
删除269字节 、 2020年10月22日 (四) 19:54
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In a trust network, triadic closure is likely to develop due to the transitive property. If a node A trusts node B, and node B trusts node C, node A will have the basis to trust node C. In a social network, strong triadic closure occurs because there is increased opportunity for nodes A and C with common neighbor B to meet and therefore create at least weak ties. Node B also has the incentive to bring A and C together to decrease the latent stress in two separate relationships.
In a trust network, triadic closure is likely to develop due to the transitive property. If a node A trusts node B, and node B trusts node C, node A will have the basis to trust node C. In a social network, strong triadic closure occurs because there is increased opportunity for nodes A and C with common neighbor B to meet and therefore create at least weak ties. Node B also has the incentive to bring A and C together to decrease the latent stress in two separate relationships.
在一个信任网络中,三元闭包性质的出现往往是由于传递性。如果节点A信任节点B,并且节点B信任节点C,则节点A将具有信任节点C的基础。在社会网络中,'''<font color="#FF8000">强三元闭包 Strong Triadic Closure</font>'''性质的出现往往是由于'''<font color="#FF8000">节点</font>'''A与'''<font color="#FF8000">节点</font>'''C拥有共同邻居'''<font color="#FF8000">节点</font>'''B,因为他们相遇的机会将会增加进而至少产生一条'''<font color="#FF8000">弱联系 Weak Tie</font>'''。此外,由于两段分离的关系所带来的潜在压力,'''<font color="#FF8000">节点</font>'''B也具有将'''<font color="#FF8000">节点</font>'''A和'''<font color="#FF8000">节点</font>'''C聚在一起的动机。
在一个信任网络中,三元闭包性质的出现往往是由于传递性。如果节点A信任节点B,并且节点B信任节点C,则节点A将具有信任节点C的基础。在社会网络中,'''<font color="#FF8000">强三元闭包 Strong Triadic Closure</font>'''性质的出现往往是由于节点A与节点C拥有共同邻居节点B,在此情况下,节点A与节点C相遇的机会将会增加,进而至少产生一条'''<font color="#FF8000">弱联系 Weak Tie</font>'''。此外,由于两段分离的关系所带来的潜在压力,节点B也具有将节点A和节点C聚在一起的动机。
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Networks that stay true to this principle become highly interconnected and have very high clustering coefficients. However, networks that do not follow this principle turn out to be poorly connected and may suffer from instability once negative relations are included.
Networks that stay true to this principle become highly interconnected and have very high clustering coefficients. However, networks that do not follow this principle turn out to be poorly connected and may suffer from instability once negative relations are included.
遵循此原理的网络将高度互连且具有极高的'''<font color="#FF8000">聚集系数</font>'''。 与此相反,不遵循该原理的网络的连通性则较差,且一旦包含负面关系,网络则可能会变得较不稳定。
遵循此原理的网络将高度互连且具有极高的聚集系数。 与此相反,不遵循该原理的网络的连通性则较差,且一旦包含负面关系,网络则可能会变得较不稳定。
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Triadic closure is a good model for how networks will evolve over time. While simple graph theory tends to analyze networks at one point in time, applying the triadic closure principle can predict the development of ties within a network and show the progression of connectivity.
Triadic closure is a good model for how networks will evolve over time. While simple graph theory tends to analyze networks at one point in time, applying the triadic closure principle can predict the development of ties within a network and show the progression of connectivity.
'''<font color="#FF8000">三元闭包</font>'''是分析网络如何随时间演变的一个良好模型。 '''<font color="#FF8000">简单图论 Simple Graph Theory</font>'''倾向于在某个时点分析网络,而应用'''<font color="#FF8000">三元闭包</font>'''原理则可以预测网络中联系的形成,以及网络连通性的发展。
三元闭包是分析网络如何随时间演变的一个良好模型。 '''<font color="#FF8000">简单图论 Simple Graph Theory</font>'''倾向于在某个时点分析网络,而应用三元闭包原理则可以预测网络中联系的形成,以及网络连通性的发展。
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In social networks, triadic closure facilitates cooperative behavior, but when new connections are made via referrals from existing connections the average global fraction of cooperators is less than when individuals choose new connections randomly from the population at large. Two possible effects for this are by the structural and informational construction. The structural construction arises from the propensity toward high clusterability. The informational construction comes from the assumption that an individual knows something about a friend's friend, as opposed to a random stranger.
In social networks, triadic closure facilitates cooperative behavior, but when new connections are made via referrals from existing connections the average global fraction of cooperators is less than when individuals choose new connections randomly from the population at large. Two possible effects for this are by the structural and informational construction. The structural construction arises from the propensity toward high clusterability. The informational construction comes from the assumption that an individual knows something about a friend's friend, as opposed to a random stranger.
在'''<font color="#FF8000">社会网络</font>'''中,'''<font color="#FF8000">三元闭包</font>'''将促进合作行为,但是当通过从现有联系中推荐人时,合作者的平均全球比例要小于个人从总体人口中随机选择新联系时的比例。 对此的两个可能的影响是结构和信息结构。 结构构造来自于倾向于高度可聚性的倾向。 信息结构来自这样一个假设:与随机的陌生人不同,一个人对朋友的朋友有所了解。
==Strong Triadic Closure Property and local bridges==
==Strong Triadic Closure Property and local bridges==
