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In the classical limit of statistical mechanics, at thermodynamic equilibrium, the internal energy of a system of  quadratic and independent degrees of freedom is:
In the classical limit of statistical mechanics, at thermodynamic equilibrium, the internal energy of a system of  quadratic and independent degrees of freedom is:
在'''<font color="#ff8000"> 统计力学Statistical mechanics</font>'''的经典极限中,在热力学平衡状态下,N个二次且独立自由度的系统内部能量为:
在'''<font color="#ff8000"> 统计力学Statistical mechanics</font>'''的经典极限中,在'''<font color="#ff8000"> 热力学平衡Thermodynamic equilibrium</font>'''状态下,N个二次且独立自由度的系统内部能量为:

2020年11月18日 (三) 17:11的版本



In physics and chemistry, a degree of freedom is an independent physical parameter in the formal description of the state of a physical system. The set of all states of a system is known as the system's phase space, and the degrees of freedom of the system are the dimensions of the phase space.

In physics and chemistry, a degree of freedom is an independent physical parameter in the formal description of the state of a physical system. The set of all states of a system is known as the system's phase space, and the degrees of freedom of the system are the dimensions of the phase space.

在物理和化学领域中, 自由度Degree of freedom是对物理系统状态形式描述中的独立物理参数。系统所有状态的集合称为系统的 相空间Phase space,系统的自由度是相空间的维数。

The location of a particle in three-dimensional space requires three position coordinates. Similarly, the direction and speed at which a particle moves can be described in terms of three velocity components, each in reference to the three dimensions of space. If the time evolution of the system is deterministic, where the state at one instant uniquely determines its past and future position and velocity as a function of time, such a system has six degrees of freedom.[citation needed] If the motion of the particle is constrained to a lower number of dimensions – for example, the particle must move along a wire or on a fixed surface – then the system has fewer than six degrees of freedom. On the other hand, a system with an extended object that can rotate or vibrate can have more than six degrees of freedom.

The location of a particle in three-dimensional space requires three position coordinates. Similarly, the direction and speed at which a particle moves can be described in terms of three velocity components, each in reference to the three dimensions of space. If the time evolution of the system is deterministic, where the state at one instant uniquely determines its past and future position and velocity as a function of time, such a system has six degrees of freedom. If the motion of the particle is constrained to a lower number of dimensions – for example, the particle must move along a wire or on a fixed surface – then the system has fewer than six degrees of freedom. On the other hand, a system with an extended object that can rotate or vibrate can have more than six degrees of freedom.


In classical mechanics, the state of a point particle at any given time is often described with position and velocity coordinates in the Lagrangian formalism, or with position and momentum coordinates in the Hamiltonian formalism.

In classical mechanics, the state of a point particle at any given time is often described with position and velocity coordinates in the Lagrangian formalism, or with position and momentum coordinates in the Hamiltonian formalism.

在经典力学中,任何给定时间下 质点Point particle的状态,不同的力学形式会有不一样的描述,在拉格朗日力学中描述为位置和速度坐标,而在哈密顿力学中则描述为位置和动量坐标。

In statistical mechanics, a degree of freedom is a single scalar number describing the microstate of a system.[1] The specification of all microstates of a system is a point in the system's phase space.

In statistical mechanics, a degree of freedom is a single scalar number describing the microstate of a system. The specification of all microstates of a system is a point in the system's phase space.


In the 3D ideal chain model in chemistry, two angles are necessary to describe the orientation of each monomer.

In the 3D ideal chain model in chemistry, two angles are necessary to describe the orientation of each monomer.

在化学的三维 理想链Ideal chain模型中,描述每个单元结构方向的必要参数是它们的两个角度。

It is often useful to specify quadratic degrees of freedom. These are degrees of freedom that contribute in a quadratic function to the energy of the system.

It is often useful to specify quadratic degrees of freedom. These are degrees of freedom that contribute in a quadratic function to the energy of the system.


Gas molecules 气体分子


In three-dimensional space, three degrees of freedom are associated with the movement of a particle. A diatomic gas molecule has 6 degrees of freedom模板:Dubious. This set may be decomposed in terms of translations, rotations, and vibrations of the molecule. The center of mass motion of the entire molecule accounts for 3 degrees of freedom. In addition, the molecule has two rotational degrees of motion and one模板:Dubious vibrational mode. The rotations occur around the two axes perpendicular to the line between the two atoms. The rotation around the atom–atom bond is not a physical rotation模板:Dubious. This yields, for a diatomic molecule, a decomposition of:

In three-dimensional space, three degrees of freedom are associated with the movement of a particle. A diatomic gas molecule has 6 degrees of freedom. This set may be decomposed in terms of translations, rotations, and vibrations of the molecule. The center of mass motion of the entire molecule accounts for 3 degrees of freedom. In addition, the molecule has two rotational degrees of motion and one vibrational mode. The rotations occur around the two axes perpendicular to the line between the two atoms. The rotation around the atom–atom bond is not a physical rotation. This yields, for a diatomic molecule, a decomposition of:


[math]\displaystyle{ N = 6 = 3 + 2 + 1. }[/math]

For a general, non-linear molecule, all 3 rotational degrees of freedom are considered, resulting in the decomposition:

For a general, non-linear molecule, all 3 rotational degrees of freedom are considered, resulting in the decomposition:


[math]\displaystyle{ 3N = 3 + 3 + (3N - 6) }[/math]

which means that an N-atom molecule has 3N − 6 vibrational degrees of freedom for N > 2. In special cases, such as adsorbed large molecules, the rotational degrees of freedom can be limited to only one.[2]

which means that an -atom molecule has vibrational degrees of freedom for . In special cases, such as adsorbed large molecules, the rotational degrees of freedom can be limited to only one.


As defined above one can also count degrees of freedom using the minimum number of coordinates required to specify a position. This is done as follows:

As defined above one can also count degrees of freedom using the minimum number of coordinates required to specify a position. This is done as follows:


  1. For a single particle we need 2 coordinates in a 2-D plane to specify its position and 3 coordinates in 3-D space. Thus its degree of freedom in a 3-D space is 3.
For a single particle we need 2 coordinates in a 2-D plane to specify its position and 3 coordinates in 3-D space. Thus its degree of freedom in a 3-D space is 3.


  1. For a body consisting of 2 particles (ex. a diatomic molecule) in a 3-D space with constant distance between them (let's say d) we can show (below) its degrees of freedom to be 5.
For a body consisting of 2 particles (ex. a diatomic molecule) in a 3-D space with constant distance between them (let's say d) we can show (below) its degrees of freedom to be 5.


Let's say one particle in this body has coordinate (x1, y1, z1) and the other has coordinate (x2, y2, z2) with z2 unknown. Application of the formula for distance between two coordinates

Let's say one particle in this body has coordinate and the other has coordinate with unknown. Application of the formula for distance between two coordinates

假设这个物体中的一个粒子的坐标为(x1, y1, z1),另一个粒子的坐标为(x2, y2, z2),其中z2未知。那么两个坐标之间距离的公式可以描述为:

[math]\displaystyle{ d=\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2+(z_2-z_1)^2} }[/math]

results in one equation with one unknown, in which we can solve for z2. One of x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, or z2 can be unknown.

results in one equation with one unknown, in which we can solve for . One of , , , , , or can be unknown.

其等式含有一个未知数z2,不过我们可以对其求解。因此实际上是允许x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, 或者 z2其中之一是未知的。

Contrary to the classical equipartition theorem, at room temperature, the vibrational motion of molecules typically makes negligible contributions to the heat capacity. This is because these degrees of freedom are frozen because the spacing between the energy eigenvalues exceeds the energy corresponding to ambient temperatures (kBT). In the following table such degrees of freedom are disregarded because of their low effect on total energy. Then only the translational and rotational degrees of freedom contribute, in equal amounts, to the heat capacity ratio. This is why γ=模板:Sfrac for monatomic gases and γ=模板:Sfrac for diatomic gases at room temperature.

Contrary to the classical equipartition theorem, at room temperature, the vibrational motion of molecules typically makes negligible contributions to the heat capacity. This is because these degrees of freedom are frozen because the spacing between the energy eigenvalues exceeds the energy corresponding to ambient temperatures (). In the following table such degrees of freedom are disregarded because of their low effect on total energy. Then only the translational and rotational degrees of freedom contribute, in equal amounts, to the heat capacity ratio. This is why =}} for monatomic gases and =}} for diatomic gases at room temperature.

与经典的 能量均分定理Equipartition theorem相反,在室温下,分子的振动对 热容量Heat capacity的贡献通常可忽略不计。这是因为这些自由度被冻结了,因为能量本征值之间的间隔超过了与环境温度(kBT)相对应的能量。在下表中,这些自由度均被忽略,因为它们对总能量的影响非常小。只有平移和旋转自由度对 热容比Heat capacity ratio有些许贡献(等量)。这就是为什么在室温下,单原子气体γ=模板:Sfrac和双原子气体γ=模板:Sfrac的原因。

However, at very high temperatures, on the order of the vibrational temperature (Θvib), vibrational motion cannot be neglected.

However, at very high temperatures, on the order of the vibrational temperature (Θvib), vibrational motion cannot be neglected.


Vibrational temperatures are between 103 K and 104 K.[1]

Vibrational temperatures are between 103 K and 104 K.

振动温度在103 K和104 K之间。

单原子 线性分子 非线性分子
平移 (x, y, and z) 3 3 3
旋转 (x, y, and z) 0 2 3
总计 (不考虑室温下的振动) 3 5 6
振动 0 3N − 5 3N − 6
总计 (包括振动) 3 3N 3N

Independent degrees of freedom 独立自由度

The set of degrees of freedom X1, ... , XN of a system is independent if the energy associated with the set can be written in the following form:

The set of degrees of freedom of a system is independent if the energy associated with the set can be written in the following form:

如果系统的自由度X1, ... , XN的集合可以用以下形式表示,则它们是独立的:

[math]\displaystyle{ E = \sum_{i=1}^N E_i(X_i), }[/math]

where Ei is a function of the sole variable Xi.

where is a function of the sole variable .


example: if X1 and X2 are two degrees of freedom, and E is the associated energy:

example: if and are two degrees of freedom, and is the associated energy:


  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are independent.
  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are independent.
  • 如果[math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_2^4 }[/math],则两个自由度是独立的。

  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_1 X_2 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are not independent. The term involving the product of X1 and X2 is a coupling term that describes an interaction between the two degrees of freedom.
  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_1 X_2 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are not independent. The term involving the product of and is a coupling term that describes an interaction between the two degrees of freedom.
  • 如果[math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_1 X_2 + X_2^4 }[/math],则两个自由度不是独立的。其中X1X2的乘积是描述两个自由度之间相互作用的耦合项。

For i from 1 to N, the value of the ith degree of freedom Xi is distributed according to the Boltzmann distribution. Its probability density function is the following:

For from 1 to , the value of the th degree of freedom is distributed according to the Boltzmann distribution. Its probability density function is the following:

这里的i值可以取1到N,第i个自由度Xi的值依据 波尔兹曼分布Boltzmann distribution 。其 概率密度函数Probability density function如下:

[math]\displaystyle{ p_i(X_i) = \frac{e^{-\frac{E_i}{k_B T}}}{\int dX_i \, e^{-\frac{E_i}{k_B T}}} }[/math],

In this section, and throughout the article the brackets [math]\displaystyle{ \langle \rangle }[/math] denote the mean of the quantity they enclose.

In this section, and throughout the article the brackets [math]\displaystyle{ \langle \rangle }[/math] denote the mean of the quantity they enclose.

在本节以及整篇文章中,方括号[math]\displaystyle{ \langle \rangle }[/math]表示其所包含数量的平均值。

The internal energy of the system is the sum of the average energies associated with each of the degrees of freedom:

The internal energy of the system is the sum of the average energies associated with each of the degrees of freedom:


[math]\displaystyle{ \langle E \rangle = \sum_{i=1}^N \langle E_i \rangle. }[/math]

Quadratic degrees of freedom 二次自由度

A degree of freedom Xi is quadratic if the energy terms associated with this degree of freedom can be written as

A degree of freedom is quadratic if the energy terms associated with this degree of freedom can be written as


[math]\displaystyle{ E = \alpha_i\,\,X_i^2 + \beta_i \,\, X_i Y }[/math],

where Y is a linear combination of other quadratic degrees of freedom.

where is a linear combination of other quadratic degrees of freedom.


example: if X1 and X2 are two degrees of freedom, and E is the associated energy:

example: if and are two degrees of freedom, and is the associated energy:


  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_1^3 X_2 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are not independent and non-quadratic.
  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_1^3 X_2 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are not independent and non-quadratic.
  • 如果[math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_1^3 X_2 + X_2^4 }[/math],则两个自由度既不是独立的也非二次的。

  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are independent and non-quadratic.
  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_2^4 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are independent and non-quadratic.
  • 如果[math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^4 + X_2^4 }[/math],则两个自由度是独立的但非二次的。

  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^2 + X_1 X_2 + 2X_2^2 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are not independent but are quadratic.
  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^2 + X_1 X_2 + 2X_2^2 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are not independent but are quadratic.
  • 如果[math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^2 + X_1 X_2 + 2X_2^2 }[/math],则两个自由度不是独立的,而是二次的。

  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^2 + 2X_2^2 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are independent and quadratic.
  • If [math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^2 + 2X_2^2 }[/math], then the two degrees of freedom are independent and quadratic.
  • 如果[math]\displaystyle{ E = X_1^2 + 2X_2^2 }[/math],则两个自由度既是独立的并且是二次的。

For example, in Newtonian mechanics, the dynamics of a system of quadratic degrees of freedom are controlled by a set of homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients.

For example, in Newtonian mechanics, the dynamics of a system of quadratic degrees of freedom are controlled by a set of homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients.


Quadratic and independent degree of freedom 二次独立的自由度

X1, ... , XN are quadratic and independent degrees of freedom if the energy associated with a microstate of the system they represent can be written as:

X1, ... , XN are quadratic and independent degrees of freedom if the energy associated with a microstate of the system they represent can be written as:

如果能量与系统的微观状态有关,则X1, ... , XN是二次独立的自由度,它们可以写成:

[math]\displaystyle{ E = \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i X_i^2 }[/math]

Equipartition theorem 能量均分定理

In the classical limit of statistical mechanics, at thermodynamic equilibrium, the internal energy of a system of N quadratic and independent degrees of freedom is:

In the classical limit of statistical mechanics, at thermodynamic equilibrium, the internal energy of a system of quadratic and independent degrees of freedom is:

统计力学Statistical mechanics的经典极限中,在 热力学平衡Thermodynamic equilibrium状态下,N个二次且独立自由度的系统内部能量为:

[math]\displaystyle{ U = \langle E \rangle = N\,\frac{k_B T}{2} }[/math]

Here, the mean energy associated with a degree of freedom is:

Here, the mean energy associated with a degree of freedom is:


[math]\displaystyle{ \langle E_i \rangle = \int dX_i\,\,\alpha_i X_i^2\,\, p_i(X_i) = \frac{\int dX_i\,\,\alpha_i X_i^2\,\, e^{-\frac{\alpha_i X_i^2}{k_B T}}}{\int dX_i\,\, e^{-\frac{\alpha_i X_i^2}{k_B T}}} }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ \langle E_i \rangle = \frac{k_B T}{2}\frac{\int dx\,\,x^2\,\, e^{-\frac{x^2}{2}}}{\int dx\,\, e^{-\frac{x^2}{2}}} = \frac{k_B T}{2} }[/math]

Since the degrees of freedom are independent, the internal energy of the system is equal to the sum of the mean energy associated with each degree of freedom, which demonstrates the result.

Since the degrees of freedom are independent, the internal energy of the system is equal to the sum of the mean energy associated with each degree of freedom, which demonstrates the result.


Generalizations 概括

The description of a system's state as a point in its phase space, although mathematically convenient, is thought to be fundamentally inaccurate. In quantum mechanics, the motion degrees of freedom are superseded with the concept of wave function, and operators which correspond to other degrees of freedom have discrete spectra. For example, intrinsic angular momentum operator (which corresponds to the rotational freedom) for an electron or photon has only two eigenvalues. This discreteness becomes apparent when action has an order of magnitude of the Planck constant, and individual degrees of freedom can be distinguished.

The description of a system's state as a point in its phase space, although mathematically convenient, is thought to be fundamentally inaccurate. In quantum mechanics, the motion degrees of freedom are superseded with the concept of wave function, and operators which correspond to other degrees of freedom have discrete spectra. For example, intrinsic angular momentum operator (which corresponds to the rotational freedom) for an electron or photon has only two eigenvalues. This discreteness becomes apparent when action has an order of magnitude of the Planck constant, and individual degrees of freedom can be distinguished.

尽管在数学上很方便,但将系统状态描述为相空间中的一个点,从根本上讲是不准确的。在 量子力学Quantum mechanics中,体系运动状态的自由度被波函数的概念所取代,并且对应于其他自由度的 算子Operator具有离散的光谱。例如,电子或光子的本征 角动量算符Angular momentum operator (对应于旋转自由度)只有两个特征值。当运动具有 普朗克常数Planck constant的量级时,这种离散变得非常明显,并且可以区分出各个自由度。


  1. 1.0 1.1 Reif, F. (2009). Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.. p. 51. ISBN 1-57766-612-7. 
  2. Waldmann, Thomas; Klein, Jens; Hoster, Harry E.; Behm, R. Jürgen (2013). "Stabilization of Large Adsorbates by Rotational Entropy: A Time-Resolved Variable-Temperature STM Study". ChemPhysChem. 14 (1): 162–9. doi:10.1002/cphc.201200531. PMID 23047526.

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