
删除1字节 、 2020年8月11日 (二) 13:23
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In his Nobel lecture, Prigogine explains how thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium can have drastically different behavior from systems close to equilibrium. Near equilibrium, the local equilibrium hypothesis applies and typical thermodynamic quantities such as free energy and entropy can be defined locally. One can assume linear relations between the (generalized) flux and forces of the system. Two celebrated results from linear thermodynamics are the Onsager reciprocal relations and the principle of minimum entropy production. After efforts to extend such results to systems far from equilibrium, it was found that they do not hold in this regime and opposite results were obtained.
In his Nobel lecture, Prigogine explains how thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium can have drastically different behavior from systems close to equilibrium. Near equilibrium, the local equilibrium hypothesis applies and typical thermodynamic quantities such as free energy and entropy can be defined locally. One can assume linear relations between the (generalized) flux and forces of the system. Two celebrated results from linear thermodynamics are the Onsager reciprocal relations and the principle of minimum entropy production. After efforts to extend such results to systems far from equilibrium, it was found that they do not hold in this regime and opposite results were obtained.
在他的诺贝尔演讲中,普里高津Prigogine解释了远离平衡的热力学系统如何与接近平衡的系统有着截然不同的行为。在平衡点附近,采用局部平衡假设,并可局部定义自由能和熵等典型热力学量。我们可以假定系统的c(广义)通量和力之间是线性关系。线性热力学的两个著名成果是'''<font color="#FFD700">昂萨格倒易关系Onsager reciprocal relations</font>'''和'''<font color="#FFD700">最小熵产生定理the principle of minimum entropy production</font>'''。在努力将这些结果推广到远离平衡的系统之后,人们发现它们在这个系统中不成立,并且得到了相反的结果。
在他的诺贝尔演讲中,普里高津Prigogine解释了远离平衡的热力学系统如何与接近平衡的系统有着截然不同的行为。在平衡点附近,采用局部平衡假设,并可局部定义自由能和熵等典型热力学量。我们可以假定系统的(广义)通量和力之间是线性关系。线性热力学的两个著名成果是'''<font color="#FFD700">昂萨格倒易关系Onsager reciprocal relations</font>'''和'''<font color="#FFD700">最小熵产生定理the principle of minimum entropy production</font>'''。在努力将这些结果推广到远离平衡的系统之后,人们发现它们在这个系统中不成立,并且得到了相反的结果。
