
删除36字节 、 2020年11月29日 (日) 22:13
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Systems in mutual thermodynamic equilibrium are simultaneously in mutual thermal, mechanical, chemical, and radiative equilibria. Systems can be in one kind of mutual equilibrium, though not in others. In thermodynamic equilibrium, all kinds of equilibrium hold at once and indefinitely, until disturbed by a thermodynamic operation. In a macroscopic equilibrium, perfectly or almost perfectly balanced microscopic exchanges occur; this is the physical explanation of the notion of macroscopic equilibrium.  
Systems in mutual thermodynamic equilibrium are simultaneously in mutual thermal, mechanical, chemical, and radiative equilibria. Systems can be in one kind of mutual equilibrium, though not in others. In thermodynamic equilibrium, all kinds of equilibrium hold at once and indefinitely, until disturbed by a thermodynamic operation. In a macroscopic equilibrium, perfectly or almost perfectly balanced microscopic exchanges occur; this is the physical explanation of the notion of macroscopic equilibrium.  
互热力学平衡体系同时处于'''<font color="#ff8000">热 Thermal</font>'''平衡、'''<font color="#ff8000">机械 Mechanical</font>'''平衡、'''<font color="#ff8000">化学 Chemical</font>'''平衡和'''<font color="#ff8000">辐射 Radiative</font>'''平衡。系统可以处于一种相互平衡状态,但不能处于另一种相互平衡状态。在热力学平衡中所有的平衡同时并且无限期地保持,直到被'''<font color="#ff8000">热力学操作 Thermodynamic Operation</font>'''打破。在一个宏观平衡中,完全或几乎完全平衡的微观交换发生了; 这是对宏观平衡概念的物理解释。
互热力学平衡体系同时处于'''<font color="#ff8000">热 Thermal</font>'''平衡、'''<font color="#ff8000">机械 Mechanical</font>'''平衡、'''<font color="#ff8000">化学 Chemical</font>'''平衡和'''<font color="#ff8000">辐射 Radiative</font>'''平衡。系统处于一种相互平衡状态,就不能处于其他状态。在热力学平衡中所有的平衡同时并且无限期地保持,直到被'''<font color="#ff8000">热力学操作 Thermodynamic Operation</font>'''打破。在一个宏观平衡中,完全或几乎完全平衡的微观交换发生了; 这是对宏观平衡概念的物理解释。
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A thermodynamic system in a state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium has a spatially uniform temperature. Its intensive properties, other than temperature, may be driven to spatial inhomogeneity by an unchanging long-range force field imposed on it by its surroundings.
A thermodynamic system in a state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium has a spatially uniform temperature. Its intensive properties, other than temperature, may be driven to spatial inhomogeneity by an unchanging long-range force field imposed on it by its surroundings.
一个处于内部热力学系统状态的热力学平衡有一个空间均匀的'''<font color="#ff8000">温度 Temperature</font>'''。除了温度以外,它的'''<font color="#ff8000">强度性质 Intensive Properties</font>'''可能是由于周围环境施加的不变的长程力场而导致空间不均匀性。
一个处于内部热力学系统状态的热力学平衡有一个空间均匀的'''<font color="#ff8000">温度 Temperature</font>'''。除了温度以外,它的'''<font color="#ff8000">强度性质 Intensive Properties</font>'''是由于周围环境施加的不变的长程力场而导致空间不均匀性。
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Though not a widely named a "law," it is an axiom of thermodynamics that there exist states of thermodynamic equilibrium. The second law of thermodynamics states that when a body of material starts from an equilibrium state, in which, portions of it are held at different states by more or less permeable or impermeable partitions, and a thermodynamic operation removes or makes the partitions more permeable and it is isolated, then it spontaneously reaches its own, new state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and this is accompanied by an increase in the sum of the entropies of the portions.
Though not a widely named a "law," it is an axiom of thermodynamics that there exist states of thermodynamic equilibrium. The second law of thermodynamics states that when a body of material starts from an equilibrium state, in which, portions of it are held at different states by more or less permeable or impermeable partitions, and a thermodynamic operation removes or makes the partitions more permeable and it is isolated, then it spontaneously reaches its own, new state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and this is accompanied by an increase in the sum of the entropies of the portions.
虽然不是一个广泛命名的“定律” ,但它是一个热力学'''<font color="#ff8000">公理 Axiom</font>''',即存在热力学平衡状态。'''<font color="#ff8000">热力学第二定律 second law of thermodynamics</font>'''指出,当一个物质体从一个平衡状态开始,在这个状态中,它的一部分被或多或少渗透或不渗透的分区保持在不同的状态,热力学操作移除或使分区更具渗透性,它是孤立的,然后它自发地达到它自己的,内部热力学平衡的新状态,并伴随着部分'''<font color="#ff8000">熵 Entropy</font>'''的总和增加。
虽然不是一个广泛命名的“定律” ,但存在热力学平衡状态是一个热力学'''<font color="#ff8000">公理 Axiom</font>''''''<font color="#ff8000">热力学第二定律 second law of thermodynamics</font>'''指出,当一个物质体从一个平衡状态开始,在这个状态中,它的一部分被或多或少渗透或不渗透的分区保持在不同的状态,并且是孤立的,热力学操作移除分区或使分区更具渗透性,然后它自发地达到自己内部热力学平衡的新状态,并伴随着部分'''<font color="#ff8000">熵 Entropy</font>'''的总和增加。
