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* In 1992, author [[Piers Anthony]] wrote [[Fractal Mode]] where ideas of multiple universes being linked via fractals is a main point of the worldbuilding in the story.
* In 1992, author [[Piers Anthony]] wrote [[Fractal Mode]] where ideas of multiple universes being linked via fractals is a main point of the worldbuilding in the story.
1992年,作家皮尔斯·安东尼Piers Anthony撰写了《分形模式》,其中通过分形将多个宇宙联系在一起的想法是故事中世界建构的重点。
* 1992年,作家皮尔斯·安东尼Piers Anthony撰写了《分形模式》,其中通过分形将多个宇宙联系在一起的想法是故事中世界建构的重点。
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* In 2004, the American singer-songwriter [[Jonathan Coulton]] wrote "Mandelbrot Set". Formerly, it contained the lines "Mandelbrot's in heaven / at least he will be when he's dead / right now he's still alive and teaching math at Yale". Live performances after Mandelbrot's passing in 2010 feature only the first line and a brief rock instrumental.
* In 2004, the American singer-songwriter [[Jonathan Coulton]] wrote "Mandelbrot Set". Formerly, it contained the lines "Mandelbrot's in heaven / at least he will be when he's dead / right now he's still alive and teaching math at Yale". Live performances after Mandelbrot's passing in 2010 feature only the first line and a brief rock instrumental.
2004年,美国歌手兼作词人乔纳森·库尔顿Jonathan Coulton创作了《曼德布洛特集》。其歌词包含“曼德布洛特在天堂/至少是他死后的去向/现在他还活着并在耶鲁教数学”这句话。曼德布洛特在2010年过世后,该歌曲的现场表演仅以第一句歌词和简短的摇滚乐器来呈现。
* 2004年,美国歌手兼作词人乔纳森·库尔顿Jonathan Coulton创作了《曼德布洛特集》。其歌词包含“曼德布洛特在天堂/至少是他死后的去向/现在他还活着并在耶鲁教数学”这句话。曼德布洛特在2010年过世后,该歌曲的现场表演仅以第一句歌词和简短的摇滚乐器来呈现。
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* In 2007, the author [[Laura Ruby]] published "The Chaos King," which includes a character named Mandelbrot and discussion of chaos theory.
* In 2007, the author [[Laura Ruby]] published "The Chaos King," which includes a character named Mandelbrot and discussion of chaos theory.
2007年,作者劳拉·鲁比Laura Ruby出版了《混沌之王》,其中包括一个名叫曼德尔布洛特的角色以及对混沌理论的讨论。
* 2007年,作者劳拉·鲁比Laura Ruby出版了《混沌之王》,其中包括一个名叫曼德尔布洛特的角色以及对混沌理论的讨论。
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* In 2017, [[Zach Weinersmith]]'s webcomic, ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'', portrayed Mandelbrot.<ref>{{Cite web | url=http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/mandelbrot | title=Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Mandelbrot | access-date=6 October 2017 | archive-date=7 October 2017 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171007023553/http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/mandelbrot | url-status=live }}</ref>
* In 2017, [[Zach Weinersmith]]'s webcomic, ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'', portrayed Mandelbrot.<ref>{{Cite web | url=http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/mandelbrot | title=Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Mandelbrot | access-date=6 October 2017 | archive-date=7 October 2017 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171007023553/http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/mandelbrot | url-status=live }}</ref>
2017年,扎克·韦纳史密斯Zach Weinersmith的网络漫画《星期六的谷物早餐》描绘了曼德布洛特。
* 2017年,扎克·韦纳史密斯Zach Weinersmith的网络漫画《星期六的谷物早餐》描绘了曼德布洛特。
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* In 2017, Liz Ziemska published a novella, ''Mandelbrot The Magnificent'', a fictional account of how Mandelbrot saved his family during WWII.
* In 2017, Liz Ziemska published a novella, ''Mandelbrot The Magnificent'', a fictional account of how Mandelbrot saved his family during WWII.
2017年,莉兹·齐姆斯卡Liz Ziemska出版了中篇小说《曼德尔布洛特的壮丽》(Mandelbrot The Magnificent),这是对曼德布洛特在第二次世界大战期间如何拯救家人的虚构描述。
* 2017年,莉兹·齐姆斯卡Liz Ziemska出版了中篇小说《曼德尔布洛特的壮丽》(Mandelbrot The Magnificent),这是对曼德布洛特在第二次世界大战期间如何拯救家人的虚构描述。
== See also ==
== See also ==
