
删除518字节 、 2021年5月28日 (五) 15:31
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为了正式定义 ATE,我们定义了两个潜在的结果: <math>y_{0}(i)</math > 是个体 <math> i </math> 没有被处理的结果变量的取值,<math> y _ {1}(i) </math> 是个体 <math> i </math> 被处理的结果变量的取值。例如,<math>y_{0}(i)</math > 是个体 <math> i </math> 没有注射研究药物的个体健康状态,<math>y_{1}(i)</math > 是个体 <math> i </math> 被注射药物的健康状态。
为了正式定义 ATE,我们定义了两个潜在的结果: <math>y_{0}(i)</math > 是个体 <math> i </math> 没有被处理的结果变量的取值,<math> y _ {1}(i) </math> 是个体 <math> i </math> 被处理的结果变量的取值。例如,<math>y_{0}(i)</math > 是个体 <math> i </math> 没有注射研究药物的个体健康状态,<math>y_{1}(i)</math > 是个体 <math> i </math> 被注射药物的健康状态。
The treatment effect for individual <math>i</math> is given by <math>y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i)=\beta(i)</math>. In the general case, there is no reason to expect this effect to be constant across individuals. The average treatment effect is given by
The treatment effect for individual <math>i</math> is given by <math>y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i)=\beta(i)</math>. In the general case, there is no reason to expect this effect to be constant across individuals. The average treatment effect is given by  
The treatment effect for individual <math>i</math> is given by <math>y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i)=\beta(i)</math>. In the general case, there is no reason to expect this effect to be constant across individuals. The average treatment effect is given by  
个体 <math> i </math> 的治疗效果由 <math> y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i) = beta (i) </math> 给出。在一般情况下,没有理由期望这种影响在个体之间是恒定的。平均处理效果由
个体 <math> i </math> 的治疗效果定义为 <math> y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i) = beta (i) </math> 。在一般情况下,这种治疗影响在个体之间是不一样的。平均处理效果定义为
:<math>\text{ATE} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i (y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i))</math>
:<math>\text{ATE} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i (y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i))</math>
<math>\text{ATE} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i (y_{1}(i)-y_{0}(i))</math>
{ n } sum i (y _ {1}(i)-y _ {0}(i)) </math >
where the summation occurs over all <math>N</math> individuals in the population.
where the summation occurs over all <math>N</math> individuals in the population.
