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2020年5月12日 (二) 19:11的版本


Community recognition is the acknowledgement by a community or social group of a notable achievement. It is often followed by awards and celebrations, such as the annual Phoenix, Arizona Community Recognition Awards and related breakfast.引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签 The core of it is to bring attention to the contributions made to the community.

}}</ref> The core of it is to bring attention to the contributions made to the community.

} / ref 它的核心是引起人们对社区贡献的注意。

In The Forms of Capital (1986) Pierre Bourdieu distinguishes between three forms of capital: economic capital, cultural capital and social capital. He defines social capital as "the aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition."引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签 Thus, community recognition can be defined as a form of social capital.

}}</ref> Thus, community recognition can be defined as a form of social capital.


Recognition by community members, whether by subordinates, peers or superiors, is also part of motivation theory.引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签 The reward of an individual creates a positive feedback loop, incenting them, and others who are inspired by their deeds and by the positive reinforcement of the community, to continue contributing, or join in to build upon such efforts.

|accessdate=2007-01-15}}</ref> The reward of an individual creates a positive feedback loop, incenting them, and others who are inspired by their deeds and by the positive reinforcement of the community, to continue contributing, or join in to build upon such efforts.



模板:Social networking

Category:Community building

类别: 社区建设

Category:Social networks

分类: 社交网络

Category:Social economy

类别: 社会经济

Category:Motivational theories

类别: 动机理论

This page was moved from wikipedia:en:Community recognition. Its edit history can be viewed at 社会认同/edithistory