
删除581字节 、 2021年5月28日 (五) 16:01
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考虑一个例子,所有单元都是失业个体,给一些个体给与政策干预(干预组),其余的不给予干预(治疗组) 。需要计算的因果效应是工作监督政策(治疗)对失业期的影响: 平均来说,如果监督个体寻找工作(给与干预),他的失业期会缩短多少?在这种情况下,ATE 是治疗组和对照组失业时间长度的期望值(平均值)的差异。
考虑一个例子,所有单元都是失业个体,给一些个体给与政策干预(干预组),其余的不给予干预(治疗组) 。需要计算的因果效应是工作监督政策(治疗)对失业期的影响: 平均来说,如果监督个体寻找工作(给与干预),他的失业期会缩短多少?在这种情况下,ATE 是治疗组和对照组失业时间长度的期望值(平均值)的差异。
A positive ATE, in this example, would suggest that the job policy increased the length of unemployment. A negative ATE would suggest that the job policy decreased the length of unemployment. An ATE estimate equal to zero would suggest that there was no advantage or disadvantage to providing the treatment in terms of the length of unemployment. Determining whether an ATE estimate is distinguishable from zero (either positively or negatively) requires [[statistical inference]].
A positive ATE, in this example, would suggest that the job policy increased the length of unemployment. A negative ATE would suggest that the job policy decreased the length of unemployment. An ATE estimate equal to zero would suggest that there was no advantage or disadvantage to providing the treatment in terms of the length of unemployment. Determining whether an ATE estimate is distinguishable from zero (either positively or negatively) requires statistical inference.
A positive ATE, in this example, would suggest that the job policy increased the length of unemployment. A negative ATE would suggest that the job policy decreased the length of unemployment. An ATE estimate equal to zero would suggest that there was no advantage or disadvantage to providing the treatment in terms of the length of unemployment. Determining whether an ATE estimate is distinguishable from zero (either positively or negatively) requires statistical inference.
一个积极的 ATE,在这个例子中,意味着就业政策延长了失业的时间。一个消极的自动终端设备将表明就业政策缩短了失业的时间。一个等于零的劳动能力估计数表明,就失业时间长短而言,提供这种待遇没有任何好处或不利之处。判断一个 ATE 估计值是否可以区分为零(正的或负的)需要推论统计学。
在这个例子中,正ATE意味着就业政策延长了失业期,负ATE表明就业政策缩短了失业期。取值为零的ATE表明,提供就业政策对失业期并没有任何好处或不利之处。判断一个 ATE 估计值是否可以区分为零(正的或负的)需要统计推断。
