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:<math>{\displaystyle 1/d(y,x)=0}</math>如果没有路径从y到x。和谐中心度可以通过除以N-1归一化,其中N是图中的节点数。
:<math>{\displaystyle 1/d(y,x)=0}</math>如果没有路径从y到x。和谐中心度可以通过除以N-1归一化,其中N是图中的节点数。
和谐中心度是Marchiori 和 Latora (2000)<ref name="marchiorilatora2000">{{citation| journal = Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications  | last1 = Marchiori | first1 = Massimo | last2 = Latora | first2 = Vito | year = 2000 | volume = 285 | issue = 3–4 | pages = 539–546 | title = Harmony in the small-world | doi=10.1016/s0378-4371(00)00311-3| arxiv = cond-mat/0008357 | bibcode = 2000PhyA..285..539M }}</ref>提出的,随后 Dekker (2005)取名为“价值中心度” valued centrality"<ref>{{cite journal|first1=Anthony|last1=Dekker|title=Conceptual Distance in Social Network Analysis|journal=Journal of Social Structure|volume=6|issue=3|year=2005|url=http://www.cmu.edu/joss/content/articles/volume6/dekker/index.html}}</ref>), Rochat (2009)也提出过类似的概念.<ref>{{cite conference  | author = Yannick Rochat  | title = Closeness centrality extended to unconnected graphs: The harmonic centrality index | conference = Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2009 | url = http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/200525/files/%5bEN%5dASNA09.pdf }}</ref>
和谐中心度是Marchiori 和 Latora (2000)<ref name="marchiorilatora2000">{{citation| journal = Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications  | last1 = Marchiori | first1 = Massimo | last2 = Latora | first2 = Vito | year = 2000 | volume = 285 | issue = 3–4 | pages = 539–546 | title = Harmony in the small-world | doi=10.1016/s0378-4371(00)00311-3| arxiv = cond-mat/0008357 | bibcode = 2000PhyA..285..539M }}</ref>提出的,随后 Dekker (2005)取名为“价值中心度 valued centrality"<ref>{{cite journal|first1=Anthony|last1=Dekker|title=Conceptual Distance in Social Network Analysis|journal=Journal of Social Structure|volume=6|issue=3|year=2005|url=http://www.cmu.edu/joss/content/articles/volume6/dekker/index.html}}</ref>), Rochat (2009)也提出过类似的概念.<ref>{{cite conference  | author = Yannick Rochat  | title = Closeness centrality extended to unconnected graphs: The harmonic centrality index | conference = Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2009 | url = http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/200525/files/%5bEN%5dASNA09.pdf }}</ref>
