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== Biography 个人简介==
===Early life and education===
=== Early life and education 早年生活和教育经历 ===
{{See also|Charles Darwin's education|Darwin-Wedgwood family}}
{{See also|Charles Darwin's education|Darwin-Wedgwood family}}
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查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文于1809年2月12日出生在什罗普郡什鲁斯伯里Shrewsbury自家山顶的小屋中。他的父亲是非常富裕的社会医生,金融家罗伯特·达尔文Robert Darwin,母亲苏珊娜·达尔文Susannah Darwin则是韦奇伍德陶器家族的女儿,达尔文在六个孩子中排名第五。他的祖父伊拉斯谟·达尔文Erasmus Darwin和约西亚·韦奇伍德Josiah Wedgwood都是著名的废奴主义者。伊拉斯谟·达尔文在他的著作《动物法则》(1794年)中称赞了进化和共同祖先Common descent这个概念。本书以一种渐进式创作的诗意幻想方式呈现,其中包括未成熟的观念,这些观念预示着他孙子未来提出的概念。
查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文于1809年2月12日出生在什罗普郡什鲁斯伯里Shrewsbury自家山顶的小屋中。他的父亲是非常富裕的社会医生,金融家罗伯特·达尔文Robert Darwin,母亲苏珊娜·达尔文Susannah Darwin则是韦奇伍德陶器家族的女儿,达尔文在六个孩子中排名第五。他的祖父伊拉斯谟·达尔文Erasmus Darwin和约西亚·韦奇伍德Josiah Wedgwood都是著名的废奴主义者。伊拉斯谟·达尔文在他的著作《动物法则》(1794年)中称赞了进化和共同祖先Common descent这个概念。本书以一种渐进式创作的诗意幻想方式呈现,其中包括未成熟的观念,这些观念预示着他孙子未来提出的概念。
[[文件:Charles Darwin 1816.jpg|缩略图|左|1816年,埃伦·夏普莱斯Ellen Sharples用粉笔绘制了七岁抱着盆栽的查尔斯·达尔文Charles Darwin]]
Both families were largely [[Unitarianism|Unitarian]], though the Wedgwoods were adopting [[Anglicanism]]. Robert Darwin, himself quietly a [[Freethought#England and France|freethinker]], had baby Charles [[baptism|baptised]] in November 1809 in the Anglican [[St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury]], but Charles and his siblings attended the Unitarian chapel with their mother. The eight-year-old Charles already had a taste for natural history and collecting when he joined the day school run by its preacher in 1817. That July, his mother died. From September 1818, he joined his older brother [[Erasmus Alvey Darwin|Erasmus]] attending the nearby Anglican [[Shrewsbury School]] as a [[boarding school|boarder]].<ref name=skool>{{Harvnb|Desmond|Moore|1991|pp= 12–15}}<br />{{harvnb|Darwin|1958|pp=[http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=text&itemID=F1497&pageseq=21 21–25]}}</ref>
Both families were largely [[Unitarianism|Unitarian]], though the Wedgwoods were adopting [[Anglicanism]]. Robert Darwin, himself quietly a [[Freethought#England and France|freethinker]], had baby Charles [[baptism|baptised]] in November 1809 in the Anglican [[St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury]], but Charles and his siblings attended the Unitarian chapel with their mother. The eight-year-old Charles already had a taste for natural history and collecting when he joined the day school run by its preacher in 1817. That July, his mother died. From September 1818, he joined his older brother [[Erasmus Alvey Darwin|Erasmus]] attending the nearby Anglican [[Shrewsbury School]] as a [[boarding school|boarder]].<ref name=skool>{{Harvnb|Desmond|Moore|1991|pp= 12–15}}<br />{{harvnb|Darwin|1958|pp=[http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=text&itemID=F1497&pageseq=21 21–25]}}</ref>
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Both families were largely Unitarian, though the Wedgwoods were adopting Anglicanism. Robert Darwin, himself quietly a freethinker, had baby Charles baptised in November 1809 in the Anglican St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, but Charles and his siblings attended the Unitarian chapel with their mother. The eight-year-old Charles already had a taste for natural history and collecting when he joined the day school run by its preacher in 1817. That July, his mother died. From September 1818, he joined his older brother Erasmus attending the nearby Anglican Shrewsbury School as a boarder.
Both families were largely Unitarian, though the Wedgwoods were adopting Anglicanism. Robert Darwin, himself quietly a freethinker, had baby Charles baptised in November 1809 in the Anglican St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, but Charles and his siblings attended the Unitarian chapel with their mother. The eight-year-old Charles already had a taste for natural history and collecting when he joined the day school run by its preacher in 1817. That July, his mother died. From September 1818, he joined his older brother Erasmus attending the nearby Anglican Shrewsbury School as a boarder.
[[文件:Charles Darwin 1816.jpg|缩略图||1816年,埃伦·夏普莱斯Ellen Sharples用粉笔绘制了七岁抱着盆栽的查尔斯·达尔文Charles Darwin]]
Darwin spent the summer of 1825 as an apprentice doctor, helping his father treat the poor of Shropshire, before going to the [[University of Edinburgh Medical School]] (at the time the best medical school in the UK) with his brother Erasmus in October 1825. Darwin found lectures dull and surgery distressing, so he neglected his studies. He learned [[taxidermy]] in around 40 daily hour-long sessions from [[John Edmonstone]], a freed black slave who had accompanied [[Charles Waterton]] in the South American [[rainforest]].<ref name=eddy>{{harvnb|Darwin|1958|pp=[http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=text&itemID=F1497&pageseq=48 47–51]}}<br />{{harvnb | Desmond |Moore | 2009 | pp=18–26}}</ref>
Darwin spent the summer of 1825 as an apprentice doctor, helping his father treat the poor of Shropshire, before going to the University of Edinburgh Medical School (at the time the best medical school in the UK) with his brother Erasmus in October 1825. Darwin found lectures dull and surgery distressing, so he neglected his studies. He learned taxidermy in around 40 daily hour-long sessions from John Edmonstone, a freed black slave who had accompanied Charles Waterton in the South American rainforest.
Darwin spent the summer of 1825 as an apprentice doctor, helping his father treat the poor of Shropshire, before going to the University of Edinburgh Medical School (at the time the best medical school in the UK) with his brother Erasmus in October 1825. Darwin found lectures dull and surgery distressing, so he neglected his studies. He learned taxidermy in around 40 daily hour-long sessions from John Edmonstone, a freed black slave who had accompanied Charles Waterton in the South American rainforest.
1825年的夏天,达尔文作为一名见习医生,帮助他的父亲治疗希罗普郡的穷人,然后在1825年10月和他的兄弟伊拉斯谟一起进入爱丁堡大学医学院(当时是英国最好的医学院)。达尔文认为讲座枯燥乏味,手术使他苦恼,所以他忽略了学习。约翰 · 埃德蒙斯通是一名获得自由的黑奴,他曾陪同查尔斯 · 沃特顿在南美洲的热带雨林中进行剥制动物标本的工作。
1825年夏天,达尔文作为实习医生,帮助父亲治疗什罗普郡的穷人,然后在1825年10月与他的兄弟伊拉斯谟一起就读于爱丁堡大学医学院(当时是英国最好的医学院)。达尔文发现讲座乏味,手术令人痛苦,因此他对学业丧失了兴趣。后来,他坚持了40天,每天大约一小时长的课程,从约翰·埃德蒙斯顿John Edmonstone那里学到动物标本剥制术,约翰·埃德蒙斯顿是一名重获自由的黑人奴隶,曾陪伴查尔斯·沃特顿Charles Waterton进入过南美雨林。
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2008-09年,瑞典乐队 The Knife 与丹麦表演团体 Hotel Pro Forma 以及其他来自丹麦、瑞典和美国的音乐家合作,创作了一部关于达尔文和物种起源生平的歌剧,名为《一年中的明天》。该剧于2010年在欧洲剧院巡回演出。
2008-09年,瑞典乐队 The Knife 与丹麦表演团体 Hotel Pro Forma 以及其他来自丹麦、瑞典和美国的音乐家合作,创作了一部关于达尔文和物种起源生平的歌剧,名为《一年中的明天》。该剧于2010年在欧洲剧院巡回演出。
