
添加3字节 、 2020年8月16日 (日) 15:31
第76行: 第76行:  
Oberauer has extended Cowan's model by adding a third component, a more narrow focus of attention that holds only one chunk at a time. The one-element focus is embedded in the four-element focus and serves to select a single chunk for processing. For example, four digits can be held in mind at the same time in Cowan's "focus of attention". When the individual wishes to perform a process on each of these digits—for example, adding the number two to each digit—separate processing is required for each digit since most individuals cannot perform several mathematical processes in parallel. Oberauer's attentional component selects one of the digits for processing and then shifts the attentional focus to the next digit, continuing until all digits have been processed.
Oberauer has extended Cowan's model by adding a third component, a more narrow focus of attention that holds only one chunk at a time. The one-element focus is embedded in the four-element focus and serves to select a single chunk for processing. For example, four digits can be held in mind at the same time in Cowan's "focus of attention". When the individual wishes to perform a process on each of these digits—for example, adding the number two to each digit—separate processing is required for each digit since most individuals cannot perform several mathematical processes in parallel. Oberauer's attentional component selects one of the digits for processing and then shifts the attentional focus to the next digit, continuing until all digits have been processed.
奥伯奥尔 Oberauer 通过添加第三个组件扩展了考恩 Cowan 的模型,第三个组件是一个更窄的注意焦点,一次只能容纳一个'''<font color="#ff8000">Chunk</font>'''。一元素焦点系统嵌入在四元素焦点系统中,用于选择要处理的单个块。例如,在考恩 Cowan 的“注意力焦点”中,四个数字可以同时出现在脑海中。当个体要对每个数字进行处理时(例如,将数字2加到每个数字)就要对每个数字进行独立处理(因大多数个人不能同时进行多个数学处理)。奥伯奥尔 Oberauer 的注意力组件将选择其中一个数字进行处理,然后将注意力的焦点转到下一个数字,直到所有数字都处理完毕。
奥伯奥尔 Oberauer 通过添加第三个组件扩展了考恩 Cowan 的模型,第三个组件是一个更窄的注意焦点,一次只能容纳一个'''<font color="#ff8000">组块 Chunk</font>'''。一元素焦点系统嵌入在四元素焦点系统中,用于选择要处理的单个块。例如,在考恩 Cowan 的“注意力焦点”中,四个数字可以同时出现在脑海中。当个体要对每个数字进行处理时(例如,将数字2加到每个数字)就要对每个数字进行独立处理(因大多数个人不能同时进行多个数学处理)。奥伯奥尔 Oberauer 的注意力组件将选择其中一个数字进行处理,然后将注意力的焦点转到下一个数字,直到所有数字都处理完毕。
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