
添加638字节 、 2021年1月22日 (五) 13:11
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Basic tools of econophysics are probabilistic and statistical methods often taken from statistical physics.
Basic tools of econophysics are probabilistic and statistical methods often taken from statistical physics.
经济物理学的基本工具是通常取自统计物理学的'''<font color="#ff8000">概率 Probability</font>'''和'''<font color="#ff8000">统计 Statistics</font>'''方法。
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Physics models that have been applied in economics include the kinetic theory of gas (called the kinetic exchange models of markets ), percolation models, chaotic models developed to study cardiac arrest, and models with self-organizing criticality as well as other models developed for earthquake prediction. Moreover, there have been attempts to use the mathematical theory of complexity and information theory, as developed by many scientists among whom are Murray Gell-Mann and Claude E. Shannon, respectively.
Physics models that have been applied in economics include the kinetic theory of gas (called the kinetic exchange models of markets ), percolation models, chaotic models developed to study cardiac arrest, and models with self-organizing criticality as well as other models developed for earthquake prediction. Moreover, there have been attempts to use the mathematical theory of complexity and information theory, as developed by many scientists among whom are Murray Gell-Mann and Claude E. Shannon, respectively.
应用于经济学的物理模型包括'''<font color="#ff8000">气体动力学理论 kinetic theory of gas</font>'''(称为'''<font color="#ff8000">市场动力学交换模型 kinetic exchange models of markets</font>''')、'''<font color="#ff8000">逾渗 percolation</font>'''模型、用于研究心脏骤停的'''<font color="#ff8000">混沌 chaotic</font>'''模型、具有'''<font color="#ff8000">自组织临界性 self-organizing criticality</font>'''的模型以及其他用于'''<font color="#ff8000">地震预测 earthquake prediction</font>'''的模型。此外,还有人试图使用'''<font color="#ff8000">复杂性 complexity</font>'''数学理论和'''<font color="#ff8000">信息论 information theory</font>''',这两种理论是由许多科学家发展起来的,其中分别有'''<font color="#ff8000">默里·盖尔曼 Murray Gell-Mann</font>'''和'''<font color="#ff8000">克劳德·E·香农 Claude E. Shannon</font>'''。
