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2020年5月7日 (四) 17:42的版本

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[图片: 临界点测量乙烷 jpg | thumb | right | upright 1.5 |

1. Subcritical ethane, liquid and gas phase coexist

1. Subcritical ethane, liquid and gas phase coexist


2. Critical point (32.17 °C, 48.72 bar), opalescence

2. Critical point (32.17 °C, 48.72 bar), opalescence

2.临界点(32.17 c,48.72 bar) ,乳白比 /

3. Supercritical ethane, fluid[1]]]

3. Supercritical ethane, fluid]]


In thermodynamics, a critical point (or critical state) is the end point of a phase equilibrium curve. The most prominent example is the liquid-vapor critical point, the end point of the pressure-temperature curve that designates conditions under which a liquid and its vapor can coexist. At higher temperatures, the gas cannot be liquefied by pressure alone. At the critical point, defined by a critical temperature Tc and a critical pressure pc, phase boundaries vanish. Other examples include the liquid–liquid critical points in mixtures.

In thermodynamics, a critical point (or critical state) is the end point of a phase equilibrium curve. The most prominent example is the liquid-vapor critical point, the end point of the pressure-temperature curve that designates conditions under which a liquid and its vapor can coexist. At higher temperatures, the gas cannot be liquefied by pressure alone. At the critical point, defined by a critical temperature Tc and a critical pressure pc, phase boundaries vanish. Other examples include the liquid–liquid critical points in mixtures.

在热力学中,临界点(或临界状态)是相平衡曲线的终点。最突出的例子是液体-蒸汽临界点,即指定液体和蒸汽共存条件的压力-温度曲线的终点。在较高的温度下,气体不能单靠压力液化。在临界点,由临界温度 t 子 c / sub 和临界压力 p 子 c / sub 定义,相界消失。其他例子包括混合物中的液-液临界点。

Liquid-vapor critical point

Liquid-vapor critical point





The liquid-vapor critical point in a pressure–temperature phase diagram is at the high-temperature extreme of the liquid–gas phase boundary. The dotted green line shows the anomalous behavior of water.

The liquid-vapor critical point in a pressure–temperature phase diagram is at the high-temperature extreme of the liquid–gas phase boundary. The dotted green line shows the anomalous behavior of water.


For simplicity and clarity, the generic notion of critical point is best introduced by discussing a specific example, the liquid-vapor critical point. This was the first critical point to be discovered, and it is still the best known and most studied one.

For simplicity and clarity, the generic notion of critical point is best introduced by discussing a specific example, the liquid-vapor critical point. This was the first critical point to be discovered, and it is still the best known and most studied one.


The figure to the right shows the schematic PT diagram of a pure substance (as opposed to mixtures, which have additional state variables and richer phase diagrams, discussed below). The commonly known phases solid, liquid and vapor are separated by phase boundaries, i.e. pressure-temperature combinations where two phases can coexist. At the triple point, all three phases can coexist. However, the liquid-vapor boundary terminates in an endpoint at some critical temperature Tc and critical pressure pc. This is the critical point.

The figure to the right shows the schematic PT diagram of a pure substance (as opposed to mixtures, which have additional state variables and richer phase diagrams, discussed below). The commonly known phases solid, liquid and vapor are separated by phase boundaries, i.e. pressure-temperature combinations where two phases can coexist. At the triple point, all three phases can coexist. However, the liquid-vapor boundary terminates in an endpoint at some critical temperature Tc and critical pressure pc. This is the critical point.

右边的图显示了纯物质的 PT 示意图(相对于混合物,混合物有额外的状态变量和更丰富的相图,下面将讨论)。通常所知的固相、液相和蒸汽由相界分开,即:。两个阶段可以共存的压力-温度组合。在三相点上,所有三个阶段都可以共存。然而,液-汽边界终止于某一临界温度 t 低于 c / 亚临界压力 p 低于 c / 亚临界压力的终点。这是临界点。

In water, the critical point occurs at 模板:Convert and 模板:Convert.[2]

In water, the critical point occurs at and .


In the vicinity of the critical point, the physical properties of the liquid and the vapor change dramatically, with both phases becoming ever more similar. For instance, liquid water under normal conditions is nearly incompressible, has a low thermal expansion coefficient, has a high dielectric constant, and is an excellent solvent for electrolytes. Near the critical point, all these properties change into the exact opposite: water becomes compressible, expandable, a poor dielectric, a bad solvent for electrolytes, and prefers to mix with nonpolar gases and organic molecules.引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签


爱思唯尔 / 裁判

At the critical point, only one phase exists. The heat of vaporization is zero. There is a stationary inflection point in the constant-temperature line (critical isotherm) on a PV diagram. This means that at the critical point:[3][4][5]

At the critical point, only one phase exists. The heat of vaporization is zero. There is a stationary inflection point in the constant-temperature line (critical isotherm) on a PV diagram. This means that at the critical point:

在临界点,只有一个阶段存在。汽化热为零。在 PV 图的恒温线(临界等温线)上有一个稳定的拐点。这意味着在关键时刻:

[math]\displaystyle{ \left(\frac{\partial p}{\partial V}\right)_T = 0 }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \left(\frac{\partial p}{\partial V}\right)_T = 0 }[/math]

左(部分 p)右) t 0 / math

[math]\displaystyle{ \left(\frac{\partial^2p}{\partial V^2}\right)_T=0 }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \left(\frac{\partial^2p}{\partial V^2}\right)_T=0 }[/math]

左(部分 v ^ 2)右) t 0 / math

The critical isotherm with the critical point K

The critical isotherm with the critical point K

临界点 k 的临界等温线

Above the critical point there exists a state of matter that is continuously connected with (can be transformed without phase transition into) both the liquid and the gaseous state. It is called supercritical fluid. The common textbook knowledge that all distinction between liquid and vapor disappears beyond the critical point has been challenged by Fisher and Widom[6] who identified a p,T-line that separates states with different asymptotic statistical properties (Fisher-Widom line).

Above the critical point there exists a state of matter that is continuously connected with (can be transformed without phase transition into) both the liquid and the gaseous state. It is called supercritical fluid. The common textbook knowledge that all distinction between liquid and vapor disappears beyond the critical point has been challenged by Fisher and Widom who identified a p,T-line that separates states with different asymptotic statistical properties (Fisher-Widom line).

在临界点以上存在一种物质状态,这种状态连续地连接着液态和气态(可以不经过相变而转化为液态和气态)。它被称为超临界流体。一般教科书认为,在临界点以外,液体和蒸汽之间的所有区别都会消失,这一认识受到了 Fisher 和 Widom 的挑战,他们确定了一个 p,t 线,它可以分离具有不同渐近统计性质的状态(Fisher-Widom 线)。




Carbon dioxide exuding fog while cooling from supercritical to critical temperature

Carbon dioxide exuding fog while cooling from supercritical to critical temperature


The existence of a critical point was first discovered by Charles Cagniard de la Tour in 1822[7][8] and named by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1860引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签[9] and Thomas Andrews in 1869.[10] Cagniard showed that CO2 could be liquefied at 31 °C at a pressure of 73 atm, but not at a slightly higher temperature, even under pressures as high as 3,000 atm.




Solving the above condition [math]\displaystyle{ (\partial p / \partial V)_T=0 }[/math] for the van der Waals equation, one can compute the critical point as

Solving the above condition [math]\displaystyle{ (\partial p / \partial V)_T=0 }[/math] for the van der Waals equation, one can compute the critical point as

解决上述条件数学(部分 p / 部分 v) t 0 / 数学的范德华方程,可以计算临界点为

[math]\displaystyle{ T_c = \frac{8a}{27Rb},\ V_c = 3nb,\ p_c = \frac a {27b^2} }[/math].

[math]\displaystyle{ T_c = \frac{8a}{27Rb},\ V_c = 3nb,\ p_c = \frac a {27b^2} }[/math].

27Rb, v c 3nb, p c frac a {27b ^ 2} / math.

However, the van der Waals equation, based on a mean field theory, does not hold near the critical point. In particular, it predicts wrong scaling laws.

However, the van der Waals equation, based on a mean field theory, does not hold near the critical point. In particular, it predicts wrong scaling laws.


To analyse properties of fluids near the critical point, reduced state variables are sometimes defined relative to the critical properties[11]

To analyse properties of fluids near the critical point, reduced state variables are sometimes defined relative to the critical properties


[math]\displaystyle{ T_r = \frac T {T_c},\ p_r = \frac p {p_c},\ V_r = \frac{V}{RT_c/p_c} }[/math].

[math]\displaystyle{ T_r = \frac T {T_c},\ p_r = \frac p {p_c},\ V_r = \frac{V}{RT_c/p_c} }[/math].

数学 t r frac { tc } , p r frac { p c } , v r frac { v }{ RT c / p c } / math。

The principle of corresponding states indicates that substances at equal reduced pressures and temperatures have equal reduced volumes. This relationship is approximately true for many substances, but becomes increasingly inaccurate for large values of pr.

The principle of corresponding states indicates that substances at equal reduced pressures and temperatures have equal reduced volumes. This relationship is approximately true for many substances, but becomes increasingly inaccurate for large values of pr.

相应状态原理表明,物质在相同减少的压力和温度下有相同减少的体积。对于许多物质来说,这种关系近似正确,但对于 p sub r / sub 的大值,这种关系变得越来越不准确。

For some gases, there is an additional correction factor, called Newton's correction, added to the critical temperature and critical pressure calculated in this manner. These are empirically derived values and vary with the pressure range of interest.[12]

For some gases, there is an additional correction factor, called Newton's correction, added to the critical temperature and critical pressure calculated in this manner. These are empirically derived values and vary with the pressure range of interest.


Table of liquid–vapor critical temperature and pressure for selected substances

Table of liquid–vapor critical temperature and pressure for selected substances



{ | 类“ wikitable sortable”样式“ text-align: center; ”
Substance[13][14] Substance 物质 Critical temperature Critical temperature 临界温度 Critical pressure (absolute) Critical pressure (absolute) 临界压力(绝对值)
Argon Argon 氩气 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Ammonia (NH3)[15] Ammonia (NH3) 氨(NH 分3 / sub) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
R-134a R-134a R-134a 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
R-410A R-410A R-410A 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Bromine Bromine 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Caesium Caesium

模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Chlorine Chlorine 氯气 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Ethanol (C2H5OH) Ethanol (C2H5OH)

乙醇(c sub 2 / sub h sub 5 / sub OH)

模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Fluorine Fluorine 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Helium Helium 氦气 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Hydrogen Hydrogen 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Krypton Krypton


模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Methane (CH4) Methane (CH4) 甲烷(ch4 / sub) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Neon Neon


模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Nitrogen Nitrogen 氮气 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Oxygen (O2) Oxygen (O2) 氧气(o 亚2 / 亚) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon dioxide (CO2) 二氧化碳(co2 / sub) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Nitrous oxide (N2O) Nitrous oxide (N2O) 氧化亚氮(n2 / sub o) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 硫酸(h 亚2 / 亚 SO 亚4 / 亚) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Xenon Xenon


模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Lithium Lithium Lithium 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Mercury Mercury


模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Sulfur Sulfur


模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Iron Iron

模板:Sort }} }}
Gold Gold 黄金 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}
Aluminium Aluminium 模板:Sort }} }}
Water (H2O)[2][16] Water (H2O) 水(h 分2 / sub o) 模板:Sort }} }} 模板:Sort }} }}


/ 中心

Mixtures: liquid–liquid critical point

Mixtures: liquid–liquid critical point

混合物: 液-液临界点

A plot of typical polymer solution phase behavior including two critical points: an LCST and a UCST.

A plot of typical polymer solution phase behavior including two critical points: an LCST and a UCST.

典型的聚合物溶液相行为图,包括两个临界点: [ LCST 和 UCST. ]

The liquid–liquid critical point of a solution, which occurs at the critical solution temperature, occurs at the limit of the two-phase region of the phase diagram. In other words, it is the point at which an infinitesimal change in some thermodynamic variable (such as temperature or pressure) will lead to separation of the mixture into two distinct liquid phases, as shown in the polymer–solvent phase diagram to the right. Two types of liquid–liquid critical points are the upper critical solution temperature (UCST), which is the hottest point at which cooling will induce phase separation, and the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), which is the coldest point at which heating will induce phase separation.

The liquid–liquid critical point of a solution, which occurs at the critical solution temperature, occurs at the limit of the two-phase region of the phase diagram. In other words, it is the point at which an infinitesimal change in some thermodynamic variable (such as temperature or pressure) will lead to separation of the mixture into two distinct liquid phases, as shown in the polymer–solvent phase diagram to the right. Two types of liquid–liquid critical points are the upper critical solution temperature (UCST), which is the hottest point at which cooling will induce phase separation, and the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), which is the coldest point at which heating will induce phase separation.


Mathematical definition

Mathematical definition


From a theoretical standpoint, the liquid–liquid critical point represents the temperature-concentration extremum of the spinodal curve (as can be seen in the figure to the right). Thus, the liquid–liquid critical point in a two-component system must satisfy two conditions: the condition of the spinodal curve (the second derivative of the free energy with respect to concentration must equal zero), and the extremum condition (the third derivative of the free energy with respect to concentration must also equal zero or the derivative of the spinodal temperature with respect to concentration must equal zero).

From a theoretical standpoint, the liquid–liquid critical point represents the temperature-concentration extremum of the spinodal curve (as can be seen in the figure to the right). Thus, the liquid–liquid critical point in a two-component system must satisfy two conditions: the condition of the spinodal curve (the second derivative of the free energy with respect to concentration must equal zero), and the extremum condition (the third derivative of the free energy with respect to concentration must also equal zero or the derivative of the spinodal temperature with respect to concentration must equal zero).

从理论角度来看,液-液临界点表示调节曲线的温度-浓度极值(如右图所示)。因此,双组分体系中的液-液临界点必须满足两个条件: 自由能对浓度的二阶导数必须等于零的条件和极值条件(自由能对浓度的三阶导数也必须等于零或自由能对浓度的三阶导数必须等于零)。

See also

See also






  1. Horstmann, Sven (2000). Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Hochdruckphasengleichgewichtsverhalten fluider Stoffgemische für die Erweiterung der PSRK-Gruppenbeitragszustandsgleichung [Theoretical and experimental investigations of the high-pressure phase equilibrium behavior of fluid mixtures for the expansion of the PSRK group contribution equation of state] (Ph.D.) (in Deutsch). Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. ISBN 3-8265-7829-5.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wagner, W.; Pruß, A. (June 2002). "The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use". Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. 31 (2): 398. doi:10.1063/1.1461829.
  3. P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry, 8th ed. (W.H. Freeman 2006), p.21
  4. K.J. Laidler and J.H. Meiser, Physical Chemistry (Benjamin/Cummings 1982), p.27
  5. P.A. Rock, Chemical Thermodynamics (MacMillan 1969), p.123
  6. Fisher, Widom: Decay of Correlations in Linear Systems, J. Chem Phys 50, 3756 (1969)
  7. Charles Cagniard de la Tour (1822). "Exposé de quelques résultats obtenu par l'action combinée de la chaleur et de la compression sur certains liquides, tels que l'eau, l'alcool, l'éther sulfurique et l'essence de pétrole rectifiée" [Presentation of some results obtained by the combined action of heat and compression on certain liquids, such as water, alcohol, sulfuric ether (i.e., diethyl ether), and distilled petroleum spirit]. Annales de Chimie et de Physique (in français). 21: 127–132.
  8. Berche, B., Henkel, M., Kenna, R (2009) Critical phenomena: 150 years since Cagniard de la Tour. Journal of Physical Studies 13 (3), pp. 3001-1-3001-4.
  9. Landau, Lifshitz, Theoretical Physics Vol V, Statistical Physics, Ch. 83 [German edition 1984]
  10. Andrews, Thomas (1869). "The Bakerian lecture: On the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. London. 159: 575–590. doi:10.1098/rstl.1869.0021. The term "critical point" appears on page 588.
  11. Cengel, Yunus A.; Boles, Michael A. (2002). Thermodynamics: an engineering approach. Boston: McGraw-Hill. pp. 91–93. ISBN 978-0-07-121688-3. 
  12. Maslan, Frank D.; Littman, Theodore M. (1953). "Compressibility Chart for Hydrogen and Inert Gases". Ind. Eng. Chem. 45 (7): 1566–1568. doi:10.1021/ie50523a054.
  13. Emsley, John (1991). The Elements (Second ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-855818-7. 
  14. Cengel, Yunus A.; Boles, Michael A. (2002). Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (Fourth ed.). McGraw-Hill. pp. 824. ISBN 978-0-07-238332-4. https://archive.org/details/thermodynamicsen00ceng_0/page/824. 
  15. "Ammonia - NH3 - Thermodynamic Properties". www.engineeringtoolbox.com. Retrieved 2017-04-07.
  16. "Critical Temperature and Pressure". Purdue University. Retrieved 2006-12-19.




External links

External links


| publisher = Purdue University | url = http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/liquids/critical.html | accessdate = 2006-12-03 }}

| 出版商普渡大学 | url http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/liquids/critical.html | accessdate 2006-12-03}

模板:Phase of matter

Category:Condensed matter physics

类别: 凝聚态物理学

Category:Conformal field theory

类别: 共形场论

Category:Critical phenomena

范畴: 关键现象

Category:Phase transitions

类别: 阶段转变

Category:Renormalization group

类别: 重整化群

Category:Threshold temperatures

类别: 临界温度


分类: 气体

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