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'''复杂适应系统 Complex adaptive system '''(CAS)是一个复杂系统,它们基于'''[[动态的交互网络]] Dynamic network analysis''',而不是单个静态实体的简单聚合,也就是说,集合的行为不能通过每个组件的行为来进行预测。<ref name=CAS-T-01>{{cite web |url=http://tejas.iimb.ac.in/articles/12.php|title=Insights from Complexity Theory: Understanding Organisations better |publisher= by Assoc. Prof. Amit Gupta, Student contributor - S. Anish, IIM Bangalore|date= |accessdate=1 June 2012 }}</ref><ref name=CAS-T-02>{{cite journal |title=Ten Principles of Complexity & Enabling Infrastructures |publisher= by Professor Eve Mitleton-Kelly, Director Complexity Research Programme, London School of Economics |date= |citeseerx =}}</ref><ref name="Miller, John H., and Scott E. Page"/> 复杂适应系统具有适应性,因为个体和集体的行为会随着微观事件或事件集合的发生而进行变异或自组织。<ref name=CAS-T-01/> <ref name=CAS-T-02/><ref name="Miller, John H., and Scott E. Page"/>
'''复杂适应系统 Complex adaptive system '''(CAS)是一个复杂系统,它们基于'''[[动态的交互网络]] Dynamic network analysis''',而不是单个静态实体的简单聚合,也就是说,集合的行为不能通过每个组件的行为来进行预测。<ref name=CAS-T-01>{{cite web |url=http://tejas.iimb.ac.in/articles/12.php|title=Insights from Complexity Theory: Understanding Organisations better |publisher= by Assoc. Prof. Amit Gupta, Student contributor - S. Anish, IIM Bangalore|date= |accessdate=1 June 2012 }}</ref><ref name=CAS-T-02>{{cite journal |title=Ten Principles of Complexity & Enabling Infrastructures |publisher= by Professor Eve Mitleton-Kelly, Director Complexity Research Programme, London School of Economics |date= |citeseerx =}}</ref><ref name="Miller, John H., and Scott E. Page">{{Cite book|last=Miller, John H., and Scott E. Page|title=Complex adaptive systems : an introduction to computational models of social life|date=2007-01-01|publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=9781400835522|location=|pages=|oclc=760073369}}</ref>复杂适应系统具有适应性,因为个体和集体的行为会随着微观事件或事件集合的发生而进行变异或自组织。<ref name=CAS-T-01/> <ref name=CAS-T-02/><ref name="Miller, John H., and Scott E. Page"/>