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Automated machine learning (AutoML) is the process of automating the process of applying machine learning to real-world problems. AutoML covers the complete pipeline from the raw dataset to the deployable machine learning model. AutoML was proposed as an artificial intelligence-based solution to the ever-growing challenge of applying machine learning.[1][2] The high degree of automation in AutoML allows non-experts to make use of machine learning models and techniques without requiring to become an expert in this field first.

Automated machine learning (AutoML) is the process of automating the process of applying machine learning to real-world problems. AutoML covers the complete pipeline from the raw dataset to the deployable machine learning model. AutoML was proposed as an artificial intelligence-based solution to the ever-growing challenge of applying machine learning. The high degree of automation in AutoML allows non-experts to make use of machine learning models and techniques without requiring to become an expert in this field first.

自动机器学习 Automated machine learning,AutoML是可以将机器学习应用于实际问题这一过程自动化的方法。自动机器学习涵盖了从原始数据集到可部署机器学习模型的整个流程。作为一种基于人工智能的解决方案,自动机器学习被提出来用于应对机器学习应用方面日益增长的挑战。自动机器学习中高度的自动化允许非专家使用机器学习的模型和技术并且不需要已经成为这个领域的专家。

Automating the process of applying machine learning end-to-end additionally offers the advantages of producing simpler solutions, faster creation of those solutions, and models that often outperform hand-designed models.

Automating the process of applying machine learning end-to-end additionally offers the advantages of producing simpler solutions, faster creation of those solutions, and models that often outperform hand-designed models.


Comparison to the standard machine learning approach


In a typical machine learning application, practitioners have a dataset consisting of input data points to train on. The raw data itself may not be in a form such that all algorithms may be applicable to it out of the box. An expert may have to apply appropriate data pre-processing, feature engineering, feature extraction, and feature selection methods that make the dataset amenable for machine learning. Following those preprocessing steps, practitioners must then perform algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization to maximize the predictive performance of their machine learning model. Clearly all of those steps induce their own challenges, accumulating to a significant hurdle to get started with machine learning.

In a typical machine learning application, practitioners have a dataset consisting of input data points to train on. The raw data itself may not be in a form such that all algorithms may be applicable to it out of the box. An expert may have to apply appropriate data pre-processing, feature engineering, feature extraction, and feature selection methods that make the dataset amenable for machine learning. Following those preprocessing steps, practitioners must then perform algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization to maximize the predictive performance of their machine learning model. Clearly all of those steps induce their own challenges, accumulating to a significant hurdle to get started with machine learning.


A downside are the additional parameters of AutoML tools, which may need some expertise to be set themselves. Although those hyperparameters exist, AutoML simplifies the application of machine learning for non-experts dramatically.

A downside are the additional parameters of AutoML tools, which may need some expertise to be set themselves. Although those hyperparameters exist, AutoML simplifies the application of machine learning for non-experts dramatically.


Targets of automation


Automated machine learning can target various stages of the machine learning process.[2] Essentially the targets can be grouped into the fields data preparation, feature engineering, model selection, selection of evaluation metrics, and hyperparameter optimization.

Automated machine learning can target various stages of the machine learning process. Essentially the targets can be grouped into the fields data preparation, feature engineering, model selection, selection of evaluation metrics, and hyperparameter optimization.


  • Automated data preparation and ingestion (from raw data and miscellaneous formats)


    • Automated column type detection; e.g., boolean, discrete numerical, continuous numerical, or text


    • Automated column intent detection; e.g., target/label, stratification field, numerical feature, categorical text feature, or free text feature

自动化数据意图检测,例如:目标/标签,分层抽样,数值特征,文本类别特征,自由文本特征 ==Yuling讨论) categorical text feature, or free text feature 这两个应该是专业词汇,没有查到具体的翻译






    • Detection and handling of skewed data and/or missing values




  • Automated pipeline selection under time, memory, and complexity constraints


  • Automated selection of evaluation metrics / validation procedures


  • Automated problem checking


    • Leakage detection


    • Misconfiguration detection


  • Automated analysis of results obtained


  • User interfaces and visualizations for automated machine learning


See also







  1. Thornton C, Hutter F, Hoos HH, Leyton-Brown K (2013). Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms. KDD '13 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. pp. 847–855.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hutter F, Caruana R, Bardenet R, Bilenko M, Guyon I, Kegl B, and Larochelle H. "AutoML 2014 @ ICML". AutoML 2014 Workshop @ ICML. Retrieved 2018-03-28.

Category:Machine learning

分类: 机器学习

Category:Artificial intelligence

类别: 人工智能

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