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  --[[用户:CecileLi|CecileLi]]([[用户讨论:CecileLi|讨论]])  【审校】“20世纪60年代和70年代发展了几种研究复杂分子系统的方法”一句改为“20世纪60年代和70年代见证了几种研究复杂分子系统的方法的发展,”
  --[[用户:CecileLi|CecileLi]]([[用户讨论:CecileLi|讨论]])  【审校】“并且收获小于预期,从而使得生物过程的定量模拟成为一个有点次要的领域。”一句中的“并且、从而使得、有点次要”改为“加之、使得、进退两难/略显尴尬/略被轻视/日渐被轻视”
[[File:SystemsBiologyTrendsInMostCitedResearch.PNG|alt=Shows trends in systems biology research. From 1992 to 2013 Database development articles increased. Articles about algorithms have fluctuated but remained fairly steady. Network properties articles and software development articles have remained low but experienced an increased about halfway through the time period 1992-2013. The articles on Metabolic flux analysis decreased from 1992 to 2013.  In 1992 algorithms, equations, modeling and simulation articles were most cited. In 2012 the most cited were database development articles.|thumb|Shows trends in systems biology research by presenting the number of articles out of the top 30 cited systems biology papers during that time which include a specific topic<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Zou|first=Yawen|last2=Laubichler|first2=Manfred D.|date=2018-07-25|title=From systems to biology: A computational analysis of the research articles on systems biology from 1992 to 2013|journal=PLOS One|language=en|volume=13|issue=7|pages=e0200929|doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0200929|issn=1932-6203|pmc=6059489|pmid=30044828|bibcode=2018PLoSO..1300929Z}}</ref>]]
[[File:SystemsBiologyTrendsInMostCitedResearch.PNG|alt=Shows trends in systems biology research. From 1992 to 2013 Database development articles increased. Articles about algorithms have fluctuated but remained fairly steady. Network properties articles and software development articles have remained low but experienced an increased about halfway through the time period 1992-2013. The articles on Metabolic flux analysis decreased from 1992 to 2013.  In 1992 algorithms, equations, modeling and simulation articles were most cited. In 2012 the most cited were database development articles.|thumb|Shows trends in systems biology research by presenting the number of articles out of the top 30 cited systems biology papers during that time which include a specific topic<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Zou|first=Yawen|last2=Laubichler|first2=Manfred D.|date=2018-07-25|title=From systems to biology: A computational analysis of the research articles on systems biology from 1992 to 2013|journal=PLOS One|language=en|volume=13|issue=7|pages=e0200929|doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0200929|issn=1932-6203|pmc=6059489|pmid=30044828|bibcode=2018PLoSO..1300929Z}}</ref>]]
