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添加6,953字节 、 2020年5月17日 (日) 16:19
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* [[Parallel tempering]] is a simulation of model copies at different temperatures (or [[Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)|Hamiltonian]]s) to overcome the potential barriers.
* [[Parallel tempering]] is a simulation of model copies at different temperatures (or [[Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)|Hamiltonian]]s) to overcome the potential barriers.
*Interacting Metropolis–Hasting algorithms (a.k.a. Sequential Monte Carlo[12]) combined simulated annealing moves with an acceptance-rejection of the best fitted individuals equipped with an interacting recycling mechanism.
*Quantum annealing uses "quantum fluctuations" instead of thermal fluctuations to get through high but thin barriers in the target function.
*Stochastic tunneling attempts to overcome the increasing difficulty simulated annealing runs have in escaping from local minima as the temperature decreases, by 'tunneling' through barriers.
*Tabu search normally moves to neighbouring states of lower energy, but will take uphill moves when it finds itself stuck in a local minimum; and avoids cycles by keeping a "taboo list" of solutions already seen.
*Dual-phase evolution is a family of algorithms and processes (to which simulated annealing belongs) that mediate between local and global search by exploiting phase changes in the search space.
*Reactive search optimization focuses on combining machine learning with optimization, by adding an internal feedback loop to self-tune the free parameters of an algorithm to the characteristics of the problem, of the instance, and of the local situation around the current solution.
*Stochastic gradient descent runs many greedy searches from random initial locations.
*Genetic algorithms maintain a pool of solutions rather than just one. New candidate solutions are generated not only by "mutation" (as in SA), but also by "recombination" of two solutions from the pool. Probabilistic criteria, similar to those used in SA, are used to select the candidates for mutation or combination, and for discarding excess solutions from the pool.
*Memetic algorithms search for solutions by employing a set of agents that both cooperate and compete in the process; sometimes the agents' strategies involve simulated annealing procedures for obtaining high quality solutions before recombining them.[13] Annealing has also been suggested as a mechanism for increasing the diversity of the search [14].
新的候选解决方案不仅产生“变异”(如在 SA) ,而且还“重组”的两个解决方案从池。
有时代理人的策略涉及在重组之前获得高质量解决方案的模拟退火。 退火也被认为是增加搜索多样性的一种机制[14]。
*新的候选解决方案不仅可以通过“突变”(如SA)生成,还可以通过从池中“重新组合”两个解决方案生成。 与 SA 中使用的概率标准类似,用于选择突变或组合的候选方案,并从池中剔除多余的解。
*Graduated optimization digressively "smooths" the target function while optimizing.
*Ant colony optimization (ACO) uses many ants (or agents) to traverse the solution space and find locally productive areas.
*The cross-entropy method (CE) generates candidates solutions via a parameterized probability distribution. The parameters are updated via cross-entropy minimization, so as to generate better samples in the next iteration.
*Harmony search mimics musicians in improvisation process where each musician plays a note for finding a best harmony all together.
*Stochastic optimization is an umbrella set of methods that includes simulated annealing and numerous other approaches.
*Particle swarm optimization is an algorithm modelled on swarm intelligence that finds a solution to an optimization problem in a search space, or model and predict social behavior in the presence of objectives.
*The runner-root algorithm (RRA) is a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm for solving unimodal and multimodal problems inspired by the runners and roots of plants in nature.
*Intelligent water drops algorithm (IWD) which mimics the behavior of natural water drops to solve optimization problems
*Parallel tempering is a simulation of model copies at different temperatures (or Hamiltonians) to overcome the potential barriers.
==See also==
==See also==

