
添加143字节 、 2020年11月5日 (四) 20:47
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以其发现者 '''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈罗Harrow,哈西迪姆Hassidim和劳埃德Lloyd</font>'''命名的线性方程组的量子算法,或称'''<font color="#ff8000"> “ HHL 算法”</font>''',预计将提供比经典算法更快的速度。
以其发现者 '''<font color="#ff8000"> 哈罗Harrow,哈西迪姆Hassidim和劳埃德Lloyd</font>'''命名的线性方程组的量子算法,或称'''<font color="#ff8000"> “ HHL 算法”</font>''',预计将提供比经典算法更快的速度。
=== Solving linear equations ===
=== Solving linear equations 求解线性方程===
The [[Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations]], or "HHL Algorithm", named after its discoverers Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd, is expected to provide speedup over classical counterparts.<ref name="Quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations by Harrow et al.">{{Cite journal |arxiv = 0811.3171|last1 = Harrow|first1 = Aram|last2 = Hassidim|first2 = Avinatan|last3 = Lloyd|first3 = Seth|title = Quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations|journal = Physical Review Letters|volume = 103|issue = 15|pages = 150502|year = 2009|doi = 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.150502|pmid = 19905613|bibcode = 2009PhRvL.103o0502H|s2cid = 5187993}}</ref>
The [[Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations]], or "HHL Algorithm", named after its discoverers Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd, is expected to provide speedup over classical counterparts.<ref name="Quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations by Harrow et al.">{{Cite journal |arxiv = 0811.3171|last1 = Harrow|first1 = Aram|last2 = Hassidim|first2 = Avinatan|last3 = Lloyd|first3 = Seth|title = Quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations|journal = Physical Review Letters|volume = 103|issue = 15|pages = 150502|year = 2009|doi = 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.150502|pmid = 19905613|bibcode = 2009PhRvL.103o0502H|s2cid = 5187993}}</ref>
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John Preskill has introduced the term quantum supremacy to refer to the hypothetical speedup advantage that a quantum computer would have over a classical computer in a certain field. Google announced in 2017 that it expected to achieve quantum supremacy by the end of the year though that did not happen. IBM said in 2018 that the best classical computers will be beaten on some practical task within about five years and views the quantum supremacy test only as a potential future benchmark. Although skeptics like Gil Kalai doubt that quantum supremacy will ever be achieved, in October 2019, a Sycamore processor created in conjunction with Google AI Quantum was reported to have achieved quantum supremacy, with calculations more than 3,000,000 times as fast as those of Summit, generally considered the world's fastest computer. Bill Unruh doubted the practicality of quantum computers in a paper published back in 1994. Paul Davies argued that a 400-qubit computer would even come into conflict with the cosmological information bound implied by the holographic principle.
John Preskill has introduced the term quantum supremacy to refer to the hypothetical speedup advantage that a quantum computer would have over a classical computer in a certain field. Google announced in 2017 that it expected to achieve quantum supremacy by the end of the year though that did not happen. IBM said in 2018 that the best classical computers will be beaten on some practical task within about five years and views the quantum supremacy test only as a potential future benchmark. Although skeptics like Gil Kalai doubt that quantum supremacy will ever be achieved, in October 2019, a Sycamore processor created in conjunction with Google AI Quantum was reported to have achieved quantum supremacy, with calculations more than 3,000,000 times as fast as those of Summit, generally considered the world's fastest computer. Bill Unruh doubted the practicality of quantum computers in a paper published back in 1994. Paul Davies argued that a 400-qubit computer would even come into conflict with the cosmological information bound implied by the holographic principle.
约翰 · 普雷斯基尔提出了量子优势这一术语,指的是量子计算机在某一领域相对于经典计算机的假设加速优势。谷歌在2017年宣布,它希望在今年年底前实现量子优势,尽管这一目标没有实现。IBM 在2018年表示,最好的经典计算机将在大约5年内在某些实际任务上被击败,并将量子优势测试视为未来的潜在基准。尽管像吉尔 · 卡莱这样的怀疑者对量子优势的实现持怀疑态度,但在2019年10月,据报道,与谷歌人工智能量子公司合作开发的 Sycamore 处理器已经取得了量子优势,其计算速度是顶峰计算机的300万倍以上,顶峰计算机被公认为世界上最快的计算机。比尔 · 安鲁在1994年发表的一篇论文中对量子计算机的实用性表示怀疑。认为一台400量子位的计算机甚至会与全息原理宇宙理论暗示的宇宙学信息发生冲突。
约翰 · 普雷斯基尔提出了'''<font color="#ff8000"> 量子优势Quantum supremacy</font>'''这一术语,指的是量子计算机在某一领域相对于经典计算机的假设加速优势。谷歌在2017年宣布,它希望在今年年底前实现'''<font color="#ff8000"> 量子优势</font>''',尽管这一目标没有实现。IBM 在2018年表示,最好的经典计算机将在大约5年内在某些实际任务上被击败,并将'''<font color="#ff8000"> 量子优势</font>'''测试视为未来的潜在基准。尽管像吉尔 · 卡莱这样的怀疑者对量子优势的实现持怀疑态度,但在2019年10月,据报道,与谷歌人工智能量子公司合作开发的 Sycamore 处理器已经取得了量子优势,其计算速度是顶峰计算机的300万倍以上,顶峰计算机被公认为世界上最快的计算机。比尔 · 安鲁在1994年发表的一篇论文中对量子计算机的实用性表示怀疑。认为一台400量子位的计算机甚至会与全息原理宇宙理论暗示的宇宙学信息发生冲突。
=== Quantum supremacy ===
=== Quantum supremacy ===
