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{{short description|A process that drives self-organization within complex adaptive systems}}

{{Multiple issues|

{{Multiple issues|

{多个问题 |

{{refimprove|date=May 2015}}

{{technical|date=May 2015}}




'''Dual phase evolution''' ('''DPE''') is a process that drives [[self-organization]] within [[complex adaptive system]]s.<ref name="DPE2">

Dual phase evolution (DPE) is a process that drives self-organization within complex adaptive systems.<ref name="DPE2">


{{cite book

{{cite book


| author = Green, D.G.

| author = Green, D.G.

作者: 格林。

| author2 = Liu, J.

| author2 = Liu, J.

2 Liu,j.

| author3-link = Hussein Abbass

| author3-link = Hussein Abbass

| author3-link Hussein Abbass

| author3 = Abbass, H.

| author3 = Abbass, H.

3 Abbass,h.

| lastauthoramp = y

| lastauthoramp = y


| year = 2014

| year = 2014


| title = Dual Phase Evolution: from Theory to Practice

| title = Dual Phase Evolution: from Theory to Practice

双重阶段演化: 从理论到实践

| publisher = Springer

| publisher = Springer


| location = Berlin

| location = Berlin

| 地点: 柏林

| isbn = 978-1441984227

| isbn = 978-1441984227


| author2-link = Liu Jing (programmer)

| author2-link = Liu Jing (programmer)

| author2-link Liu Jing (程序员)

| author-link = David G. Green

| author-link = David G. Green

| 作者链接 David g. Green

}}</ref> It arises in response to phase changes within the network of connections formed by a system's components. DPE occurs in a wide range of physical, biological and social systems. Its applications to technology include methods for manufacturing novel materials and algorithms to solve complex problems in computation.

}}</ref> It arises in response to phase changes within the network of connections formed by a system's components. DPE occurs in a wide range of physical, biological and social systems. Its applications to technology include methods for manufacturing novel materials and algorithms to solve complex problems in computation.

} / ref 它是响应系统组件形成的连接网络中的相位变化而产生的。Dpe 广泛存在于物理、生物和社会系统中。它在技术上的应用包括制造新材料的方法和解决复杂计算问题的算法。

== Introduction ==

Dual phase evolution (DPE) is a process that promotes the emergence of large-scale order in [[complex systems]]. It occurs when a system repeatedly switches between various kinds of phases, and in each phase different processes act on the components or connections in the system. DPE arises because of a property of [[Graph theory|graphs]] and [[Network theory|networks]]: the connectivity avalanche that occurs in graphs as the number of edges increases.<ref name=Erdos1960 />

Dual phase evolution (DPE) is a process that promotes the emergence of large-scale order in complex systems. It occurs when a system repeatedly switches between various kinds of phases, and in each phase different processes act on the components or connections in the system. DPE arises because of a property of graphs and networks: the connectivity avalanche that occurs in graphs as the number of edges increases.

双相演化(DPE)是复杂系统中促进大规模有序出现的过程。当一个系统在不同的相位之间反复切换,并且在每个相位中不同的过程作用于系统中的组件或连接时,就会发生这种情况。Dpe 的出现是因为图和网络的一个性质: 连通雪崩发生在图的边的数量增加。

Social networks provide a familiar example. In a [[social network]] the nodes of the network are people and the network connections (edges) are relationships or interactions between people. For any individual, social activity alternates between a ''local phase'', in which they interact only with people they already know, and a ''global phase'' in which they can interact with a wide pool of people not previously known to them. Historically, these phases have been forced on people by constraints of time and space. People spend most of their time in a local phase and interact only with those immediately around them (family, neighbors, colleagues). However, intermittent activities such as parties, holidays, and conferences involve a shift into a global phase where they can interact with different people they do not know. Different processes dominate each phase. Essentially, people make new social links when in the global phase, and refine or break them (by ceasing contact) while in the local phase.

Social networks provide a familiar example. In a social network the nodes of the network are people and the network connections (edges) are relationships or interactions between people. For any individual, social activity alternates between a local phase, in which they interact only with people they already know, and a global phase in which they can interact with a wide pool of people not previously known to them. Historically, these phases have been forced on people by constraints of time and space. People spend most of their time in a local phase and interact only with those immediately around them (family, neighbors, colleagues). However, intermittent activities such as parties, holidays, and conferences involve a shift into a global phase where they can interact with different people they do not know. Different processes dominate each phase. Essentially, people make new social links when in the global phase, and refine or break them (by ceasing contact) while in the local phase.


== The DPE mechanism ==

The following features are necessary for DPE to occur.<ref name="DPE2" />

The following features are necessary for DPE to occur.

发生 DPE 需要以下特性。

=== Underlying network ===

DPE occurs where a system has an underlying network. That is, the system's components form a set of nodes and there are connections (edges) that join them. For example, a family tree is a network in which the nodes are people (with names) and the edges are relationships such as "mother of" or "married to". The nodes in the network can take physical form, such as atoms held together by atomic forces, or they may be dynamic states or conditions, such as positions on a chess board with moves by the players defining the edges.

DPE occurs where a system has an underlying network. That is, the system's components form a set of nodes and there are connections (edges) that join them. For example, a family tree is a network in which the nodes are people (with names) and the edges are relationships such as "mother of" or "married to". The nodes in the network can take physical form, such as atoms held together by atomic forces, or they may be dynamic states or conditions, such as positions on a chess board with moves by the players defining the edges.

Dpe 发生在系统具有底层网络的情况下。也就是说,系统的组件形成一组节点,并且有连接它们的连接(边)。例如,家谱是一个网络,其中的节点是人(有名字) ,边是关系,如“母亲”或“已婚”。网络中的节点可以采取物理形式,比如由原子力连接在一起的原子,或者它们可以是动态状态或条件,比如棋盘上的位置,由定义边缘的棋手走棋。

In mathematical terms ([[graph theory]]), a graph <math>\textstyle G = \langle N,E\rangle</math> is a set of nodes <math>\textstyle N</math> and a set of edges <math>\textstyle E \subset \{ (x,y) \mid x,y \in N \}</math>. Each edge <math>\textstyle (x,y )</math> provides a link between a pair of nodes <math>\textstyle x</math> and <math>\textstyle y</math>. A network is a graph in which values are assigned to the nodes and/or edges.

In mathematical terms (graph theory), a graph <math>\textstyle G = \langle N,E\rangle</math> is a set of nodes <math>\textstyle N</math> and a set of edges <math>\textstyle E \subset \{ (x,y) \mid x,y \in N \}</math>. Each edge <math>\textstyle (x,y )</math> provides a link between a pair of nodes <math>\textstyle x</math> and <math>\textstyle y</math>. A network is a graph in which values are assigned to the nodes and/or edges.

在数学术语(图论)中,图的数学样式 g / langle n,e / rangle / math 是 n / math 中的一组节点数学文本样式 n / math 和一组边数学文本样式 e / mid x,y。每个边 math textstyle (x,y) / math 提供了 math textstyle x / math 和 math textstyle y / math 两个节点之间的链接。网络是一个图,其中的值分配给节点和 / 或边。

=== Phase shifts ===

Graphs and networks have two phases: disconnected (fragmented) and connected. In the connected phase every node is connected by an edge to at least one other node and for any pair of nodes, there is at least one path (sequence of edges) joining them.

Graphs and networks have two phases: disconnected (fragmented) and connected. In the connected phase every node is connected by an edge to at least one other node and for any pair of nodes, there is at least one path (sequence of edges) joining them.

图和网络有两个阶段: 不连接(支离破碎)和连接。在连接阶段,每个节点通过边连接到至少一个其他节点,对于任意一对节点,至少有一条路径(边序列)连接它们。

The [[Erdős–Rényi model]] shows that random graphs undergo a connectivity avalanche as the density of edges in a graph increases.<ref name="Erdos1960">

The Erdős–Rényi model shows that random graphs undergo a connectivity avalanche as the density of edges in a graph increases.<ref name="Erdos1960">

Erd s-r-nyi 模型表明,随着图中边密度的增加,随机图发生连通雪崩。 反对者名字“ erdos 1960”

{{cite journal

{{cite journal


| author = Erdős, P.

| author = Erdős, P.

| author = Erdős, P.

| author2 = Rényi, A.

| author2 = Rényi, A.

2 r nyi,a.

| lastauthoramp = y

| lastauthoramp = y


| year = 1960

| year = 1960


| title = On the evolution of random graphs

| title = On the evolution of random graphs

| 题目关于随机图的演化

| journal = Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

| journal = Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


| volume =5

| volume =5


| pages = 17&ndash;61

| pages = 17&ndash;61

17-- 61页

| url = http://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1960-10.pdf

| url = http://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1960-10.pdf


| accessdate =

| accessdate =


| author2-link = Alfréd Rényi

| author2-link = Alfréd Rényi

| author2-link alfr d r nyi

| author-link = Paul Erdős

| author-link = Paul Erdős

| 作者链接 Paul erd s

}}</ref> This avalanche amounts to a sudden phase change in the size of the largest connected subgraph. In effect, a graph has two phases: connected (most nodes are linked by pathways of interaction) and fragmented (nodes are either isolated or form small subgraphs). These are often referred to as '''global''' and '''local''' phases, respectively.

}}</ref> This avalanche amounts to a sudden phase change in the size of the largest connected subgraph. In effect, a graph has two phases: connected (most nodes are linked by pathways of interaction) and fragmented (nodes are either isolated or form small subgraphs). These are often referred to as global and local phases, respectively.

} / ref 此雪崩相当于最大连通子图大小的突然相位变化。实际上,一个图有两个阶段: 连接(大多数节点通过交互路径连接)和支离破碎(节点要么是孤立的,要么形成小的子图)。这些阶段通常分别称为全局和局部阶段。

[[File:Figure1a.gif|thumb|Fragmented graph.]]

Fragmented graph.


[[File:Figure1b.gif|thumb|Connected graph.]]

Connected graph.


An essential feature of DPE is that the system undergoes repeated shifts between the two phases. In many cases, one phase is the system's normal state and it remains in that phase until shocked into the alternate phase by a disturbance, which may be external in origin.

An essential feature of DPE is that the system undergoes repeated shifts between the two phases. In many cases, one phase is the system's normal state and it remains in that phase until shocked into the alternate phase by a disturbance, which may be external in origin.

Dpe 的一个基本特征是系统在两个阶段之间进行重复的转换。在许多情况下,一个阶段是系统的正常状态,它保持在该阶段,直到受到一种可能来自外部的扰动而进入交替阶段。

=== Selection and variation ===

In each of the two phases, the network is dominated by different processes.<ref name="DPE2" /> In a local phase, the nodes behave as individuals; in the global phase, nodes are affected by interactions with other nodes. Most commonly the two processes at work can be interpreted as ''variation'' and ''selection''. ''Variation'' refers to new features, which typically appear in one of the two phases. These features may be new nodes, new edges, or new properties of the nodes or edges. ''Selection'' here refers to ways in which the features are modified, refined, selected or removed. A simple example would be new edges being added at random in the global phase and edges being selectively removed in the local phase.

In each of the two phases, the network is dominated by different processes. In a local phase, the nodes behave as individuals; in the global phase, nodes are affected by interactions with other nodes. Most commonly the two processes at work can be interpreted as variation and selection. Variation refers to new features, which typically appear in one of the two phases. These features may be new nodes, new edges, or new properties of the nodes or edges. Selection here refers to ways in which the features are modified, refined, selected or removed. A simple example would be new edges being added at random in the global phase and edges being selectively removed in the local phase.

在这两个阶段中的每一个阶段,网络都由不同的进程控制。在局部阶段,节点表现为个体; 在全局阶段,节点受到与其他节点交互的影响。最常见的两个工作过程可以解释为变异和选择。变异指的是新的特征,通常出现在两个阶段之一。这些特征可能是新的节点,新的边,或新的性质的节点或边。这里的选择指的是修改、细化、选择或删除特性的方法。一个简单的例子是在全局相位中随机添加新边,在局部相位中有选择地去除边。

=== System memory ===

The effects of changes in one phase carry over into the other phase. This means that the processes acting in each phase can modify or refine patterns formed in the other phase. For instance, in a social network, if a person makes new acquaintances during a global phase, then some of these new social connections might survive into the local phase to become long-term friends. In this way, DPE can create effects that may be impossible if both processes act at the same time.

The effects of changes in one phase carry over into the other phase. This means that the processes acting in each phase can modify or refine patterns formed in the other phase. For instance, in a social network, if a person makes new acquaintances during a global phase, then some of these new social connections might survive into the local phase to become long-term friends. In this way, DPE can create effects that may be impossible if both processes act at the same time.

一个阶段的变化的影响会传递到另一个阶段。这意味着作用于每个阶段的过程可以修改或细化在另一个阶段形成的模式。例如,在一个社交网络中,如果一个人在一个全球阶段结识了新朋友,那么这些新的社交关系中的一部分可能会存活到当地阶段,成为长期的朋友。通过这种方式,DPE 可以创建如果两个进程同时工作可能不可能的效果。

== Examples ==

DPE has been found to occur in many natural and artificial systems.<ref name="Paperin2011">

DPE has been found to occur in many natural and artificial systems.<ref name="Paperin2011">

已经发现在许多自然和人工系统中发生 DPE

{{cite journal

{{cite journal


| author = Paperin, G.

| author = Paperin, G.

作者 Paperin,g。

| author2 = Green, D.G.

| author2 = Green, D.G.

2 Green,d.g.

| author3-link = Suzanne Sadedin

| author3-link = Suzanne Sadedin

| author3-link Suzanne Sadedin

| author3 = Sadedin, S.

| author3 = Sadedin, S.

3 Sadedin,s.

| lastauthoramp = y

| lastauthoramp = y


| year = 2011

| year = 2011


| title = Dual Phase Evolution in Complex Adaptive Systems

| title = Dual Phase Evolution in Complex Adaptive Systems


| journal = Journal of the Royal Society Interface

| journal = Journal of the Royal Society Interface


| volume = 8

| volume = 8


| issue = 58

| issue = 58


| pages = 609&ndash;629

| pages = 609&ndash;629

609-- 629页

| url = http://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1960-10.pdf

| url = http://www.renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1960-10.pdf


| doi = 10.1098/rsif.2010.0719

| doi = 10.1098/rsif.2010.0719

10.1098 / rsif. 2010.0719

| pmid = 21247947

| pmid = 21247947


| pmc = 3061102

| pmc = 3061102


| author2-link = David Green (computer scientist)

| author2-link = David Green (computer scientist)

大卫 · 格林(计算机科学家)

| author-link = Greg Paperin

| author-link = Greg Paperin

| 作者链接: Greg Paperin



{} / ref

=== Social networks ===

DPE is capable of producing social networks with known topologies, notably [[small-world network]]s and [[scale-free network]]s.<ref name="Paperin2011" />

DPE is capable of producing social networks with known topologies, notably small-world networks and scale-free networks.

Dpe 能够生成具有已知拓扑结构的社会网络,特别是小世界网络和无标度网络。

Small world networks, which are common in traditional societies, are a natural consequence of alternating ''local'' and ''global'' phases: new, long-distance links are formed during the global phase and existing links are reinforced (or removed) during the local phase. The advent of social media has decreased the constraining influence that space used to impose on social communication, so time has become the chief constraint for many people.

Small world networks, which are common in traditional societies, are a natural consequence of alternating local and global phases: new, long-distance links are formed during the global phase and existing links are reinforced (or removed) during the local phase. The advent of social media has decreased the constraining influence that space used to impose on social communication, so time has become the chief constraint for many people.

在传统社会中常见的小世界网络是地方和全球阶段交替的自然结果: 在全球阶段形成新的长途联系,在地方阶段加强(或删除)现有联系。社会媒体的出现减少了空间对社会交流的限制,因此时间成为许多人的主要限制。

The alternation between local and global phases in social networks occurs in many different guises. Some transitions between phases occur regularly, such as the daily cycle of people moving between home and work. This alternation can influence shifts in public opinion.<ref name=Stocker2003>

The alternation between local and global phases in social networks occurs in many different guises. Some transitions between phases occur regularly, such as the daily cycle of people moving between home and work. This alternation can influence shifts in public opinion.<ref name=Stocker2003>


{{cite journal

{{cite journal


| author = Stocker, R.

| author = Stocker, R.

作者 Stocker,r。

| author2 = Cornforth, D.

| author2 = Cornforth, D.

2 Cornforth,d.

| author3-link = David G. Green

| author3-link = David G. Green

| author3-link David g. Green

| author3 = Green, D.G.

| author3 = Green, D.G.

3 Green,d.g.

| lastauthoramp = y

| lastauthoramp = y


| year = 2003

| year = 2003


| title = A simulation of the impact of media on social cohesion

| title = A simulation of the impact of media on social cohesion

| 题目: 模拟媒体对社会凝聚力的影响

| journal = Advances in Complex Systems

| journal = Advances in Complex Systems


| volume = 6 |issue=3

| volume = 6 |issue=3


| pages = 349&ndash;359

| pages = 349&ndash;359

349-- 359页

| doi = 10.1142/S0219525903000931

| doi = 10.1142/S0219525903000931

10.1142 / S0219525903000931

| author2-link = David Cornforth

| author2-link = David Cornforth

| author2-link David Cornforth

| author-link = Robert Stocker

| author-link = Robert Stocker

作者链接: 罗伯特 · 斯托克

}}</ref> In the absence of social interaction, the uptake of an opinion promoted by media is a [[Markov process]]. The effect of social interaction under DPE is to retard the initial uptake until the number converted reaches a critical point, after which uptake accelerates rapidly.

}}</ref> In the absence of social interaction, the uptake of an opinion promoted by media is a Markov process. The effect of social interaction under DPE is to retard the initial uptake until the number converted reaches a critical point, after which uptake accelerates rapidly.

在缺乏社会互动的情况下,媒体对一个观点的理解是一个马尔可夫过程。Dpe 下的社会相互作用的效果是延缓初始吸收,直到转化数量达到临界点,之后吸收迅速加速。

=== Socio-economics ===

DPE models of socio-economics interpret the economy as networks of economic agents.<ref name="Goodman2014">

DPE models of socio-economics interpret the economy as networks of economic agents.<ref name="Goodman2014">

社会经济学的 DPE 模型将经济解释为经济代理人的网络

{{cite journal

{{cite journal


| author = Goodman, J.

| author = Goodman, J.

作者古德曼 j。

| year = 2014

| year = 2014


| title = Evidence for ecological learning and domain specificity in rational asset pricing and market efficiency

| title = Evidence for ecological learning and domain specificity in rational asset pricing and market efficiency


| journal = The Journal of Socio-Economics

| journal = The Journal of Socio-Economics


| volume = 48

| volume = 48


| pages = 27&ndash;39

| pages = 27&ndash;39

27-- 39页

| url = http://isiarticles.com/bundles/Article/pre/pdf/13009.pdf

| url = http://isiarticles.com/bundles/Article/pre/pdf/13009.pdf


| doi = 10.1016/j.socec.2013.10.002

| doi = 10.1016/j.socec.2013.10.002

| doi = 10.1016/j.socec.2013.10.002

| author-link = James R. Goodman

| author-link = James R. Goodman

作者链接詹姆斯 · r · 古德曼

}}</ref> Several studies have examined the way socioeconomics evolve when DPE acts on different parts of the network. One model<ref name="Xu2013">

}}</ref> Several studies have examined the way socioeconomics evolve when DPE acts on different parts of the network. One model<ref name="Xu2013">

一些研究已经研究了当 DPE 作用于网络的不同部分时,社会经济学的发展方式。一个型号名字“ xu2013”

{{cite journal

{{cite journal


| author = Xu, G.

| author = Xu, G.

作者: 徐,g。

| author2 = Yang, J.

| author2 = Yang, J.

2 Yang,j.

| author3-link = Li, G

| author3-link = Li, G

| author3-link Li,g

| author3 = Li, G.

| author3 = Li, G.

3 Li,g.

| lastauthoramp = y

| lastauthoramp = y


| year = 2013

| year = 2013


| title = Simulating society transitions: standstill, collapse and growth in an evolving network model

| title = Simulating society transitions: standstill, collapse and growth in an evolving network model

模拟社会转型: 演化中的网络模型的停滞、崩溃和成长

| journal = PLOS ONE

| journal = PLOS ONE

2012年3月24日 | PLOS ONE

| volume = 8 |issue=9

| volume = 8 |issue=9


| pages = e75433

| pages = e75433


| doi = 10.1371/journal.pone.0075433

| doi = 10.1371/journal.pone.0075433

10.1371 / journal.pone. 0075433

| pmid = 24086530

| pmid = 24086530


| pmc = 3783390

| pmc = 3783390


| bibcode = 2013PLoSO...875433X

| bibcode = 2013PLoSO...875433X

| bibcode 2013PLoSO... 875433X

| author2-link = Yang, J

| author2-link = Yang, J

| author2-link Yang,j

| author-link = Xu, G

| author-link = Xu, G

| 作者-link Xu,g

}}</ref> interpreted society as a network of occupations with inhabitants matched to those occupations. In this model social dynamics become a process of DPE within the network, with regular transitions between a development phase, during which the network settles into an equilibrium state, and a mutating phase, during which the network is transformed in random ways by the creation of new occupations.

}}</ref> interpreted society as a network of occupations with inhabitants matched to those occupations. In this model social dynamics become a process of DPE within the network, with regular transitions between a development phase, during which the network settles into an equilibrium state, and a mutating phase, during which the network is transformed in random ways by the creation of new occupations.

} / ref 将社会解释为与这些职业匹配的居民职业网络。在这个模型中,社会动力学成为网络内部的 DPE 过程,在发展阶段和变异阶段之间有规律地转换,在这个阶段中,网络进入一个平衡状态,在这个阶段中,网络通过创造新的职业以随机的方式转换。

Another model<ref name="Cavaliere2012">

Another model<ref name="Cavaliere2012">

另一个名为“ cavaliere2012”的模型

{{cite journal

{{cite journal


| author = Cavaliere, M.

| author = Cavaliere, M.

作者 Cavaliere m。

| author2 = Sedwards, C.

| author2 = Sedwards, C.

2 Sedwards,c.

| author3-link = Tarnita, C.E

| author3-link = Tarnita, C.E

| author3-link Tarnita,C.E

| author3 = Tarnita, C.E.

| author3 = Tarnita, C.E.

3 Tarnita,c.e.

| author4-link = Nowak, M.A

| author4-link = Nowak, M.A

| author4-link Nowak,M.A

| author4 = Nowak, M.A.

| author4 = Nowak, M.A.

4 Nowak,m.a.

| author5-link = Csikász-Nagy, A

| author5-link = Csikász-Nagy, A

| author5-link csik sz-nagy,a

| author5 = Csikász-Nagy, A.

| author5 = Csikász-Nagy, A.

| author5 csik sz-nagy,a.

| lastauthoramp=y

| lastauthoramp=y


| year = 2012

| year = 2012


| title = Prosperity is associated with instability in dynamical networks

| title = Prosperity is associated with instability in dynamical networks


| journal = Journal of Theoretical Biology

| journal = Journal of Theoretical Biology


| volume = 299

| volume = 299


| pages = 126&ndash;138

| pages = 126&ndash;138

126-- 138页

| doi = 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.09.005

| doi = 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.09.005

10.1016 / j.jtbi. 2011.09.005

| pmid=21983567

| pmid=21983567


| pmc=3298632

| pmc=3298632


| arxiv = 1102.4947

| arxiv = 1102.4947


| author2-link = Sedwards, C

| author2-link = Sedwards, C

2-link Sedwards,c

| author-link = Cavaliere, M

| author-link = Cavaliere, M

| 作者链接 Cavaliere,m

}}</ref> interpreted growth and decline in socioeconomic activity as a conflict between cooperators and defectors. The cooperators form networks that lead to prosperity. However, the network is unstable and invasions by defectors intermittently fragment the network, reducing prosperity, until invasions of new cooperators rebuild networks again. Thus prosperity is seen as a dual phase process of alternating highly prosperous, connected phases and unprosperous, fragmented phases.

}}</ref> interpreted growth and decline in socioeconomic activity as a conflict between cooperators and defectors. The cooperators form networks that lead to prosperity. However, the network is unstable and invasions by defectors intermittently fragment the network, reducing prosperity, until invasions of new cooperators rebuild networks again. Thus prosperity is seen as a dual phase process of alternating highly prosperous, connected phases and unprosperous, fragmented phases.

} / ref 将社会经济活动的增长和减少解释为合作者和背叛者之间的冲突。合作者形成了通向繁荣的网络。然而,网络是不稳定的,叛逃者的入侵断断续续地破坏了网络,减少了繁荣,直到新的合作者再次入侵重建网络。因此,繁荣被视为一个高度繁荣、相互关联的阶段与不繁荣、分裂的阶段相互交替的双重阶段过程。

=== Forest ecology ===

In a [[forest ecology|forest]], the landscape can be regarded as a network of sites where trees might grow.<ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = Connectivity and complexity in ecological systems|last = Green|first = David G.|date = 1994|journal = Pacific Conservation Biology |volume=1 |issue=3 |pages=194–200|doi = 10.1071/PC940194|pmid =}}</ref> Some sites are occupied by living trees; others sites are empty. In the local phase, sites free of trees are few and they are surrounded by forest, so the network of free sites is fragmented. In competition for these free sites, local seed sources have a massive advantage, and seeds from distant trees are virtually excluded.<ref name="DPE2" /> Major fires (or other disturbances) clear away large tracts of land, so the network of free sites becomes connected and the landscape enters a global phase. In the global phase, competition for free sites is reduced, so the main competitive advantage is adaptation to the environment.

In a forest, the landscape can be regarded as a network of sites where trees might grow. Some sites are occupied by living trees; others sites are empty. In the local phase, sites free of trees are few and they are surrounded by forest, so the network of free sites is fragmented. In competition for these free sites, local seed sources have a massive advantage, and seeds from distant trees are virtually excluded. Major fires (or other disturbances) clear away large tracts of land, so the network of free sites becomes connected and the landscape enters a global phase. In the global phase, competition for free sites is reduced, so the main competitive advantage is adaptation to the environment.


Most of the time a forest is in the local phase, as described above. The net effect is that established tree populations largely exclude invading species.<ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = Fire and stability in the postglacial forests of southwest Nova Scotia|last = Green|first = David G|date = 1982|journal = Journal of Biogeography |volume=9 |issue=1|pages=29–40|doi = 10.2307/2844728|pmid = |jstor = 2844728}}</ref> Even if a few isolated trees do find free ground, their population is prevented from expanding by established populations, even if the invaders are better adapted to the local environment. A fire in such conditions leads to an explosion of the invading population, and possibly to a sudden change in the character of the entire forest.

Most of the time a forest is in the local phase, as described above. The net effect is that established tree populations largely exclude invading species. Even if a few isolated trees do find free ground, their population is prevented from expanding by established populations, even if the invaders are better adapted to the local environment. A fire in such conditions leads to an explosion of the invading population, and possibly to a sudden change in the character of the entire forest.


This dual phase process in the landscape explains the consist appearance of [[pollen zone]]s in the postglacial forest history of North America, Europe, as well as the suppression of widespread [[taxa]], such as [[beech]] and [[Tsuga|hemlock]], followed by huge population explosions. Similar patterns, pollen zones truncated by fire-induced boundaries, have been recorded in most parts of the world

This dual phase process in the landscape explains the consist appearance of pollen zones in the postglacial forest history of North America, Europe, as well as the suppression of widespread taxa, such as beech and hemlock, followed by huge population explosions. Similar patterns, pollen zones truncated by fire-induced boundaries, have been recorded in most parts of the world


=== Search algorithms ===

Dual phase evolution is a family of [[search algorithm]]s that exploit phase changes in the [[Mathematical optimization#Optimization problems|search space]] to mediate between local and global search. In this way they control the way algorithms explore a search space, so they can be regarded as a family of [[metaheuristic]] methods.

Dual phase evolution is a family of search algorithms that exploit phase changes in the search space to mediate between local and global search. In this way they control the way algorithms explore a search space, so they can be regarded as a family of metaheuristic methods.


Problems such as [[optimization]] can typically be interpreted as finding the tallest peak (optimum) within a search space of possibilities. The task can be approached in two ways: ''local search'' (e.g. [[hill climbing]]) involves tracing a path from point to point, and always moving "uphill". ''Global search'' involves sampling at wide-ranging points in the search space to find high points.

Problems such as optimization can typically be interpreted as finding the tallest peak (optimum) within a search space of possibilities. The task can be approached in two ways: local search (e.g. hill climbing) involves tracing a path from point to point, and always moving "uphill". Global search involves sampling at wide-ranging points in the search space to find high points.

诸如优化之类的问题通常可以解释为在可能的搜索空间中找到最高的峰(最优)。这个任务可以通过两种方式进行: 本地搜索(例如:。爬山)包括沿着一条小路从一个点到另一个点,并且总是“上山”。全局搜索包括在搜索空间的广泛点上进行抽样,以找到高点。

Many search algorithms involve a transition between phases of global search and local search.<ref name="Paperin2011" /> A simple example is the [[Great Deluge algorithm]] in which the searcher can move at random across the landscape, but cannot enter low-lying areas that are flooded. At first the searcher can wander freely, but rising water levels eventually confine the search to a local area. Many other nature-inspired algorithms adopt similar approaches. [[Simulated annealing]] achieves a transition between phases via its cooling schedule. The [[cellular genetic algorithm]] places solutions in a pseudo landscape in which they breed only with local neighbours. Intermittent disasters clear patches, flipping the system into a global phase until gaps are filled again.

Many search algorithms involve a transition between phases of global search and local search. A simple example is the Great Deluge algorithm in which the searcher can move at random across the landscape, but cannot enter low-lying areas that are flooded. At first the searcher can wander freely, but rising water levels eventually confine the search to a local area. Many other nature-inspired algorithms adopt similar approaches. Simulated annealing achieves a transition between phases via its cooling schedule. The cellular genetic algorithm places solutions in a pseudo landscape in which they breed only with local neighbours. Intermittent disasters clear patches, flipping the system into a global phase until gaps are filled again.


Some variations on the [[memetic algorithm]] involve alternating between selection at different levels. These are related to the [[Baldwin effect]], which arises when processes acting on ''[[phenotype]]s'' (e.g. learning) influence selection at the level of ''[[genotype]]s''. In this sense, the Baldwin effect alternates between global search (genotypes) and local search (phenotypes).

Some variations on the memetic algorithm involve alternating between selection at different levels. These are related to the Baldwin effect, which arises when processes acting on phenotypes (e.g. learning) influence selection at the level of genotypes. In this sense, the Baldwin effect alternates between global search (genotypes) and local search (phenotypes).

模因算法的一些变化涉及不同层次的选择之间的交替。这些都与鲍德温效应有关,鲍德温效应产生于作用于表型的过程(例如:。学习)影响基因型水平的选择。在这个意义上,Baldwin 效应在全局搜索(基因型)和局部搜索(表型)之间交替。

== Related processes ==

Dual phase evolution is related to the well-known phenomenon of ''[[self-organized criticality]]'' (SOC). Both concern processes in which critical phase changes promote adaptation and organization within a system. However, SOC differs from DPE in several fundamental ways.<ref name="DPE2" /> Under SOC, a system's natural condition is to be in a critical state; in DPE a system's natural condition is a non-critical state. In SOC the size of disturbances follows a power law; in DPE disturbances are not necessarily distributed the same way. In SOC a system is not necessarily subject to other processes; in DPE different processes (e.g. selection and variation) operate in the two phases.

Dual phase evolution is related to the well-known phenomenon of self-organized criticality (SOC). Both concern processes in which critical phase changes promote adaptation and organization within a system. However, SOC differs from DPE in several fundamental ways. Under SOC, a system's natural condition is to be in a critical state; in DPE a system's natural condition is a non-critical state. In SOC the size of disturbances follows a power law; in DPE disturbances are not necessarily distributed the same way. In SOC a system is not necessarily subject to other processes; in DPE different processes (e.g. selection and variation) operate in the two phases.

双相进化与众所周知的自组织临界性现象有关。两者都涉及关键阶段变化促进系统内部适应和组织的过程。然而,SOC 与 DPE 在几个基本方面有所不同。在 SOC 中,系统的自然状态是临界状态,在 DPE 中,系统的自然状态是非临界状态。在 SOC 中,扰动的大小遵循幂律; 在 DPE 中,扰动的分布方式不一定相同。在 SOC 中,一个系统不一定受制于其他过程; 在 DPE 中,不同的过程(例如:。选择和变异)分两个阶段进行。



[[Category:Nature-inspired metaheuristics]]

Category:Nature-inspired metaheuristics

类别: 自然启发的启发式元推理


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