
添加19字节 、 2020年8月16日 (日) 18:22
第921行: 第921行:  
===Energy, available useful work===
===Energy, available useful work===
能量,<font color = 'red'><s>有用的工作</s></font><font color = '#32CD32'>可用的有用工作</font>
能量,<font color = 'red'><s>有用的工作</s></font>'''<font color = '#32CD32'>可用的有用工作</font>'''
{{See also|Exergy}}
{{See also|Exergy}}
第1,009行: 第1,009行:  
where we have first used the definition of entropy in classical thermodynamics (alternatively, in statistical thermodynamics, the relation between entropy change, temperature and absorbed heat can be derived); and then the Second Law inequality from above.
where we have first used the definition of entropy in classical thermodynamics (alternatively, in statistical thermodynamics, the relation between entropy change, temperature and absorbed heat can be derived); and then the Second Law inequality from above.
在这个过程中,首先使用了经典热力学中熵的定义(在统计热力学中,熵变、温度和吸收热量之间的关系<font color = '#32CD32'>可以将其推导出来 can be derived</font>) ,然后从上面的公式可以推导出第二定律的不等式。
在这个过程中,首先使用了经典热力学中熵的定义(在统计热力学中,熵变、温度和吸收热量之间的关系'''<font color = '#32CD32'>可以将其推导出来 can be derived</font>''') ,然后从上面的公式可以推导出第二定律的不等式。
      第1,078行: 第1,078行:  
The Second Law therefore implies that for any process which can be considered as divided simply into a subsystem, and an unlimited temperature and pressure reservoir with which it is in contact,
The Second Law therefore implies that for any process which can be considered as divided simply into a subsystem, and an unlimited temperature and pressure reservoir with which it is in contact,
<font color="#32CD32">因此,第二定律意味着,对于任何可以简单地被视为分为一个子系统和一个与之接触的无限温度和压力<font color = 'red'><s>储存器</s></font>'''<font color="#ff8000">热源 Reservoir</font>''' 的过程,The Second Law therefore implies that for any process which can be considered as divided simply into a subsystem, and an unlimited temperature and pressure reservoir with which it is in contact,</font>
<font color="#32CD32">因此,第二定律意味着,对于任何可以简单地被视为分为一个子系统和一个与之接触的无限温度和压力<font color = 'red'><s>储存器</s></font> '''<font color="#ff8000">热源 Reservoir</font>''' 的过程,The Second Law therefore implies that for any process which can be considered as divided simply into a subsystem, and an unlimited temperature and pressure reservoir with which it is in contact,</font>
      第1,945行: 第1,945行:  
在所有情况下,一旦<font color = 'red'><s>完成</s></font><font color = 'blue'>做出</font>了热力学平衡的假设,则<font color = 'blue'>作为一个结果</font>意味着假定<font color = 'blue'>中的</font>能改变系统熵的<font color = 'red'><s>“fluctuation”(待定的波动因子)</s></font><font color = 'blue'>候选波动</font>不存在。
在所有情况下,一旦<font color = 'red'><s>完成</s></font><font color = 'blue'>做出</font>了热力学平衡的假设,则<font color = 'blue'>作为一个结果</font>意味着假定<font color = 'blue'>中的</font>能改变系统熵的<font color = 'red'><s>“fluctuation”(待定的波动因子)</s></font><font color = 'blue'>候选波动</font>不存在。
<font color = '#32CD32'>则作为一个结果意味着假定中的能改变系统熵的候选波动不存在。implies as a consequence that no putative candidate "fluctuation" alters the entropy of the system.</font>
'''<font color = '#32CD32'>则作为一个结果意味着假定中的能改变系统熵的候选波动不存在。implies as a consequence that no putative candidate "fluctuation" alters the entropy of the system.</font>'''
