonian essential tremor, the lead is placed in either the ventrointermediate nucleus of the [[Human thalamus|thalamus]] or the [[zona incerta]];<ref name=":18">{{cite journal|vauthors = Lee JY, Deogaonkar M, Rezai A|title = Deep brain stimulation of globus pallidus internus for dystonia|journal = Parkinsonism & Related Disorders|volume = 13|issue = 5|pages = 261–65|date = July 2007|pmid = 17081796|doi = 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2006.07.020}}</ref> for dystonia and symptoms associated with PD ([[Rigidity (neurology)|rigidity]], [[bradykinesia]]/[[akinesia]], and [[tremor]]), the lead may be placed in either the [[globus pallidus internus]] or the [[subthalamic nucleus]]; for OCD and depression to the [[nucleus accumbens]]; for incessant pain to the posterior thalamic region or [[periaqueductal gray]]; and for epilepsy treatment to the [[Anterior nuclei of thalamus|anterior thalamic nucleus]].<ref name=":19">[http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/Ce-Fi/Deep-Brain-Stimulation.html Deep brain stimulation.] Surgery Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 25, 2007.</ref>
DBS leads are placed in the brain according to the type of symptoms to be addressed. For non-Parkinsonian essential tremor, the lead is placed in either the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus or the zona incerta; for dystonia and symptoms associated with PD (rigidity, bradykinesia/akinesia, and tremor), the lead may be placed in either the globus pallidus internus or the subthalamic nucleus; for OCD and depression to the nucleus accumbens; for incessant pain to the posterior thalamic region or periaqueductal gray; and for epilepsy treatment to the anterior thalamic nucleus.Deep brain stimulation. Surgery Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 25, 2007.
DBS leads are placed in the brain according to the type of symptoms to be addressed. For non-Parkinsonian essential tremor, the lead is placed in either the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus or the zona incerta; for dystonia and symptoms associated with PD (rigidity, bradykinesia/akinesia, and tremor), the lead may be placed in either the globus pallidus internus or the subthalamic nucleus; for OCD and depression to the nucleus accumbens; for incessant pain to the posterior thalamic region or periaqueductal gray; and for epilepsy treatment to the anterior thalamic nucleus.Deep brain stimulation. Surgery Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 25, 2007.
根据需要处理的症状类型,DBS 导联被放置在大脑中。对于非帕金森病的原发性震颤,铅可以放在丘脑腹中间核或脑带; 对于肌张力障碍和与帕金森病(强直、运动迟缓/运动不能和震颤)相关的症状,铅可以放在丘脑下核内核或者脑伏隔核内核; 对于强迫症和抑郁症; 对于丘脑后部区域或中脑导水管周围灰质持续疼痛; 对于丘脑前部癫痫核治疗。脑深部刺激。外科百科全书。25,2007.
根据需要治疗的症状类型,将DBS导联植入大脑。对于非帕金森特发性震颤,导线放置在'''丘脑([[Human thalamus|thalamus]])'''腹中间核或'''内嵌带([[zona incerta]])<ref name=":18" />'''; 对于肌张力障碍和与PD相关的症状('''强直([[Rigidity (neurology)|rigidity]])'''、'''运动迟缓/运动不全( [[bradykinesia]]/[[akinesia]])'''和'''震颤([[tremor]])'''),导线可置于'''苍白球内( [[globus pallidus internus]])'''或'''丘脑下核([[subthalamic nucleus]])''';对强迫症和抑郁症的作用是'''伏隔核([[nucleus accumbens]])''';持续疼痛至丘脑后区或'''导水管周围灰质区( [[periaqueductal gray]])''';以及'''丘脑前核( [[Anterior nuclei of thalamus|anterior thalamic nucleus]])'''的癫痫治疗<ref name=":19" />。
All three components are surgically implanted inside the body. Lead implantation may take place under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia ("asleep DBS") such as for dystonia. A hole about 14&nbsp;mm in diameter is drilled in the skull and the probe electrode is inserted [[Stereotactic surgery|stereotactically]], using either frame-based or frameless stereotaxis.<ref>{{cite journal|vauthors = Owen CM, Lindsey ME|title = Frame-based stereotaxy in a frameless era: current capabilities, relative role, and the positive- and negative predictive values of blood through the needle.|journal = Journal of Neuro-Oncology|volume = 93|issue = 1|pages = 139–49|date = May 2009|pmid = 19430891|doi = 10.1007/s11060-009-9871-y| doi-access = free}}</ref> During the awake procedure with local anesthesia, feedback from the person is used to determine the optimal placement of the permanent electrode. During the asleep procedure, intraoperative MRI guidance is used for direct visualization of brain tissue and device.<ref>{{cite journal|vauthors = Starr PA, Martin AJ, Ostrem JL, Talke P, Levesque N, Larson PS|title = Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulator placement using high-field interventional magnetic resonance imaging and a skull-mounted aiming device: technique and application accuracy|journal = Journal of Neurosurgery|volume = 112|issue = 3|pages = 479–90|date = March 2010|pmid = 19681683|pmc = 2866526|doi = 10.3171/2009.6.JNS081161}}</ref> The installation of the IPG and extension leads occurs under general anesthesia.<ref>[http://www.neurosurgery.pitt.edu/imageguided/movement/stimulation.html Deep Brain Stimulation], Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved May 13, 2008.</ref> The right side of the brain is stimulated to address symptoms on the left side of the body and vice versa.{{citation needed|date=January 2017}}
All three components are surgically implanted inside the body. Lead implantation may take place under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia ("asleep DBS") such as for dystonia. A hole about 14&nbsp;mm in diameter is drilled in the skull and the probe electrode is inserted [[Stereotactic surgery|stereotactically]], using either frame-based or frameless stereotaxis.<ref name=":20">{{cite journal|vauthors = Owen CM, Lindsey ME|title = Frame-based stereotaxy in a frameless era: current capabilities, relative role, and the positive- and negative predictive values of blood through the needle.|journal = Journal of Neuro-Oncology|volume = 93|issue = 1|pages = 139–49|date = May 2009|pmid = 19430891|doi = 10.1007/s11060-009-9871-y| doi-access = free}}</ref> During the awake procedure with local anesthesia, feedback from the person is used to determine the optimal placement of the permanent electrode. During the asleep procedure, intraoperative MRI guidance is used for direct visualization of brain tissue and device.<ref name=":21">{{cite journal|vauthors = Starr PA, Martin AJ, Ostrem JL, Talke P, Levesque N, Larson PS|title = Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulator placement using high-field interventional magnetic resonance imaging and a skull-mounted aiming device: technique and application accuracy|journal = Journal of Neurosurgery|volume = 112|issue = 3|pages = 479–90|date = March 2010|pmid = 19681683|pmc = 2866526|doi = 10.3171/2009.6.JNS081161}}</ref> The installation of the IPG and extension leads occurs under general anesthesia.<ref name=":22">[http://www.neurosurgery.pitt.edu/imageguided/movement/stimulation.html Deep Brain Stimulation], Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved May 13, 2008.</ref> The right side of the brain is stimulated to address symptoms on the left side of the body and vice versa.{{citation needed|date=January 2017}}
All three components are surgically implanted inside the body. Lead implantation may take place under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia ("asleep DBS") such as for dystonia. A hole about 14 mm in diameter is drilled in the skull and the probe electrode is inserted stereotactically, using either frame-based or frameless stereotaxis. During the awake procedure with local anesthesia, feedback from the person is used to determine the optimal placement of the permanent electrode. During the asleep procedure, intraoperative MRI guidance is used for direct visualization of brain tissue and device. The installation of the IPG and extension leads occurs under general anesthesia.Deep Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved May 13, 2008. The right side of the brain is stimulated to address symptoms on the left side of the body and vice versa.
All three components are surgically implanted inside the body. Lead implantation may take place under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia ("asleep DBS") such as for dystonia. A hole about 14 mm in diameter is drilled in the skull and the probe electrode is inserted stereotactically, using either frame-based or frameless stereotaxis. During the awake procedure with local anesthesia, feedback from the person is used to determine the optimal placement of the permanent electrode. During the asleep procedure, intraoperative MRI guidance is used for direct visualization of brain tissue and device. The installation of the IPG and extension leads occurs under general anesthesia.Deep Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved May 13, 2008. The right side of the brain is stimulated to address symptoms on the left side of the body and vice versa.
所有这三个组件都是通过手术植入体内的。植入铅可以在局部麻醉或全身麻醉(“睡眠 DBS”)下进行,如肌张力障碍。在颅骨上钻一个直径约14毫米的孔,并立体地插入探针电极,使用基于框架或无框架的立体定向。在局部麻醉下的清醒手术中,通过病人的反馈来确定永久电极的最佳位置。在睡眠过程中,术中 MRI 引导用于直接显示脑组织和设备。在全身麻醉下进行 IPG 和延长导联的安装。深部脑刺激,匹兹堡大学神经外科系。13,2008.大脑的右半球受到刺激来解决身体左半球的症状,反之亦然。
这三种成分都要通过手术植入体内。铅植入可在局部麻醉或全身麻醉下进行(“睡眠DBS”),如肌张力障碍。在颅骨上钻一个直径约14毫米的孔,使用基于框架或无框架的'''立体定向([[Stereotactic surgery|stereotactically]])'''方式将探针电极立体定向插入<ref name=":20" />。在局部麻醉的清醒过程中,来自人的反馈被用来确定永久电极的最佳放置位置。在睡眠过程中,利用术中MRI引导对脑组织和设备进行直接可视化<ref name=":21" /> 。IPG和延伸导线的安装是在全身麻醉下进行的<ref name=":22" />。刺激右脑来解决身体左侧的症状,反之亦然{{citation needed|date=January 2017}}。
== Research ==
== Research ==

