
添加113字节 、 2020年8月12日 (三) 12:38
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  The information covered by the Knowledge Graph grew significantly after launch, tripling its size within seven months (covering 570 million '''entities''' and 18 billion '''facts''') and answering "roughly one-third" of the 100 billion monthly searches Google processed in May 2016. The Knowledge Graph has been criticized for providing answers without source attribution or citation.
  The information covered by the Knowledge Graph grew significantly after launch, tripling its size within seven months (covering 570 million '''entities''' and 18 billion '''facts''') and answering "roughly one-third" of the 100 billion monthly searches Google processed in May 2016. The Knowledge Graph has been criticized for providing answers without source attribution or citation.
谷歌知识图谱涵盖的内容在其推行后迅速增长,在7个月内增长了三倍(涵盖了5.7亿个<font color=#32cd32>信息点</font>和180亿条<font color=#32cd32>信息关系</font>),并解决了谷歌每月处理的1000亿次搜索中的“大约三分之一”的问题。到2020年5月,这个数字已经增长到5000亿,涉及50亿个信息点(p.s.该句是从最新wikipedia词条上补充的)。因为知识图谱的回答没有来源或引用而引起了许多争议。
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Information from the Knowledge Graph is presented as a box, which Google has referred to as the "knowledge panel", to the right (top on mobile) of search results. According to Google, this information is retrieved from many sources, including the CIA World Factbook, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. In October 2016, Google announced that the Knowledge Graph held over 70 billion facts. There is no official documentation on the technology used for the Knowledge Graph implementation.
Information from the Knowledge Graph is presented as a box, which Google has referred to as the "knowledge panel", to the right (top on mobile) of search results. According to Google, this information is retrieved from many sources, including the CIA World Factbook, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. In October 2016, Google announced that the Knowledge Graph held over 70 billion facts. There is no official documentation on the technology used for the Knowledge Graph implementation.
谷歌把这些出现在搜索结果右侧(移动端出现在顶部)的信息框称为“知识图谱卡”。根据谷歌的说法,知识图谱的信息来源很多,包括中情局世界概况、维基数据和维基百科。它被用于回答谷歌助手[9][10] 和谷歌家庭中的语音询问。2016年10月,谷歌称,知识图谱已经覆盖了700亿个'''信息关系''' 。目前还没有官方文件说明谷歌知识图谱是如何实现的。
谷歌把这些出现在搜索结果右侧(移动端出现在顶部)的信息框称为“知识图谱卡”。根据谷歌的说法,知识图谱的信息来源很多,包括中情局世界概况、维基数据和维基百科。它被用于回答谷歌助手[9][10] 和谷歌家庭中的语音询问。2016年10月,谷歌称,知识图谱已经覆盖了700亿个<font color=#32cd32>信息关系</font> 。目前还没有官方文件说明谷歌知识图谱是如何实现的。
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The Knowledge Graph was powered in part by Freebase.<ref>{{cite web |url= http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/introducing-knowledge-graph-things-not.html |title=Introducing the Knowledge Graph: Things, Not Strings |work=Google Official Blog  
The Knowledge Graph was powered in part by Freebase.<ref>{{cite web |url= http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/introducing-knowledge-graph-things-not.html |title=Introducing the Knowledge Graph: Things, Not Strings |work=Google Official Blog  
该知识图谱由<font color=#32cd32>Freebase</font>(p.s该网站名字未找到对应中文翻译)部分支持。
In August 2014, ''[[New Scientist]]'' reported that Google had launched '''Knowledge Vault'''.<ref>{{cite web |first=Hal |last=Hodson |title=Google’s fact-checking bots build vast knowledge bank |url=https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22329832-700-googles-fact-checking-bots-build-vast-knowledge-bank/ |website=[[New Scientist]] |date=August 20, 2014 |accessdate=December 10, 2017}}</ref> After publication, Google reached out to ''[[Search Engine Land]]'' to explain that Knowledge Vault was a research paper, not an active Google service, and in its report, ''Search Engine Land'' referenced indications by the company that "numerous models" were being experimented with to examine the possibility of automatically gathering meaning from text.<ref>{{cite web |first=Greg |last=Sterling |title=Google "Knowledge Vault" To Power Future Of Search |url=https://searchengineland.com/google-builds-next-gen-knowledge-graph-future-201640 |website=[[Search Engine Land]] |date=August 25, 2014 |accessdate=December 10, 2017}}</ref>  The Knowledge Vault was meant to deal with facts, automatically gathering and merging information from across the Internet into a knowledge base capable of answering direct questions, such as "Where was [[Madonna (entertainer)|Madonna]] born". It was reported that its main ability over the Knowledge Graph was to gather information automatically rather than relying on crowd sourced facts compiled by humans; by the time of the 2014 report, it had collected over 1.6 billion facts, 271 million of which were considered "confident facts", a term for information deemed more than 90% true.
In August 2014, ''[[New Scientist]]'' reported that Google had launched '''Knowledge Vault'''.<ref>{{cite web |first=Hal |last=Hodson |title=Google’s fact-checking bots build vast knowledge bank |url=https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22329832-700-googles-fact-checking-bots-build-vast-knowledge-bank/ |website=[[New Scientist]] |date=August 20, 2014 |accessdate=December 10, 2017}}</ref> After publication, Google reached out to ''[[Search Engine Land]]'' to explain that Knowledge Vault was a research paper, not an active Google service, and in its report, ''Search Engine Land'' referenced indications by the company that "numerous models" were being experimented with to examine the possibility of automatically gathering meaning from text.<ref>{{cite web |first=Greg |last=Sterling |title=Google "Knowledge Vault" To Power Future Of Search |url=https://searchengineland.com/google-builds-next-gen-knowledge-graph-future-201640 |website=[[Search Engine Land]] |date=August 25, 2014 |accessdate=December 10, 2017}}</ref>  The Knowledge Vault was meant to deal with facts, automatically gathering and merging information from across the Internet into a knowledge base capable of answering direct questions, such as "Where was [[Madonna (entertainer)|Madonna]] born". It was reported that its main ability over the Knowledge Graph was to gather information automatically rather than relying on crowd sourced facts compiled by humans; by the time of the 2014 report, it had collected over 1.6 billion facts, 271 million of which were considered "confident facts", a term for information deemed more than 90% true.
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2014年8月,《新科学家》杂志报道说,谷歌已经启动了知识库。发表后,谷歌联系了 Search Engine Land,解释说知识库是一篇研究论文,不是谷歌的活跃服务,在其报告中,Search Engine Land 引用了该公司的一些迹象,即正在试验“多种模型” ,以检验从文本中自动收集意义的可能性。知识库旨在处理事实,自动收集并整合来自互联网的信息,形成一个能够直接回答诸如“麦当娜出生在哪里”等问题的知识库。据报告,它在知识图谱方面的主要能力是自动收集信息,而不是依靠人为汇编的众包事实; 截至2014年报告时,它已收集了16亿多事实,其中2.71亿被视为”确信事实” ,这个术语指的是被认为超过90% 正确的信息。
2014年8月,《新科学家》杂志报道说,谷歌已经启动了知识库。发表后,谷歌联系了 Search Engine Land,解释说知识库是一篇研究论文,不是谷歌的活跃服务,在其报告中,Search Engine Land 引用了该公司的一些迹象,即正在试验“多种模型” ,以检验从文本中自动收集意义的可能性。知识库旨在处理事实,自动收集并整合来自互联网的信息,形成一个能够直接回答诸如“麦当娜出生在哪里”等问题的知识库。据报告,它在知识图谱方面的主要能力是自动收集信息,而不是依靠人为汇编的众包事实; 截至2014年报告时,它已收集了16亿多事实,其中2.71亿被视为”确信事实” ,这个术语指的是被认为超过90% 正确的信息。
2014年8月,<font color=#32cd32>《新科学家》</font>杂志报道,谷歌启动了一个知识库项目。文章发表后,谷歌联系到“搜索引擎天地”,解释说知识库是一篇研究性论文,而不是谷歌的主动服务。在其报道中,“搜索引擎天地”提到,谷歌指出:他们在用“很多模型”探索从文本中自动收集语义的可能性。谷歌知识库旨在处理'''信息关系''',从互联网上自动收集和整合信息,形成一个能够直接回答诸如“麦当娜出生在哪里”等问题的知识库。2014年的一份报告指出,知识图谱聚合了超过16亿'''信息关系''',其中2.71亿被认为是“可信的事实”,被认为可信度超过90%。
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