
添加9字节 、 2020年7月11日 (六) 16:32
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Corning suggests a narrower definition, requiring that the components be unlike in kind (following Lewes), and that they involve division of labor between these components. He also says that living systems (like the game of chess), while emergent, cannot be reduced to underlying laws of emergence:
Corning suggests a narrower definition, requiring that the components be unlike in kind (following Lewes), and that they involve division of labor between these components. He also says that living systems (like the game of chess), while emergent, cannot be reduced to underlying laws of emergence:
康宁公司提出了一个狭义的定义,要求组成部件不同于实体(following Lewes) ,并且它们涉及这些组成部件之间的劳动分工。他还表示,生命系统(如国际象棋)虽然是涌现的,但不能简化为涌现的基本规律:
康宁公司提出了一个狭义的定义,要求组成部件不同于实体(跟从刘易斯的观点) ,并且它们涉及这些组成部件之间的劳动分工。他还表示,生命系统(如国际象棋)虽然是涌现的,但不能简化为涌现的基本规律:
