
添加3字节 、 2020年11月26日 (四) 16:34
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A hypergraph is a combinatorial structure that, like an undirected graph, has vertices and edges, but in which the edges may be arbitrary sets of vertices rather than having to have exactly two endpoints. A bipartite graph <math>(U,V,E)</math> may be used to model a hypergraph in which  is the set of vertices of the hypergraph,  is the set of hyperedges, and  contains an edge from a hypergraph vertex  to a hypergraph edge  exactly when  is one of the endpoints of . Under this correspondence, the biadjacency matrices of bipartite graphs are exactly the incidence matrices of the corresponding hypergraphs. As a special case of this correspondence between bipartite graphs and hypergraphs, any multigraph (a graph in which there may be two or more edges between the same two vertices) may be interpreted as a hypergraph in which some hyperedges have equal sets of endpoints, and represented by a bipartite graph that does not have multiple adjacencies and in which the vertices on one side of the bipartition all have degree two.
A hypergraph is a combinatorial structure that, like an undirected graph, has vertices and edges, but in which the edges may be arbitrary sets of vertices rather than having to have exactly two endpoints. A bipartite graph <math>(U,V,E)</math> may be used to model a hypergraph in which  is the set of vertices of the hypergraph,  is the set of hyperedges, and  contains an edge from a hypergraph vertex  to a hypergraph edge  exactly when  is one of the endpoints of . Under this correspondence, the biadjacency matrices of bipartite graphs are exactly the incidence matrices of the corresponding hypergraphs. As a special case of this correspondence between bipartite graphs and hypergraphs, any multigraph (a graph in which there may be two or more edges between the same two vertices) may be interpreted as a hypergraph in which some hyperedges have equal sets of endpoints, and represented by a bipartite graph that does not have multiple adjacencies and in which the vertices on one side of the bipartition all have degree two.
超图是一种组合结构,类似于无向图,它具有顶点和连边,但是其中的边可以是任意子集组的顶点,而不必具有两个端点。可以使用二分图''(U,V,E)''来建模超图,其中''U''是超图的其中一个顶点集,''V''是该超图的连边集(称为超边集),''E''包含的连边定义为:从一个超图顶点''v''到超图连边''e''恰好当''v''是''e''的端点集之一时。在这种对应关系下,二分图的双邻矩阵正好是其相应超图的关联矩阵。作为二分图和超图之间这种对应关系的特例,任何'''<font color="#ff8000"> 多重图Multigraph</font>'''(即在相同两点之间可能存在的多条边的图)都可以解释为其中一些超边具有相同端点集的超图,并且由不具有多个邻接关系的二分图表示,其中二分图的同边顶点的度均为2。
超图是一种类似于无向图的组合结构。它具有顶点和连边,但是其中的边可以是任意子集组的顶点,而不必具有两个端点。可以使用二分图''(U,V,E)''来建模超图,其中''U''是超图的其中一个顶点集,''V''是该超图的连边集(称为超边集),''E''包含的连边定义为:从一个超图顶点''v''到超图连边''e''恰好当''v''是''e''的端点集之一时。在这种对应关系下,二分图的双邻矩阵正好是其相应超图的关联矩阵。作为二分图和超图之间这种对应关系的特例,任何'''<font color="#ff8000"> 多重图Multigraph</font>'''(即在相同两点之间可能存在的多条边的图)都可以解释为其中一些超边具有相同端点集的超图,并且由不具有多个邻接关系的二分图表示,其中二分图的同边顶点的度数均为2。
