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* 弱人工生命模拟立场否认在化学溶液之外产生 ”生命过程“的可能性,期研究者转而尝试模拟生命过程,以理解生命现象的基本机理。
* 弱人工生命模拟立场否认在化学溶液之外产生 ”生命过程“的可能性,期研究者转而尝试模拟生命过程,以理解生命现象的基本机理。
==Software-based ("soft")软件模拟人工生命==
==基于软件模拟人工生命 (软人工生命)==
=== Techniques 技术===
*[[cellular automaton|Cellular automata]] were used in the early days of artificial life, and are still often used for ease of [[scalability]] and [[parallelization]].  Alife and cellular automata share a closely tied history.
*[[Artificial neural network]]s are sometimes used to model the brain of an agent.  Although traditionally more of an [[artificial intelligence]] technique, neural nets can be important for simulating [[population dynamics]] of organisms that can ''learn''.  The symbiosis between learning and evolution is central to theories about the development of instincts in organisms with higher neurological complexity, as in, for instance, the [[Baldwin effect]].
*[[元胞自动机 Cellular Automata]]在人工生命的早期就被使用了,因其简化'''可扩展性 scalability'''和'''并行化 parallelization''' 现在仍然经常被使用研究。人工生命与元胞自动机在历史上有着相当紧密的联系。
*[[人工神经网络 Artificial neural network]]常常被用来对智能体大脑进行建模。虽然传统上它更多的是一种人工智能技术,但是神经网络对于模拟可以学习的生物种群动态非常重要。学习和进化之间的共生关系是关于具有较高神经复杂性的生物体中本能发展的理论的核心,例如,[[鲍德温效应]] Baldwin effect。
=== Notable simulators 著名的模拟器===
=== 著名的模拟器===
This is a list of artificial life/[[digital organism]] simulators, organized by the method of creature definition.
This is a list of artificial life/digital organism simulators, organized by the method of creature definition.
下表列出了按照生物定义方法整理的人工生命/ 数字生物模拟器。
下表列出了按照生物定义方法整理的人工生命/ 数字生物模拟器 。
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{{Further|programming game}}
[更多信息请查看编程游戏 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_game]
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Program-based simulations contain organisms with a complex DNA language, usually Turing complete.  This language is more often in the form of a computer program than actual biological DNA.  Assembly derivatives are the most common languages used. An organism "lives" when its code is executed, and there are usually various methods allowing self-replication. Mutations are generally implemented as random changes to the code. Use of cellular automata is common but not required. Another example could be an artificial intelligence and multi-agent system/program.
Program-based simulations contain organisms with a complex DNA language, usually Turing complete.  This language is more often in the form of a computer program than actual biological DNA.  Assembly derivatives are the most common languages used. An organism "lives" when its code is executed, and there are usually various methods allowing self-replication. Mutations are generally implemented as random changes to the code. Use of cellular automata is common but not required. Another example could be an artificial intelligence and multi-agent system/program.
基于程序的模拟包含具有复杂DNA语言(通常为'''图灵完备 Turing complete''')的生物。这种语言通常是计算机程序的形式,而不是实际的生物DNA。汇编派生词是最常用的语言。生物体在执行其代码时会“存活”,通常有多种方法可以进行自我复制。变异通常是通过随机更改代码来实现的。[[元胞自动机]]是常见工具,但不是唯一的。也有人用[[人工智能]]和[[多主体系统]]来进行研究。