
添加3字节 、 2020年8月16日 (日) 15:28
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}}Anders Ericsson and Walter Kintsch have introduced the notion of "long-term working memory", which they define as a set of "retrieval structures" in long-term memory that enable seamless access to the information relevant for everyday tasks. In this way, parts of long-term memory effectively function as working memory. In a similar vein, Cowan does not regard working memory as a separate system from long-term memory. Representations in working memory are a subset of representations in long-term memory. Working memory is organized into two embedded levels. The first consists of long-term memory representations that are activated. There can be many of these—there is theoretically no limit to the activation of representations in long-term memory. The second level is called the focus of attention. The focus is regarded as having a limited capacity and holds up to four of the activated representations.
}}Anders Ericsson and Walter Kintsch have introduced the notion of "long-term working memory", which they define as a set of "retrieval structures" in long-term memory that enable seamless access to the information relevant for everyday tasks. In this way, parts of long-term memory effectively function as working memory. In a similar vein, Cowan does not regard working memory as a separate system from long-term memory. Representations in working memory are a subset of representations in long-term memory. Working memory is organized into two embedded levels. The first consists of long-term memory representations that are activated. There can be many of these—there is theoretically no limit to the activation of representations in long-term memory. The second level is called the focus of attention. The focus is regarded as having a limited capacity and holds up to four of the activated representations.
安德斯 · 埃里克森 Anders Ericsson 和沃尔特 · 金奇  Walter Kintsch 引入了“'''<font color="#ff8000">长期工作记忆 Long-term Working Memory</font>'''”的概念,他们将其定义为<font color="#ff8000">长期记忆 Long-term Memory</font>'''中能为让人无缝获取日常所需信息的一组“检索结构” 。这样,一部分长期记忆有效地发挥了工作记忆的功能。同样,考恩 Cowan 并不认为工作记忆是独立于长期记忆的系统。工作记忆中的表征是长期记忆中表征的一个子集。工作记忆被组织成两个嵌入层次。第一层包括被激活的长期记忆表征(可能很多,鉴于理论上在长时记忆中表征的激活是没有上限的)。第二层叫做注意力焦点,焦点是一个最多可容纳四个激活表征的有限能力。
安德斯 · 埃里克森 Anders Ericsson 和沃尔特 · 金奇  Walter Kintsch 引入了“'''<font color="#ff8000">长期工作记忆 Long-term Working Memory</font>'''”的概念,他们将其定义为'''<font color="#ff8000">长期记忆 Long-term Memory</font>'''中能为让人无缝获取日常所需信息的一组“检索结构” 。这样,一部分长期记忆有效地发挥了工作记忆的功能。同样,考恩 Cowan 并不认为工作记忆是独立于长期记忆的系统。工作记忆中的表征是长期记忆中表征的一个子集。工作记忆被组织成两个嵌入层次。第一层包括被激活的长期记忆表征(可能很多,鉴于理论上在长时记忆中表征的激活是没有上限的)。第二层叫做注意力焦点,焦点是一个最多可容纳四个激活表征的有限能力。
