
删除56字节 、 2020年11月29日 (日) 22:41
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A collection of matter may be entirely isolated from its surroundings. If it has been left undisturbed for an indefinitely long time, classical thermodynamics postulates that it is in a state in which no changes occur within it, and there are no flows within it. This is a thermodynamic state of internal equilibrium. (This postulate is sometimes, but not often, called the "minus first" law of thermodynamics. One textbook calls it the "zeroth law", remarking that the authors think this more befitting that title than its more customary definition, which apparently was suggested by Fowler.)
A collection of matter may be entirely isolated from its surroundings. If it has been left undisturbed for an indefinitely long time, classical thermodynamics postulates that it is in a state in which no changes occur within it, and there are no flows within it. This is a thermodynamic state of internal equilibrium. (This postulate is sometimes, but not often, called the "minus first" law of thermodynamics. One textbook calls it the "zeroth law", remarking that the authors think this more befitting that title than its more customary definition, which apparently was suggested by Fowler.)
物质的集合可能与其周围的环境完全'''<font color="#ff8000">孤立 Isolated</font>'''。如果它在无限长的时间内一直保持不受干扰,经典热力学假定,它是在一个没有发生任何变化,没有流动的状态。这是内部平衡的热力学状态。(这种假设有时被称为“负第一”热力学定律,但并不常见。一本教科书称之为“第零定律” ,并指出作者认为这个标题是'''<font color="#ff8000">更符合惯例的定义 More Customary Definition</font>''',后者显然是由'''<font color="#ff8000">福勒 Fowler</font>'''提出的。)
物质的集合可能与其周围的环境完全'''<font color="#ff8000">孤立 Isolated</font>'''。如果它在无限长的时间内一直保持不受干扰,按照经典热力学假定,它处于一个没有发生任何变化,没有流动的状态,即内部平衡的热力学状态。(这种假设有时被称为“负第一”热力学定律,但并不常见。有教科书称之为“第零定律” ,作者'''<font color="#ff8000">福勒 Fowler</font>'''认为这个名称是'''<font color="#ff8000">更符合惯例的定义 More Customary Definition</font>''')
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Such states are a principal concern in what is known as classical or equilibrium thermodynamics, for they are the only states of the system that are regarded as well defined in that subject. A system in contact equilibrium with another system can by a thermodynamic operation be isolated, and upon the event of isolation, no change occurs in it. A system in a relation of contact equilibrium with another system may thus also be regarded as being in its own state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium.
Such states are a principal concern in what is known as classical or equilibrium thermodynamics, for they are the only states of the system that are regarded as well defined in that subject. A system in contact equilibrium with another system can by a thermodynamic operation be isolated, and upon the event of isolation, no change occurs in it. A system in a relation of contact equilibrium with another system may thus also be regarded as being in its own state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium.
这样的状态是所谓的经典热力学或平衡态热力学的主要关注点,因为它们是系统中被认为在这门学科中得到很好定义的唯一状态。一个与另一个系统处于接触平衡的系统可以被隔离一个'''<font color="#ff8000">热力学操作 Thermodynamic Operation</font>''',在隔离的事件发生时,它不会发生任何变化。因此,一个与另一个系统处于接触平衡关系的系统也可以被视为处于其自身的内部热力学平衡状态。
这种状态是所谓的经典热力学或平衡态热力学的主要关注点,因为它们是系统中被认为在这门学科中得到很好定义的唯一状态。一个与另一个系统处于接触平衡状态可以被一个'''<font color="#ff8000">热力学操作 Thermodynamic Operation</font>'''隔离,在隔离发生时,其内部不会发生任何变化。因此,一个与另一个系统处于接触平衡状态时也可以被视为处于其自身的内部热力学平衡状态。
==Multiple contact equilibrium==
==Multiple contact equilibrium==
