
删除4字节 、 2020年7月20日 (一) 13:28
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In the sciences in general, the phrase has come to refer to a metaphor that some physical, biological, economic and social  systems operate in a region between order and either complete randomness or chaos, where the complexity is maximal. The generality and significance of the idea, however, has since been called into question by Melanie Mitchell and others.  The phrase has also been borrowed by the business community and is sometimes used inappropriately and in contexts that are far from the original scope of the meaning of the term.
In the sciences in general, the phrase has come to refer to a metaphor that some physical, biological, economic and social  systems operate in a region between order and either complete randomness or chaos, where the complexity is maximal. The generality and significance of the idea, however, has since been called into question by Melanie Mitchell and others.  The phrase has also been borrowed by the business community and is sometimes used inappropriately and in contexts that are far from the original scope of the meaning of the term.
一般在科学领域,混沌边缘一词用于形容某些物理、生物、经济、社会系统在或有序或完全随机或混沌的状态间运行,其中复杂性是最大化的。但是'''梅勒妮 · 米切尔Melanie Mitchell'''等人对此概念的普遍性及意义提出了质疑。工商界也借用了这个词,不过时常使用的并不恰当,常在远超出该词原有含义范围的情况下使用。
一般在科学领域,混沌边缘一词用于形容某些物理、生物、经济、社会系统在或有序或完全随机或混沌的状态间运行,其中复杂性是最大化的。但是'''梅拉妮·米歇尔Melanie Mitchell'''等人对此概念的普遍性及意义提出了质疑。工商界也借用了这个词,不过时常使用的并不恰当,常在远超出该词原有含义范围的情况下使用。
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'''斯图尔特·考夫曼Stuart Kauffman'''研究了进化系统的数学模型,其中进化速率在混沌边缘附近达到最大。
'''斯图尔特·考夫曼Stuart Kauffman'''研究了进化系统的数学模型,其中进化速率在混沌边缘附近达到最大。
==Adaptation 适应==
==Adaptation 适应==
