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====[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chaos-Making-Science-James-Gleick/dp/0749386061 Chaos: Making a New Science]====
The million-copy bestseller by National Book Award nominee and Pulitzer Prize finalist James Gleick—the author of Time Travel: A History—that reveals the science behind chaos theory。
Very readable, focuses on the scientists and mathematicians behind many of the key results in chaos.
本书由普利茨奖获得者James Gleick撰写。它是一本易读科普书籍,侧重介绍对混沌概念的发展做出重大贡献的科学家和数学家们。
====[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0199566445/ref=cm_sw_su_dp Chaos and Fractals: An Elementary Introduction]====
This book provides the reader with an elementary introduction to chaos and fractals, suitable for students with a background in elementary algebra, without assuming prior coursework in calculus or physics.
====[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chaos-Very-Short-Introduction-Introductions/dp/0192853783/ref=pd_lpo_14_img_1/257-2017232-0516612?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0192853783&pd_rd_r=eebee69a-fad3-43e3-bbeb-b883f2c59bf5&pd_rd_w=g6knH&pd_rd_wg=sx6z5&pf_rd_p=7b8e3b03-1439-4489-abd4-4a138cf4eca6&pf_rd_r=YTB0XXCR2DM8049PYP1Y&psc=1&refRID=YTB0XXCR2DM8049PYP1Y 牛津通识读本: Chaos]====
This book would not have been possible without my parents, of course, but I owe a greater debt than most to their faith, doubt, and hope, and to the love and patience of a, b, and c. Professionally my greatest debt is to Ed Spiegel, a father of chaos and my thesis Professor, mentor, and friend.
本书隶属于牛津通识读本系列。该书由Ed Spiegel的学生Leonard Smith撰写,语言生动简明。
====[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1655 圣塔菲课程:Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos]====
====[https://campus.swarma.org/course/1655 圣塔菲课程:Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos]====
