“伊利亚·普里高津 Ilya Romanovich Prigogine”的版本间的差异

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{{Infobox scientist

{{Infobox scientist


| name = Ilya Prigogine

| name = Ilya Prigogine

| name = Ilya Prigogine

| image = Ilya Prigogine 1977c.jpg

| image = Ilya Prigogine 1977c.jpg

1977 c. jpg

| image_size =

| image_size =

图片大小 =

| caption =Prigogine in 1977

| caption =Prigogine in 1977


|birth_name=Ilya Romanovich Prigogine

|birth_name=Ilya Romanovich Prigogine

出生名字 = Ilya Romanovich Prigogine

| birth_date = (1917-模板:MONTHNUMBER-25)25 1917

| birth_date =


| birth_place = Moscow, Russian Empire

| birth_place = Moscow, Russian Empire

出生地: 莫斯科,俄罗斯帝国

| death_date = 28 May 2003(2003-05-28) (aged 86)

| death_date =


| death_place = Brussels, Belgium

| death_place = Brussels, Belgium

死亡地点: 比利时布鲁塞尔

| nationality = Belgian (1949—)

| nationality = Belgian (1949—)

| 国籍: 比利时(1949ー)

| field = Chemistry

| field = Chemistry

| field = 化学物理

| workplaces = Free University of Brussels, Université libre de Bruxelles
International Solvay Institute
University of Texas, Austin

| workplaces = Free University of Brussels, Université libre de Bruxelles
International Solvay Institute
University of Texas, Austin

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | 工作场所 | 布鲁塞尔自由大学,法语布鲁塞尔自由大学

| alma_mater = Free University of Brussels

| alma_mater = Free University of Brussels


| doctoral_advisor = Théophile de Donder

| doctoral_advisor = Théophile de Donder

| doctoral_advisor = Théophile de Donder

| doctoral_students =


| influences = Ludwig Boltzmann
Alan Turing[1]
Henri Bergson[2]
Michel Serres[3]

| influences = Ludwig Boltzmann
Alan Turing
Henri Bergson
Michel Serres

[影响]艾伦 · 图灵[路德维希·玻尔兹曼]

| influenced = Yves Pomeau, Isabelle Stengers, Immanuel Wallerstein, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari

| influenced = Yves Pomeau, Isabelle Stengers, Immanuel Wallerstein, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari

| influenced = Yves Pomeau, Isabelle Stengers, Immanuel Wallerstein, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari

| known_for = Dissipative structures

| known_for = Dissipative structures


| prizes = 模板:No wrap

| prizes =
Nobel Prize in Chemistry }}

| prizes = < br/> 诺贝尔化学奖

|spouse=Hélène Jofé (m. 1945; son Yves Prigogine) Maria Prokopowicz (m. 1961; son Pascal Prigogine)

|spouse=Hélène Jofé (m. 1945; son Yves Prigogine) Maria Prokopowicz (m. 1961; son Pascal Prigogine)

|spouse=Hélène Jofé (m. 1945; son Yves Prigogine) Maria Prokopowicz (m. 1961; son Pascal Prigogine)




Viscount Ilya Romanovich Prigogine (模板:IPAc-en; 模板:Lang-ru; 模板:OldStyleDate模板:Snd28 May 2003) was a physical chemist and Nobel laureate noted for his work on dissipative structures, complex systems, and irreversibility.

Viscount Ilya Romanovich Prigogine (; ; 28 May 2003) was a physical chemist and Nobel laureate noted for his work on dissipative structures, complex systems, and irreversibility.

伊利亚 · 罗曼诺维奇 · 普里戈金子爵(2003年5月28日)是一位物理化学家和诺贝尔奖获得者,因其在耗散结构、复杂系统和不可逆性方面的研究而闻名。


Prigogine was born in Moscow a few months before the Russian Revolution of 1917, into a Jewish family.[4][5][6][7][8][9] His father, Roman (Ruvim Abramovich) Prigogine, was a chemical engineer at the Imperial Moscow Technical School; his mother, Yulia Vikhman, was a pianist. Because the family was critical of the new Soviet system, they left Russia in 1921. They first went to Germany and in 1929, to Belgium, where Prigogine received Belgian nationality in 1949. His brother Alexandre (1913–1991) became an ornithologist.[10]

Prigogine was born in Moscow a few months before the Russian Revolution of 1917, into a Jewish family. His father, Roman (Ruvim Abramovich) Prigogine, was a chemical engineer at the Imperial Moscow Technical School; his mother, Yulia Vikhman, was a pianist. Because the family was critical of the new Soviet system, they left Russia in 1921. They first went to Germany and in 1929, to Belgium, where Prigogine received Belgian nationality in 1949. His brother Alexandre (1913–1991) became an ornithologist.

1917年俄国革命前几个月,普里戈金出生在莫斯科一个犹太家庭。他的父亲罗曼(鲁维姆 · 阿布拉莫维奇饰)是莫斯科帝国技术学校的一名化学工程师,他的母亲尤利娅 · 维克曼是一名钢琴家。由于这个家族对新的苏维埃体制持批评态度,他们于1921年离开了俄罗斯。他们首先去了德国,1929年去了比利时,普里戈金在1949年获得了比利时国籍。他的兄弟亚历山大(1913-1991)成为一名鸟类学家。

Prigogine studied chemistry at the Free University of Brussels, where in 1950, he became professor. In 1959, he was appointed director of the International Solvay Institute in Brussels, Belgium. In that year, he also started teaching at the University of Texas at Austin in the United States, where he later was appointed Regental Professor and Ashbel Smith Professor of Physics and Chemical Engineering. From 1961 until 1966 he was affiliated with the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago.[11] In Austin, in 1967, he co-founded the Center for Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, now the Center for Complex Quantum Systems.[12] In that year, he also returned to Belgium, where he became director of the Center for Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics.

Prigogine studied chemistry at the Free University of Brussels, where in 1950, he became professor. In 1959, he was appointed director of the International Solvay Institute in Brussels, Belgium. In that year, he also started teaching at the University of Texas at Austin in the United States, where he later was appointed Regental Professor and Ashbel Smith Professor of Physics and Chemical Engineering. From 1961 until 1966 he was affiliated with the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago. In Austin, in 1967, he co-founded the Center for Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, now the Center for Complex Quantum Systems. In that year, he also returned to Belgium, where he became director of the Center for Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics.

普里戈金在布鲁塞尔自由大学学习化学,1950年成为该校教授。1959年,他被任命为比利时布鲁塞尔国际索尔维研究所所长。那一年,他也开始在美国的德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校教书,后来他被任命为 Regental 教授和 Ashbel Smith 教授物理和化学工程。从1961年到1966年,他一直在芝加哥大学恩里科·费米研究所研究中心工作。1967年,他在奥斯汀与人共同创立了热力学和统计力学研究中心,现在是复杂量子系统研究中心。那一年,他也回到了比利时,在那里他成为了统计力学和热力学中心的主任。

He was a member of numerous scientific organizations, and received numerous awards, prizes and 53 honorary degrees. In 1955, Ilya Prigogine was awarded the Francqui Prize for Exact Sciences. For his study in irreversible thermodynamics, he received the Rumford Medal in 1976, and in 1977, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1989, he was awarded the title of Viscount in the Belgian nobility by the King of the Belgians. Until his death, he was president of the International Academy of Science, Munich and was in 1997, one of the founders of the International Commission on Distance Education (CODE), a worldwide accreditation agency.[13][14] Prigogine received an Honorary Doctorate from Heriot-Watt University in 1985[15] and in 1998 he was awarded an honoris causa doctorate by the UNAM in Mexico City.

He was a member of numerous scientific organizations, and received numerous awards, prizes and 53 honorary degrees. In 1955, Ilya Prigogine was awarded the Francqui Prize for Exact Sciences. For his study in irreversible thermodynamics, he received the Rumford Medal in 1976, and in 1977, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1989, he was awarded the title of Viscount in the Belgian nobility by the King of the Belgians. Until his death, he was president of the International Academy of Science, Munich and was in 1997, one of the founders of the International Commission on Distance Education (CODE), a worldwide accreditation agency. Prigogine received an Honorary Doctorate from Heriot-Watt University in 1985 and in 1998 he was awarded an honoris causa doctorate by the UNAM in Mexico City.

他是众多科学组织的成员,获得无数奖项和荣誉学位53个。1955年,伊利亚 · 普里戈金被授予精密科学弗朗基奖。由于他对不可逆热力学的研究,他于1976年获得了拉姆福德奖,并于1977年获得了诺贝尔化学奖。1989年,他被比利时国王授予比利时贵族子爵称号。在他去世之前,他一直担任慕尼黑国际科学院(International Academy of Science)院长,并于1997年成为全球认证机构——国际远程教育委员会(International Commission on Distance Education,CODE)的创始人之一。1985年,普里戈金获得了荣誉博士赫瑞瓦特大学的博士学位,1998年,他被墨西哥城的墨西哥国立大学授予荣誉博士学位。

Prigogine was first married to Belgian poet Hélène Jofé (as an author also known as Hélène Prigogine) and in 1945 they had a son Yves. After their divorce, he married Polish-born chemist Maria Prokopowicz (also known as Maria Prigogine) in 1961. In 1970 they had a son Pascal.[16]

Prigogine was first married to Belgian poet Hélène Jofé (as an author also known as Hélène Prigogine) and in 1945 they had a son Yves. After their divorce, he married Polish-born chemist Maria Prokopowicz (also known as Maria Prigogine) in 1961. In 1970 they had a son Pascal.

普里戈金最初与比利时诗人埃莱娜 · 约夫(Hélène jofé)结婚,1945年他们有了一个儿子伊夫。离婚后,他于1961年与波兰出生的化学家 Maria Prokopowicz (又名 Maria Prigogine)结婚。1970年,他们有了一个儿子帕斯卡。

In 2003 he was one of 22 Nobel Laureates who signed the Humanist Manifesto.[17]

In 2003 he was one of 22 Nobel Laureates who signed the Humanist Manifesto.



Prigogine is best known for his definition of dissipative structures and their role in thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium, a discovery that won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. In summary, Ilya Prigogine discovered that importation and dissipation of energy into chemical systems could result in the emergence of new structures (hence dissipative structures) due to internal self reorganization.[18] In his 1955 text, Prigogine drew connections between dissipative structures and the Rayleigh-Bénard instability and the Turing mechanism.[19]

Prigogine is best known for his definition of dissipative structures and their role in thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium, a discovery that won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. In summary, Ilya Prigogine discovered that importation and dissipation of energy into chemical systems could result in the emergence of new structures (hence dissipative structures) due to internal self reorganization. In his 1955 text, Prigogine drew connections between dissipative structures and the Rayleigh-Bénard instability and the Turing mechanism.

普里戈金最出名的是他对耗散结构的定义及其在远离平衡的热力学系统中的作用,这一发现为他赢得了1977年的诺贝尔化学奖。总之,伊利亚 · 普里戈金发现,能量进入化学体系和耗散可能导致新结构的出现(因此耗散结构) ,由于内部自我重组。在他1955年的文章中,普里戈金提出耗散结构和瑞利-贝纳德不稳定性以及图灵机制之间的联系。

Dissipative structures theory

Dissipative structure theory led to pioneering research in self-organizing systems, as well as philosophical inquiries into the formation of complexity on biological entities and the quest for a creative and irreversible role of time in the natural sciences. See the criticism by Joel Keizer and Ronald Fox.[20]模板:Explain

Dissipative structure theory led to pioneering research in self-organizing systems, as well as philosophical inquiries into the formation of complexity on biological entities and the quest for a creative and irreversible role of time in the natural sciences. See the criticism by Joel Keizer and Ronald Fox.

耗散结构理论导致了对自组织系统的开创性研究,以及对生物实体复杂性形成的哲学探索和对时间在自然科学中的创造性和不可逆转的作用的探索。参见 Joel Keizer 和 Ronald Fox 的评论。

With professor Robert Herman, he also developed the basis of the two fluid model, a traffic model in traffic engineering for urban networks, analogous to the two fluid model in classical statistical mechanics.

With professor Robert Herman, he also developed the basis of the two fluid model, a traffic model in traffic engineering for urban networks, analogous to the two fluid model in classical statistical mechanics.

与 Robert Herman 教授一起,他还发展了双流体模型的基础,这是一个城市网络交通工程中的交通模型,类似于古典统计力学的双流体模型。

Prigogine's formal concept of self-organization was used also as a "complementary bridge" between General Systems Theory and thermodynamics, conciliating the cloudiness of some important systems theory concepts模板:Which with scientific rigour.[citation needed]

Prigogine's formal concept of self-organization was used also as a "complementary bridge" between General Systems Theory and thermodynamics, conciliating the cloudiness of some important systems theory concepts with scientific rigour.

普里戈金的正式自我组织概念也被用作一般系统理论和热力学之间的“互补桥梁” ,用科学的严谨性调和一些重要系统理论概念的模糊性。

Work on unsolved problems in physics

In his later years, his work concentrated on the fundamental role of indeterminism in nonlinear systems on both the classical and quantum level. Prigogine and coworkers proposed a Liouville space extension of quantum mechanics. A Liouville space is the vector space formed by the set of (self-adjoint) linear operators, equipped with an inner product, that act on a Hilbert space.[21] There exists a mapping of each linear operator into Liouville space, yet not every self-adjoint operator of Liouville space has a counterpart in Hilbert space, and in this sense Liouville space has a richer structure than Hilbert space.[22] The Liouville space extension proposal by Prigogine and co-workers aimed to solve the arrow of time problem of thermodynamics and the measurement problem of quantum mechanics.[23]

In his later years, his work concentrated on the fundamental role of indeterminism in nonlinear systems on both the classical and quantum level. Prigogine and coworkers proposed a Liouville space extension of quantum mechanics. A Liouville space is the vector space formed by the set of (self-adjoint) linear operators, equipped with an inner product, that act on a Hilbert space. There exists a mapping of each linear operator into Liouville space, yet not every self-adjoint operator of Liouville space has a counterpart in Hilbert space, and in this sense Liouville space has a richer structure than Hilbert space. The Liouville space extension proposal by Prigogine and co-workers aimed to solve the arrow of time problem of thermodynamics and the measurement problem of quantum mechanics.

在他晚年,他的工作集中在非线性系统的非决定论的基本作用,无论是在经典和量子水平。Prigogine 和他的同事提出了一个 Liouville 空间的扩展量子力学。Liouville 空间是由作用于 Hilbert 空间的(自伴)线性算子集合构成的向量空间,它具有一个内积。每个线性算子都有一个到 Liouville 空间的映射,但并不是 Liouville 空间的每个自共轭算符都有一个对应于希尔伯特空间的映射,在这个意义上,刘维尔空间比希尔伯特空间具有更丰富的结构。普里戈金和他的同事提出的刘维尔空间扩展方案旨在解决热力学的时间箭头问题和量子力学的测量问题。

Prigogine co-authored several books with Isabelle Stengers, including The End of Certainty and La Nouvelle Alliance (Order out of Chaos).

Prigogine co-authored several books with Isabelle Stengers, including The End of Certainty and La Nouvelle Alliance (Order out of Chaos).

普里戈金与伊莎贝尔 · 施泰因合著了几本书,包括《确定性的终结》和新浪潮联盟(从混乱中走出来)。

The End of Certainty

In his 1996 book, La Fin des certitudes, written in collaboration with Isabelle Stengers and published in English in 1997 as The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature, Prigogine contends that determinism is no longer a viable scientific belief: "The more we know about our universe, the more difficult it becomes to believe in determinism." This is a major departure from the approach of Newton, Einstein and Schrödinger, all of whom expressed their theories in terms of deterministic equations. According to Prigogine, determinism loses its explanatory power in the face of irreversibility and instability.[citation needed]

In his 1996 book, La Fin des certitudes, written in collaboration with Isabelle Stengers and published in English in 1997 as The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature, Prigogine contends that determinism is no longer a viable scientific belief: "The more we know about our universe, the more difficult it becomes to believe in determinism." This is a major departure from the approach of Newton, Einstein and Schrödinger, all of whom expressed their theories in terms of deterministic equations. According to Prigogine, determinism loses its explanatory power in the face of irreversibility and instability.

普利戈金在他1996年与伊莎贝尔 · 斯蒂恩合著的《确定性的终结: 时间、混沌和新自然法则》(The End of Certainty: Time,Chaos,and The New Laws of Nature)一书中主张,决定论不再是一种可行的科学信仰: “我们对宇宙了解得越多,就越难相信决定论。”这与牛顿、爱因斯坦和薛定谔的方法大相径庭,他们都是用确定性方程来表达他们的理论。根据普里戈金的观点,面对不可逆性和不稳定性,决定论失去了它的解释力。

Prigogine traces the dispute over determinism back to Darwin, whose attempt to explain individual variability according to evolving populations inspired Ludwig Boltzmann to explain the behavior of gases in terms of populations of particles rather than individual particles.模板:Sfnp This led to the field of statistical mechanics and the realization that gases undergo irreversible processes. In deterministic physics, all processes are time-reversible, meaning that they can proceed backward as well as forward through time. As Prigogine explains, determinism is fundamentally a denial of the arrow of time. With no arrow of time, there is no longer a privileged moment known as the "present," which follows a determined "past" and precedes an undetermined "future." All of time is simply given, with the future as determined or as undetermined as the past. With irreversibility, the arrow of time is reintroduced to physics. Prigogine notes numerous examples of irreversibility, including diffusion, radioactive decay, solar radiation, weather and the emergence and evolution of life. Like weather systems, organisms are unstable systems existing far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Instability resists standard deterministic explanation. Instead, due to sensitivity to initial conditions, unstable systems can only be explained statistically, that is, in terms of probability.

Prigogine traces the dispute over determinism back to Darwin, whose attempt to explain individual variability according to evolving populations inspired Ludwig Boltzmann to explain the behavior of gases in terms of populations of particles rather than individual particles. This led to the field of statistical mechanics and the realization that gases undergo irreversible processes. In deterministic physics, all processes are time-reversible, meaning that they can proceed backward as well as forward through time. As Prigogine explains, determinism is fundamentally a denial of the arrow of time. With no arrow of time, there is no longer a privileged moment known as the "present," which follows a determined "past" and precedes an undetermined "future." All of time is simply given, with the future as determined or as undetermined as the past. With irreversibility, the arrow of time is reintroduced to physics. Prigogine notes numerous examples of irreversibility, including diffusion, radioactive decay, solar radiation, weather and the emergence and evolution of life. Like weather systems, organisms are unstable systems existing far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Instability resists standard deterministic explanation. Instead, due to sensitivity to initial conditions, unstable systems can only be explained statistically, that is, in terms of probability.

普里戈金将关于决定论的争论追溯到达尔文,他试图根据不断变化的人口来解释个体的变化,这激发了路德维希·玻尔兹曼以粒子群而不是单个粒子来解释气体的行为。这导致了统计力学研究领域的出现,人们意识到气体会经历不可逆过程。在确定性物理学中,所有的过程都是时间可逆的,这意味着它们可以在时间中向后或向前进行。正如普里戈金所解释的,决定论从根本上是对时间之箭的否定。没有了时间之箭,就不再有一个被称为“现在”的特权时刻,这个特权时刻紧跟着一个决定性的“过去” ,预示着一个不确定的“未来”所有的时间都是被简单地给予的,未来和过去一样被决定或者未被决定。由于不可逆性,时间之箭被重新引入物理学。普里戈金注意到许多不可逆转的例子,包括扩散、放射性、太阳辐射、天气以及生命的出现和进化。像天气系统一样,有机体也是远离热力学平衡的不稳定系统。不稳定性抵制标准的确定性解释。相反,由于对初始条件的敏感性,不稳定系统只能用统计的方法来解释,即用概率来解释。

Prigogine asserts that Newtonian physics has now been "extended" three times:[citation needed] first with the introduction of spacetime in general relativity, then with the use of the wave function in quantum mechanics, and finally with the recognition of indeterminism in the study of unstable systems (chaos theory).

Prigogine asserts that Newtonian physics has now been "extended" three times: first with the introduction of spacetime in general relativity, then with the use of the wave function in quantum mechanics, and finally with the recognition of indeterminism in the study of unstable systems (chaos theory).

普里戈金断言牛顿物理学现在已经被“扩展”了3次: 第一次是在21广义相对论引入了时空,然后是在21量子力学使用了波函数,最后是在研究不稳定系统时认识到了不确定性(混沌理论)。


  • Prigogine, I.; Defay, R. (1954). Chemical Thermodynamics. London: Longmans Green and Co.. 
  • Prigogine, I. (1955). Introduction to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. 
  • Prigogine, Ilya (1957). The Molecular Theory of Solutions. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company. 
  • Defay, R. & Prigogine, I. (1966). Surface tension and adsorption. Longmans, Green & Co. LTD.
  • Glansdorff, Paul; Prigogine, I. (1971). Thermodynamics Theory of Structure, Stability and Fluctuations. London: Wiley-Interscience. 
  • Prigogine, Ilya; Herman, R. (1971). Kinetic Theory of Vehicular Traffic. New York: American Elsevier. ISBN 0-444-00082-8. 
  • Prigogine, Ilya; Nicolis, G. (1977). Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-02401-5. 
  • Prigogine, Ilya; Stengers, Isabelle (1984). Order out of Chaos: Man's new dialogue with nature. Flamingo. ISBN 0-00-654115-1. 
  • Prigogine, I. The Behavior of Matter under Nonequilibrium Conditions: Fundamental Aspects and Applications in Energy-oriented Problems, United States Department of Energy, Progress Reports:
  • Nicolis, G.; Prigogine, I. (1989). Exploring complexity: An introduction. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-1859-6. 
  • Prigogine, Ilya (1993). Chaotic Dynamics and Transport in Fluids and Plasmas: Research Trends in Physics Series. New York: American Institute of Physics. ISBN 0-88318-923-2. 
  • Kondepudi, Dilip; Prigogine, Ilya (1998). Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-97394-2.