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Artificial life (often abbreviated ALife or A-Life) is a field of study wherein researchers examine systems related to natural life, its processes, and its evolution, through the use of simulations with computer models, robotics, and biochemistry.[1] The discipline was named by Christopher Langton, an American theoretical biologist, in 1986.[2] In 1987 Langton organized the first conference on the field, in Los Alamos, New Mexico.[3] There are three main kinds of alife,[4] named for their approaches: soft,[5] from software; hard,[6] from hardware; and wet, from biochemistry. Artificial life researchers study traditional biology by trying to recreate aspects of biological phenomena.[7][8]

Artificial life (often abbreviated ALife or A-Life) is a field of study wherein researchers examine systems related to natural life, its processes, and its evolution, through the use of simulations with computer models, robotics, and biochemistry. The discipline was named by Christopher Langton, an American theoretical biologist, in 1986. In 1987 Langton organized the first conference on the field, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. There are three main kinds of alife, named for their approaches: soft, from software; hard, from hardware; and wet, from biochemistry. Artificial life researchers study traditional biology by trying to recreate aspects of biological phenomena.

人工生命(通常缩写为 ALife 或 A-Life)是一个研究领域,研究人员通过使用计算机模型、机器人和生物化学模拟来研究与自然生命、其过程和进化相关的系统。这个学科在1986年由美国理论生物学家克里斯托弗·兰顿命名。1987年,朗顿在洛斯阿拉莫斯组织了第一次这方面的会议。生命有三种主要的方式,因其方式而得名: 软源于软件; 硬源于硬件; 湿源于生物化学。人工生命研究者通过试图再现生物现象的某些方面来研究传统生物学。

A Braitenberg vehicle simulation, programmed in breve, an artificial life simulator

A Braitenberg vehicle simulation, programmed in breve, an artificial life simulator





Artificial life studies the fundamental processes of living systems in artificial environments in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complex information processing that define such systems. These topics are broad, but often include evolutionary dynamics, emergent properties of collective systems, biomimicry, as well as related issues about the philosophy of the nature of life and the use of lifelike properties in artistic works.

Artificial life studies the fundamental processes of living systems in artificial environments in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complex information processing that define such systems. These topics are broad, but often include evolutionary dynamics, emergent properties of collective systems, biomimicry, as well as related issues about the philosophy of the nature of life and the use of lifelike properties in artistic works.





The modeling philosophy of artificial life strongly differs from traditional modeling by studying not only "life-as-we-know-it" but also "life-as-it-might-be".[9]

The modeling philosophy of artificial life strongly differs from traditional modeling by studying not only "life-as-we-know-it" but also "life-as-it-might-be".

人工生命的建模哲学不仅研究“我们所知的生命” ,而且研究“可能的生命” ,这与传统的建模哲学有着很大的不同。

A traditional model of a biological system will focus on capturing its most important parameters. In contrast, an alife modeling approach will generally seek to decipher the most simple and general principles underlying life and implement them in a simulation. The simulation then offers the possibility to analyse new and different lifelike systems.

A traditional model of a biological system will focus on capturing its most important parameters. In contrast, an alife modeling approach will generally seek to decipher the most simple and general principles underlying life and implement them in a simulation. The simulation then offers the possibility to analyse new and different lifelike systems.


Vladimir Georgievich Red'ko proposed to generalize this distinction to the modeling of any process, leading to the more general distinction of "processes-as-we-know-them" and "processes-as-they-could-be".[10]

Vladimir Georgievich Red'ko proposed to generalize this distinction to the modeling of any process, leading to the more general distinction of "processes-as-we-know-them" and "processes-as-they-could-be".

Vladimir Georgievich Red‘ ko 建议将这种区分概括为对任何过程的建模,从而导致对”我们所知道的过程”和”过程可能是的过程”的更一般性区分。

At present, the commonly accepted definition of life does not consider any current alife simulations or software to be alive, and they do not constitute part of the evolutionary process of any ecosystem. However, different opinions about artificial life's potential have arisen:

At present, the commonly accepted definition of life does not consider any current alife simulations or software to be alive, and they do not constitute part of the evolutionary process of any ecosystem. However, different opinions about artificial life's potential have arisen:


  • The weak alife position denies the possibility of generating a "living process" outside of a chemical solution. Its researchers try instead to simulate life processes to understand the underlying mechanics of biological phenomena.

Software-based ("soft")

Software-based ("soft")





  • Artificial neural networks are sometimes used to model the brain of an agent. Although traditionally more of an artificial intelligence technique, neural nets can be important for simulating population dynamics of organisms that can learn. The symbiosis between learning and evolution is central to theories about the development of instincts in organisms with higher neurological complexity, as in, for instance, the Baldwin effect.

Notable simulators

Notable simulators


This is a list of artificial life/digital organism simulators, organized by the method of creature definition.

This is a list of artificial life/digital organism simulators, organized by the method of creature definition.

这是一个人工生命 / 数字有机体模拟器的列表,按照生物定义的方法组织。

{ | class“ wikitable sortable”
Name Driven By Started Ended Name Driven By Started Ended 姓名! !驱动器!开始! !结束
ApeSDK (formerly Noble Ape) language/social simulation 1996 ongoing ApeSDK (formerly Noble Ape) language/social simulation 1996 ongoing

语言 / 社会模拟 | 1996 | 进行中

Avida executable DNA 1993 ongoing Avida executable DNA 1993 ongoing

可执行 DNA 1993年正在进行中

Biogenesis executable DNA 2006 ongoing Biogenesis executable DNA 2006 ongoing

生物起源 | 可执行 DNA | 2006 | | 正在进行

Neurokernel Neurokernel Neurokernel Geppetto Geppetto 格培多 2014 2014 2014 ongoing ongoing


Creatures neural net/simulated biochemistry 1996-2001 Fandom still active to this day, some abortive attempts at new products Creatures neural net/simulated biochemistry 1996-2001 Fandom still active to this day, some abortive attempts at new products

生物 | 神经网络 / 模拟生物化学 | 1996-2001 | 狂热者至今仍然活跃,一些新产品的失败尝试

Critterding neural net 2005 ongoing Critterding neural net 2005 ongoing


Darwinbots executable DNA 2003 ongoing Darwinbots executable DNA 2003 ongoing

达尔文机器人可执行的 DNA 正在进行中

DigiHive executable DNA 2006 ongoing DigiHive executable DNA 2006 ongoing

可执行 DNA 2006年正在进行

DOSE executable DNA 2012 ongoing DOSE executable DNA 2012 ongoing

可执行 DNA | 2012 | | 正在进行

EcoSim Fuzzy Cognitive Map 2009 ongoing EcoSim Fuzzy Cognitive Map 2009 ongoing | 模糊认知地图 | | 2009 | | 正在进行中
Framsticks executable DNA 1996 ongoing Framsticks executable DNA 1996 ongoing

可执行 DNA | 1996 | 正在进行

Geb neural net 1997 ongoing Geb neural net 1997 ongoing


OpenWorm Geppetto 2011 ongoing OpenWorm Geppetto 2011 ongoing


Polyworld neural net 1990 ongoing Polyworld neural net 1990 ongoing

多元世界 | 神经网 | 1990 | | 正在进行

Primordial Life executable DNA 1994 2003 Primordial Life executable DNA 1994 2003

原始生命 | 可执行 DNA | 1994 | 2003

ScriptBots executable DNA 2010 ongoing ScriptBots executable DNA 2010 ongoing | 可执行 DNA | | 2010 | | | 持续
TechnoSphere modules 1995 TechnoSphere modules 1995


Tierra executable DNA 1991 2004 Tierra executable DNA 1991 2004

可执行 DNA | 1991 | 2004

3D Virtual Creature Evolution neural net 2008 NA 3D Virtual Creature Evolution neural net 2008 NA

3 d 虚拟生物进化神经网络






Program-based simulations contain organisms with a complex DNA language, usually Turing complete. This language is more often in the form of a computer program than actual biological DNA. Assembly derivatives are the most common languages used. An organism "lives" when its code is executed, and there are usually various methods allowing self-replication. Mutations are generally implemented as random changes to the code. Use of cellular automata is common but not required. Another example could be an artificial intelligence and multi-agent system/program.

Program-based simulations contain organisms with a complex DNA language, usually Turing complete. This language is more often in the form of a computer program than actual biological DNA. Assembly derivatives are the most common languages used. An organism "lives" when its code is executed, and there are usually various methods allowing self-replication. Mutations are generally implemented as random changes to the code. Use of cellular automata is common but not required. Another example could be an artificial intelligence and multi-agent system/program.

基于程序的模拟包含具有复杂 DNA 语言的生物体,通常是图灵完成。这种语言通常以计算机程序的形式出现,而不是真正的生物 DNA。汇编导数是最常用的语言。一个有机体在代码执行的时候是“活着”的,通常有各种各样的方法允许自我复制。变异通常是作为代码的随机变更来实现的。使用细胞自动机是常见的,但不是必需的。另一个例子可能是人工智能和多 agent 系统 / 程序。




Individual modules are added to a creature. These modules modify the creature's behaviors and characteristics either directly, by hard coding into the simulation (leg type A increases speed and metabolism), or indirectly, through the emergent interactions between a creature's modules (leg type A moves up and down with a frequency of X, which interacts with other legs to create motion). Generally these are simulators which emphasize user creation and accessibility over mutation and evolution.

Individual modules are added to a creature. These modules modify the creature's behaviors and characteristics either directly, by hard coding into the simulation (leg type A increases speed and metabolism), or indirectly, through the emergent interactions between a creature's modules (leg type A moves up and down with a frequency of X, which interacts with other legs to create motion). Generally these are simulators which emphasize user creation and accessibility over mutation and evolution.

单个模块被添加到一个生物上。这些模块直接通过硬编码进入模拟(腿 a 型增加速度和新陈代谢) ,或者间接通过生物模块之间的紧急互动(腿 a 型上下移动频率为 x,与其他腿交互创造运动)来修改生物的行为和特征。一般来说,这些模拟器强调的是用户创造和可访问性,而不是突变和进化。




Organisms are generally constructed with pre-defined and fixed behaviors that are controlled by various parameters that mutate. That is, each organism contains a collection of numbers or other finite parameters. Each parameter controls one or several aspects of an organism in a well-defined way.

Organisms are generally constructed with pre-defined and fixed behaviors that are controlled by various parameters that mutate. That is, each organism contains a collection of numbers or other finite parameters. Each parameter controls one or several aspects of an organism in a well-defined way.


Neural net–based

Neural net–based


These simulations have creatures that learn and grow using neural nets or a close derivative. Emphasis is often, although not always, more on learning than on natural selection.

These simulations have creatures that learn and grow using neural nets or a close derivative. Emphasis is often, although not always, more on learning than on natural selection.


Complex systems modeling

Complex systems modeling


Mathematical models of complex systems are of three types: black-box (phenomenological), white-box (mechanistic, based on the first principles) and grey-box (mixtures of phenomenological and mechanistic models).引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签[12][12] In black-box models, the individual-based (mechanistic) mechanisms of a complex dynamic system remain hidden.

Mathematical models for complex systems

Black-box models are completely nonmechanistic. They are phenomenological and ignore a composition and internal structure of a complex system. We cannot investigate interactions of subsystems of such a non-transparent model. A white-box model of complex dynamic system has ‘transparent walls’ and directly shows underlying mechanisms. All events at micro-, meso- and macro-levels of a dynamic system are directly visible at all stages of its white-box model evolution. In most cases mathematical modelers use the heavy black-box mathematical methods, which cannot produce mechanistic models of complex dynamic systems. Grey-box models are intermediate and combine black-box and white-box approaches.

Logical deterministic individual-based cellular automata model of single species population growth

Creation of a white-box model of complex system is associated with the problem of the necessity of an a priori basic knowledge of the modeling subject. The deterministic logical cellular automata are necessary but not sufficient condition of a white-box model. The second necessary prerequisite of a white-box model is the presence of the physical ontology of the object under study. The white-box modeling represents an automatic hyper-logical inference from the first principles because it is completely based on the deterministic logic and axiomatic theory of the subject. The purpose of the white-box modeling is to derive from the basic axioms a more detailed, more concrete mechanistic knowledge about the dynamics of the object under study. The necessity to formulate an intrinsic axiomatic system of the subject before creating its white-box model distinguishes the cellular automata models of white-box type from cellular automata models based on arbitrary logical rules. If cellular automata rules have not been formulated from the first principles of the subject, then such a model may have a weak relevance to the real problem.[12]

}}</ref> In black-box models, the individual-based (mechanistic) mechanisms of a complex dynamic system remain hidden. Mathematical models for complex systems Black-box models are completely nonmechanistic. They are phenomenological and ignore a composition and internal structure of a complex system. We cannot investigate interactions of subsystems of such a non-transparent model. A white-box model of complex dynamic system has ‘transparent walls’ and directly shows underlying mechanisms. All events at micro-, meso- and macro-levels of a dynamic system are directly visible at all stages of its white-box model evolution. In most cases mathematical modelers  use the heavy black-box mathematical methods, which cannot produce mechanistic models of complex dynamic systems. Grey-box models are intermediate and combine black-box and white-box approaches. Logical deterministic individual-based cellular automata model of single species population growth Creation of a white-box model of complex system is associated with the problem of the necessity of an a priori basic knowledge of the modeling subject. The deterministic logical cellular automata are necessary but not sufficient condition of a white-box model. The second necessary prerequisite of a white-box model is the presence of the physical ontology of the object under study. The white-box modeling represents an automatic hyper-logical inference from the first principles because it is completely based on the deterministic logic and axiomatic theory of the subject. The purpose of the white-box modeling is to derive from the basic axioms a more detailed, more concrete mechanistic knowledge about the dynamics of the object under study. The necessity to formulate an intrinsic axiomatic system of the subject before creating its white-box model distinguishes the cellular automata models of white-box type from cellular automata models based on arbitrary logical rules. If cellular automata rules have not been formulated from the first principles of the subject, then such a model may have a weak relevance to the real problem.

} / ref 在黑盒模型中,复杂动态系统中基于个体的(机制)机制仍然是隐藏的。复杂系统的数学模型黑箱模型是完全非机械的。它们是现象学的,忽略了复杂系统的组成和内部结构。我们不能研究这样一个非透明模型的子系统之间的相互作用。复杂动态系统的白盒子模型具有“透明墙” ,直接揭示了内在机制。一个动态系统的微观、中观和宏观层面的所有事件在其白盒模型演化的所有阶段都是直接可见的。在大多数情况下,数学模型使用沉重的黑箱数学方法,不能产生复杂动态系统的机械模型。灰盒模型是中间的,结合了黑盒和白盒方法。单种群增长的逻辑确定性个体元胞自动机模型复杂系统的白盒模型的产生与建模主体先验基础知识的必要性问题有关。确定性逻辑元胞自动机是白盒模型存在的必要条件,但不是充分条件。白盒模型的第二个必要前提是被研究对象的物理本体的存在。白盒建模代表了基于第一原则的自动超逻辑推理,因为它完全基于主体的确定性逻辑和公理系统。白盒建模的目的是从基本公理推导出关于被研究对象的动力学的更详细、更具体的机械知识。在创建其白盒模型之前,必须确定主体的内在公理系统,这使得白盒模型区别于基于任意逻辑规则的细胞自动机模型。如果细胞自动机规则没有从主题的第一原则制定,那么这样的模型可能有一个弱相关性的实际问题。

Logical deterministic individual-based cellular automata model of interspecific competition for a single limited resource

Logical deterministic individual-based cellular automata model of interspecific competition for a single limited resource


Hardware-based ("hard")

Hardware-based ("hard")



Hardware-based artificial life mainly consist of robots, that is, automatically guided machines able to do tasks on their own.

Hardware-based artificial life mainly consist of robots, that is, automatically guided machines able to do tasks on their own.


Biochemical-based ("wet")

Biochemical-based ("wet")



Biochemical-based life is studied in the field of synthetic biology. It involves e.g. the creation of synthetic DNA. The term "wet" is an extension of the term "wetware".

Biochemical-based life is studied in the field of synthetic biology. It involves e.g. the creation of synthetic DNA. The term "wet" is an extension of the term "wetware".

生物化学为基础的生命是在合成生物学领域研究。它涉及到。合成 DNA 的创造。“湿”一词是“湿件”一词的延伸。

In May 2019, researchers, in a milestone effort, reported the creation of a new synthetic (possibly artificial) form of viable life, a variant of the bacteria Escherichia coli, by reducing the natural number of 64 codons in the bacterial genome to 59 codons instead, in order to encode 20 amino acids.[13][14]

In May 2019, researchers, in a milestone effort, reported the creation of a new synthetic (possibly artificial) form of viable life, a variant of the bacteria Escherichia coli, by reducing the natural number of 64 codons in the bacterial genome to 59 codons instead, in order to encode 20 amino acids.


Open problems

Open problems


How does life arise from the nonliving?[15][16]

How does life arise from the nonliving?


  • Generate a molecular proto-organism in vitro.

  • Determine whether fundamentally novel living organizations can exist.

  • Explain how rules and symbols are generated from physical dynamics in living systems.

What are the potentials and limits of living systems?

What are the potentials and limits of living systems?


  • Determine minimal conditions for evolutionary transitions from specific to generic response systems.

  • Create a formal framework for synthesizing dynamical hierarchies at all scales.

  • Determine the predictability of evolutionary consequences of manipulating organisms and ecosystems.

How is life related to mind, machines, and culture?

How is life related to mind, machines, and culture?


  • Demonstrate the emergence of intelligence and mind in an artificial living system.

  • Evaluate the influence of machines on the next major evolutionary transition of life.

  • Provide a quantitative model of the interplay between cultural and biological evolution.

  • Establish ethical principles for artificial life.

Related subjects

Related subjects


  1. Artificial intelligence has traditionally used a top down approach, while alife generally works from the bottom up.[17]

Artificial intelligence has traditionally used a top down approach, while alife generally works from the bottom up.


  1. Artificial chemistry started as a method within the alife community to abstract the processes of chemical reactions.

Artificial chemistry started as a method within the alife community to abstract the processes of chemical reactions.


  1. Evolutionary algorithms are a practical application of the weak alife principle applied to optimization problems. Many optimization algorithms have been crafted which borrow from or closely mirror alife techniques. The primary difference lies in explicitly defining the fitness of an agent by its ability to solve a problem, instead of its ability to find food, reproduce, or avoid death.[citation needed] The following is a list of evolutionary algorithms closely related to and used in alife:

Evolutionary algorithms are a practical application of the weak alife principle applied to optimization problems. Many optimization algorithms have been crafted which borrow from or closely mirror alife techniques. The primary difference lies in explicitly defining the fitness of an agent by its ability to solve a problem, instead of its ability to find food, reproduce, or avoid death. The following is a list of evolutionary algorithms closely related to and used in alife:


  • Ant colony optimization
  • 蚁群优化
  • Bacterial colony optimization
  • 细菌菌落优化
  • Genetic algorithm
  • 遗传算法
  • Genetic programming
  • 遗传程式设计
  • Swarm intelligence
  • 群体智能
  1. Multi-agent system – A multi-agent system is a computerized system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents within an environment.

Multi-agent system – A multi-agent system is a computerized system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents within an environment.


  1. Evolutionary art uses techniques and methods from artificial life to create new forms of art.

Evolutionary art uses techniques and methods from artificial life to create new forms of art.


  1. Evolutionary music uses similar techniques, but applied to music instead of visual art.

Evolutionary music uses similar techniques, but applied to music instead of visual art.


  1. Abiogenesis and the origin of life sometimes employ alife methodologies as well.

Abiogenesis and the origin of life sometimes employ alife methodologies as well.








Alife has had a controversial history. John Maynard Smith criticized certain artificial life work in 1994 as "fact-free science".[18]

Alife has had a controversial history. John Maynard Smith criticized certain artificial life work in 1994 as "fact-free science".


See also

See also










  1. "Dictionary.com definition". Retrieved 2007-01-19.
  2. The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, The MIT Press, p.37.
  3. "The Game Industry's Dr. Frankenstein". Next Generation. No. 35. Imagine Media. November 1997. p. 10.
  4. Mark A. Bedau (November 2003). "Artificial life: organization, adaptation and complexity from the bottom up" (PDF). Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-12-02. Retrieved 2007-01-19.
  5. Maciej Komosinski and Andrew Adamatzky (2009). Artificial Life Models in Software. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-1-84882-284-9. https://www.springer.com/computer/mathematics/book/978-1-84882-284-9. 
  6. Andrew Adamatzky and Maciej Komosinski (2009). Artificial Life Models in Hardware. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-1-84882-529-1. https://www.springer.com/computer/hardware/book/978-1-84882-529-1. 
  7. Langton, Christopher. "What is Artificial Life?". Archived from the original on 2007-01-17. Retrieved 2007-01-19.
  8. Aguilar, W., Santamaría-Bonfil, G., Froese, T., and Gershenson, C. (2014). The past, present, and future of artificial life. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 1(8). https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2014.00008
  9. See Langton, C. G. 1992. Artificial Life -{zh-cn:互联网档案馆; zh-tw:網際網路檔案館; zh-hk:互聯網檔案館;}-存檔,存档日期March 11, 2007,.. Addison-Wesley. ., section 1
  10. See Red'ko, V. G. 1999. Mathematical Modeling of Evolution. in: F. Heylighen, C. Joslyn and V. Turchin (editors): Principia Cybernetica Web (Principia Cybernetica, Brussels). For the importance of ALife modeling from a cosmic perspective, see also Vidal, C. 2008.The Future of Scientific Simulations: from Artificial Life to Artificial Cosmogenesis. In Death And Anti-Death, ed. Charles Tandy, 6: Thirty Years After Kurt Gödel (1906-1978) p. 285-318. Ria University Press.)
  11. Ray, Thomas (1991). Taylor, C. C.; Farmer, J. D.; Rasmussen, S (eds.). "An approach to the synthesis of life". Artificial Life II, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity (in English). XI: 371–408. Archived from the original on 2015-07-11. Retrieved 24 January 2016. The intent of this work is to synthesize rather than simulate life.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 {{citation}}: Empty citation (help) 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Kalmykov Lev V., Kalmykov Vyacheslav L. White-box model”使用不同内容定义了多次
  13. Zimmer, Carl (15 May 2019). "Scientists Created Bacteria With a Synthetic Genome. Is This Artificial Life? - In a milestone for synthetic biology, colonies of E. coli thrive with DNA constructed from scratch by humans, not nature". The New York Times. Retrieved 16 May 2019.
  14. Fredens, Julius; et al. (15 May 2019). "Total synthesis of Escherichia coli with a recoded genome". Nature. 569 (7757): 514–518. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1192-5. PMC 7039709. PMID 31092918.
  15. "Libarynth". Retrieved 2015-05-11.
  16. "Caltech" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-05-11.
  17. "AI Beyond Computer Games". Archived from the original on 2008-07-01. Retrieved 2008-07-04.
  18. Horgan, J. 1995. From Complexity to Perplexity. Scientific American. p107

External links

External links


模板:Computer science

Category:Scientific modeling

类别: 科学建模

This page was moved from wikipedia:en:Artificial life. Its edit history can be viewed at 人工生命/edithistory