
删除58字节 、 2021年1月25日 (一) 19:50
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A reduced version of the hypothesis has been called "influential Gaia" in "Directed Evolution of the Biosphere: Biogeochemical Selection or Gaia?" by Andrei G. Lapenis, which states the biota influence certain aspects of the abiotic world, e.g. temperature and atmosphere.  This is not the work of an individual but a collective of Russian scientific research that was combined into this peer reviewed publication. It states the coevolution of life and the environment through “micro-forces”
A reduced version of the hypothesis has been called "influential Gaia" in "Directed Evolution of the Biosphere: Biogeochemical Selection or Gaia?" by Andrei G. Lapenis, which states the biota influence certain aspects of the abiotic world, e.g. temperature and atmosphere.  This is not the work of an individual but a collective of Russian scientific research that was combined into this peer reviewed publication. It states the coevolution of life and the environment through “micro-forces”
在《生物圈的定向进化: 生物地球化学选择还是盖亚? 》一书中,这一假说的简化版被称为“有影响力的盖亚”。安德烈·G·拉佩尼斯在这本书中指出生物影响着非生物世界的温度和大气等多个方面。这不是一个人的工作,而是一个俄罗斯科研组织的成果,合并成这个通过同行评议的出版物。它通过“微观力量”阐述了生命与环境的共同进化。
在《生物圈的定向进化: 生物地球化学选择还是盖亚? 》一书中,这一假说的简化版被称为“有影响力的盖亚”。安德烈·G·拉佩尼斯在这本书中指出生物影响着非生物世界的温度和大气等多个方面。这本书不是一个人的工作,而是一群俄罗斯科研人员的成果合并成这个通过同行评议的出版物。它通过“微观力量”阐述了生命与环境的共同进化。
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Since barriers existed throughout the twentieth century between Russia and the rest of the world, it is only relatively recently that the early Russian scientists who introduced concepts overlapping the Gaia hypothesis have become better known to the Western scientific community.<ref name=":02" /> These scientists include [[Piotr Kropotkin|Piotr Alekseevich Kropotkin]] (1842–1921) (although he spent much of his professional life outside Russia), Vasil’evich Rizpolozhensky (1847–1918), [[Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky]] (1863–1945), and Vladimir Alexandrovich Kostitzin (1886–1963).
Since barriers existed throughout the twentieth century between Russia and the rest of the world, it is only relatively recently that the early Russian scientists who introduced concepts overlapping the Gaia hypothesis have become better known to the Western scientific community.<ref name=":02" /> These scientists include [[Piotr Kropotkin|Piotr Alekseevich Kropotkin]] (1842–1921) (although he spent much of his professional life outside Russia), Vasil’evich Rizpolozhensky (1847–1918), [[Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky]] (1863–1945), and Vladimir Alexandrovich Kostitzin (1886–1963).
The Gaia hypothesis posits that the Earth is a self-regulating complex system involving the biosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrospheres and the pedosphere, tightly coupled as an evolving system. The hypothesis contends that this system as a whole, called Gaia, seeks a physical and chemical environment optimal for contemporary life.
The Gaia hypothesis posits that the Earth is a self-regulating complex system involving the biosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrospheres and the pedosphere, tightly coupled as an evolving system. The hypothesis contends that this system as a whole, called Gaia, seeks a physical and chemical environment optimal for contemporary life.
Biologists and Earth scientists usually view the factors that stabilize the characteristics of a period as an undirected [[emergent property]] or [[entelechy]] of the system; as each individual species pursues its own self-interest, for example, their combined actiYons may have counterbalancing effects on environmental change. Opponents of this view sometimes reference examples of events that resulted in dramatic change rather than stable equilibrium, such as the conversion of the Earth's atmosphere from a [[reducing environment]] to an [[oxygen]]-rich one at the end of the [[Archean|Archaean]] and the beginning of the [[Proterozoic]] periods.
Biologists and Earth scientists usually view the factors that stabilize the characteristics of a period as an undirected [[emergent property]] or [[entelechy]] of the system; as each individual species pursues its own self-interest, for example, their combined actiYons may have counterbalancing effects on environmental change. Opponents of this view sometimes reference examples of events that resulted in dramatic change rather than stable equilibrium, such as the conversion of the Earth's atmosphere from a [[reducing environment]] to an [[oxygen]]-rich one at the end of the [[Archean|Archaean]] and the beginning of the [[Proterozoic]] periods.
