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Agents don't make small talk. Agent conversations are usually goal-directed transactions. For example, Smith wants to buy a book from Jones. Here's how the conversation might go:
Agents don't make small talk. Agent conversations are usually goal-directed transactions. For example, Smith wants to buy a book from Jones. Here's how the conversation might go:

2020年7月20日 (一) 23:11的版本



Artificial society is the specific agent based computational model for computer simulation in social analysis. It is mostly connected to the theme in complex system, emergence, Monte Carlo method, computational sociology, multi-agent system, and evolutionary programming. The concept itself is simple enough. Actually reaching this conceptual point took a while. Complex mathematical models have been, and are, common; deceivingly simple models only have their roots in the late forties, and took the advent of the microcomputer to really get up to speed.

Artificial society is the specific agent based computational model for computer simulation in social analysis. It is mostly connected to the theme in complex system, emergence, Monte Carlo method, computational sociology, multi-agent system, and evolutionary programming. The concept itself is simple enough. Actually reaching this conceptual point took a while. Complex mathematical models have been, and are, common; deceivingly simple models only have their roots in the late forties, and took the advent of the microcomputer to really get up to speed.



The aim is to construct parallel simulations consisting of computational devices, referred to as agents, with given properties, in order to model the target phenomena. The subject is the process of emergence from the lower (micro) level of a social system to the higher (or macro) level.

The aim is to construct parallel simulations consisting of computational devices, referred to as agents, with given properties, in order to model the target phenomena. The subject is the process of emergence from the lower (micro) level of a social system to the higher (or macro) level.


The history of agent-based modeling can be traced back to Von Neumann machines, the concept of a machine capable of reproduction. The device he proposed would follow precisely detailed instructions to fashion a copy of itself. The concept was then extended by von Neumann's friend Stanislaw Ulam, also a mathematician, who suggested that the machine be built on paper, as a collection of cells on a grid. The idea intrigued von Neumann, who drew it up, thus creating the first of the devices later termed cellular automata.

The history of agent-based modeling can be traced back to Von Neumann machines, the concept of a machine capable of reproduction. The device he proposed would follow precisely detailed instructions to fashion a copy of itself. The concept was then extended by von Neumann's friend Stanislaw Ulam, also a mathematician, who suggested that the machine be built on paper, as a collection of cells on a grid. The idea intrigued von Neumann, who drew it up, thus creating the first of the devices later termed cellular automata.

基于主体建模的历史可以追溯到冯·诺依曼机器,其概念是有一种能够复制的机器。他假设的设备将按照精确详细的指示制作一个自己的复制品。冯·诺依曼的朋友斯坦尼斯拉夫·乌兰姆(Stanislaw Ulam)也是一位数学家,后来对该概念进行了扩展,他建议将机器构建在纸上,作为网格上的细胞集合。 这个想法引起了冯·诺依曼(von Neumann)的注意,他提出了这个想法,因此创造了第一个被称为元胞自动机的设备。

A further advance was achieved by mathematician John Conway. He constructed the well-known game of life. Unlike von Neumann's machine, Conway's Game of Life operated according to tremendously simple rules in a virtual world in the form of a 2-dimensional checkerboard.

A further advance was achieved by mathematician John Conway. He constructed the well-known game of life. Unlike von Neumann's machine, Conway's Game of Life operated according to tremendously simple rules in a virtual world in the form of a 2-dimensional checkerboard.

随后数学家John Conway取得了进一步的发展。他构建了著名的《生命游戏》。与冯·诺依曼(von Neumann)的机器不同,康威(Conway)的《生命游戏》以二维棋盘的形式在虚拟世界中根据极其简单的规则进行操作。

The application of the agent-based model as a social model was primarily initiated by computer scientist Craig Reynolds. He attempted to model living biological agents, a method known as artificial life, a term coined by Christopher Langton.

The application of the agent-based model as a social model was primarily initiated by computer scientist Craig Reynolds. He attempted to model living biological agents, a method known as artificial life, a term coined by Christopher Langton.

基于主体建模作为社会模型的应用主要由计算机科学家Craig Reynolds发起。他试图建立具有活性生物主体的模型,这种方法被称为“人工生命”,这个术语是由克里斯托弗·兰顿(Christopher Langton)创造的。

The computational methods of artificial life were applied to the analysis of social systems, christened "the artificial society" by Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell.[1] Eventually, the artificial society provided a new method for sociological analysis in the form of computational sociology. The principal problem is that of classical sociology, the issue of macro-micro linkage: as first articulated by French Sociologist Émile Durkheim, the question of how individuals within a social system influence and are influenced by the macrosocial level.

The computational methods of artificial life were applied to the analysis of social systems, christened "the artificial society" by Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell. Eventually, the artificial society provided a new method for sociological analysis in the form of computational sociology. The principal problem is that of classical sociology, the issue of macro-micro linkage: as first articulated by French Sociologist Émile Durkheim, the question of how individuals within a social system influence and are influenced by the macrosocial level.

人工生命的计算方法被应用到社会系统分析中,由约书亚·爱泼斯坦(Joshua M. Epstein)和罗伯特·阿克斯泰尔(Robert Axtell)命名为“人工社会”。最终,人工社会以计算社会学的形式提供了一种新的社会学分析方法。主要问题在于古典社会学,即宏观-微观联系的问题:由法国社会学家埃米尔·杜尔克海姆(ÉmileDurkheim)首先提出,这个问题指的是社会系统中的个人是如何影响,和受到宏观社会层面的影响的。

The artificial society has been widely accepted by recent sociology as a promising method characterized by the extensive use of computer programs and computer simulations which include evolutionary algorithms (EA), genetic algorithms (GA), genetic programming (GP), memetic programming (MP), agent based models, and cellular automata (CA).

The artificial society has been widely accepted by recent sociology as a promising method characterized by the extensive use of computer programs and computer simulations which include evolutionary algorithms (EA), genetic algorithms (GA), genetic programming (GP), memetic programming (MP), agent based models, and cellular automata (CA).

人工社会已被近期社会学广泛接受为一种有前景的方法,其特征是广泛使用计算机程序和计算机模拟,其中包括进化算法(EA),遗传算法(GA),遗传编程(GP),模因编程(MP) ,基于主体模拟和元胞自动机(CA)。

For many, artificial society is a meeting point for people from many other more traditional fields in interdisciplinary research, such as linguistics, social physics, mathematics, philosophy, law, computer science, biology, and sociology in which unusual computational and theoretical approaches that would be controversial within their native discipline can be discussed. As a field, it has had a controversial history; some have characterized it as "practical theology" or a "fact-free science". However, the recent publication of artificial society articles in the scientific journals e.g.: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation and Journal of Social Complexity shows that artificial life techniques are becoming somewhat more accepted within the sociological mainstream.

For many, artificial society is a meeting point for people from many other more traditional fields in interdisciplinary research, such as linguistics, social physics, mathematics, philosophy, law, computer science, biology, and sociology in which unusual computational and theoretical approaches that would be controversial within their native discipline can be discussed. As a field, it has had a controversial history; some have characterized it as "practical theology" or a "fact-free science". However, the recent publication of artificial society articles in the scientific journals e.g.: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation and Journal of Social Complexity shows that artificial life techniques are becoming somewhat more accepted within the sociological mainstream.


Social Agents

Social agents interact with their neighbors. Agent Smith may have a conversation with agent Jones. Smith may imitate, infect, or play a game with Jones.

Conversations Agents don't make small talk. Agent conversations are usually goal-directed transactions. For example, Smith wants to buy a book from Jones. Here's how the conversation might go:

The solid barbed arrows are messages. The dashed arrows are responses. The triangular arrows are procedure calls or tasks.

The messages in a conversation can be classified according to their types:

Call for Proposal Accept Proposal Agree Cancel Confirm Disconfirm Failure Inform

Multi-agent Systems (MAS)

Until the development of MAS in the 1990s, computer simulations of social phenomena primarily used analytics, or equation-based modeling (EBM). Examples include the utility functions of rational choice theory (e.g., Coleman 1990) and the system dynamics of macro-sociological and organizational models (e.g., Forrester 1968). In EBM, the model is a set of equations (typically differential or difference equations), and the execution of the simulation consists of evaluating the equations (Halpin 1999; Parunak, Savit, and Riolo 1998). Many sociologists are under the impression that EBM is the only computer simulation tool available to them; social simulation is considered to be a part of the American Sociological Association section on mathematical sociology. Recent survey articles on sociological simulation neglect MAS completely or mention them only in passing (Halpin 1999; Hanneman, Collins, and Mordt 1995; Meeker and Leik 1997).

在1990年代MAS发展之前,计算机对社会现象的模拟主要是分析或基于方程的模拟(EBM)。包括理性选择理论的效用函数(例如,Coleman 1990)以及宏观社会学和组织模型的系统动力学(例如,Forrester 1968)。在EBM中,模型是一组方程(通常是微分或差分方程),模拟过程包括评估方程(Halpin 1999;Parunak,Savit和Riolo 1998)。许多社会学家对EBM印象是唯一可用的计算机模拟工具。社会模拟被认为是“美国社会学协会”关于数学社会学的一部分。最近有关社会学模拟的调查文章完全忽略了MAS或仅顺便提及了它们(Halpin 1999; Hanneman,Collins和Mordt 1995; Meeker和Leik 1997)。

In an artificial society, the model is a multiagent system: a set of autonomous agents that operate in parallel and that communicate with each other. The earliest implementation of an artificial societywas the famous checkerboard simulation of racial segregation of Schelling (1971). Like Schelling’s early simulation, artificial societies allow researchers to run virtual experiments, setting up a series of simulations to address a specific research question. The simulation consists of activating all of the agents and observing the macro behavior that emerges as the agents interact. In the 1990s, computer modeling techniques and computational power evolved to the point where MAS became a viable simulation tool for sociologists and economists. This approach to social simulation has rapidly gathered momentum among computer scientists; several edited collections have appeared (Conte, Hegselmann, and Terna 1997; Gilbert and Conte 1995; Gilbert and Doran 1994; Moss and Davidsson 2001; Sallach and Macal 2001; Sichman, Conte, and Gilbert 1998), and a new journal has been founded, the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS/).

在人工社会中,模型则是一个多主体系统:一组并行运算且相互通信的自治主体。最早人工社会的实现是著名的棋盘格模拟,谢林(Schelling)的种族隔离(1971)。就像其早期的模拟一样,人工社会允许研究人员进行虚拟实验,建立一系列模拟以解决特定的研究问题。模拟包括激活所有主体,并观察随着主体交互而出现的“宏”行为。在1990年代,计算机建模技术和计算能力的发展使MAS成为社会学家和经济学家可使用的模拟工具。这种社会仿真方法在计算机科学家中迅速得到了发展。随机出现了一系列编辑过的作品(Conte,Hegselmann和Terna,1997;Gilbert和Conte,1995;Gilbert和Doran,1994; Moss和Davidsson,2001;Sallach和Macal,2001;Sichman,Conte和Gilbert,1998),并创建了新期刊《人工社会与社会模拟杂志》(http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS/)。

MAS are computer systems that contain more than one computational agent. The agents are autonomous: They have control over their own behavior and can act without the intervention of humans or other systems. Interest in MAS among computer scientists was first driven by the development of multiprocessor computers in the 1980s and then by the rapid expansion of the Internet in the 1990s.


See also


  • R. Keith Sawyer (2001) [1].

External links

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类别: 社会科学方法论

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