
添加1,962字节 、 2021年5月31日 (一) 16:25
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== Applications ==
== Applications 应用 ==
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Family tree of the [[Ptolemaic dynasty, with many marriages between close relatives causing pedigree collapse]]
Family tree of the [[Ptolemaic dynasty, with many marriages between close relatives causing pedigree collapse]]
=== Scheduling ===
Family trees may be seen as directed acyclic graphs, with a vertex for each family member and an edge for each parent-child relationship. Despite the name, these graphs are not necessarily trees because of the possibility of marriages between relatives (so a child has a common ancestor on both the mother's and father's side) causing pedigree collapse. The graphs of matrilineal descent ("mother" relationships between women) and patrilineal descent ("father" relationships between men) are trees within this graph.  Because
=== Scheduling 调度 ===
Directed acyclic graphs representations of partial orderings have many applications in [[Schedule|scheduling]] for systems of tasks with ordering constraints.<ref>{{harvtxt|Skiena|2009}}, p. 469.</ref>
Directed acyclic graphs representations of partial orderings have many applications in [[Schedule|scheduling]] for systems of tasks with ordering constraints.<ref>{{harvtxt|Skiena|2009}}, p. 469.</ref>
Directed acyclic graphs representations of partial orderings have many applications in scheduling for systems of tasks with ordering constraints.[29] An important class of problems of this type concern collections of objects that need to be updated, such as the cells of a spreadsheet after one of the cells has been changed, or the object files of a piece of computer software after its source code has been changed. In this context, a dependency graph is a graph that has a vertex for each object to be updated, and an edge connecting two objects whenever one of them needs to be updated earlier than the other. A cycle in this graph is called a circular dependency, and is generally not allowed, because there would be no way to consistently schedule the tasks involved in the cycle. Dependency graphs without circular dependencies form DAGs.[30]
有向无环图的偏序关系可以在调度有着先后顺序限制的系统任务中发挥作用。[29]调度问题的一个重要种类是串联需要更新的对象,如電子試算表中某个单元格的计算公式依赖于其他单元格,或在程序的源代码被修改后重新编译目标文件。依赖图(英语:dependency graph)则记录了这种更新依赖关系。其每个顶点对应一个需要被更新的对象,边则表示更新的关系。依赖图中的环被称为环状依赖(英语:circular dependency)。环状依赖通常是不被允许出现的,因为不能保证圈内任务排定顺序的一致性。无环的依赖图即为有向无环图。[31]
For instance, when one cell of a spreadsheet changes, it is necessary to recalculate the values of other cells that depend directly or indirectly on the changed cell. For this problem, the tasks to be scheduled are the recalculations of the values of individual cells of the spreadsheet. Dependencies arise when an expression in one cell uses a value from another cell. In such a case, the value that is used must be recalculated earlier than the expression that uses it. Topologically ordering the dependency graph, and using this topological order to schedule the cell updates, allows the whole spreadsheet to be updated with only a single evaluation per cell.[31] Similar problems of task ordering arise in makefiles for program compilation[31] and instruction scheduling for low-level computer program optimization.[32]
no one can become their own ancestor, family trees are acyclic.
An important class of problems of this type concern collections of objects that need to be updated, such as the cells of a [[spreadsheet]] after one of the cells has been changed, or the [[object file]]s of a piece of computer software after its [[source code]] has been changed.
An important class of problems of this type concern collections of objects that need to be updated, such as the cells of a [[spreadsheet]] after one of the cells has been changed, or the [[object file]]s of a piece of computer software after its [[source code]] has been changed.
