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Robustness, the ability to withstand failures and perturbations, is a critical attribute of many complex systems including complex networks.

Robustness, the ability to withstand failures and perturbations, is a critical attribute of many complex systems including complex networks.


The study of robustness in complex networks is important for many fields. In ecology, robustness is an important attribute of ecosystems, and can give insight into the reaction to disturbances such as the extinction of species. For biologists, network robustness can help the study of diseases and mutations, and how to recover from some mutations. In economics, network robustness principles can help understanding of the stability and risks of banking systems. And in engineering, network robustness can help to evaluate the resilience of infrastructure networks such as the Internet or power grids.

The study of robustness in complex networks is important for many fields. In ecology, robustness is an important attribute of ecosystems, and can give insight into the reaction to disturbances such as the extinction of species. For biologists, network robustness can help the study of diseases and mutations, and how to recover from some mutations. In economics, network robustness principles can help understanding of the stability and risks of banking systems. And in engineering, network robustness can help to evaluate the resilience of infrastructure networks such as the Internet or power grids.


Percolation theory 渗流理论

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The focus of robustness in complex networks is the response of the network to the removal of nodes or links. The mathematical model of such a process can be thought of as an inverse percolation process. Percolation theory models the process of randomly placing pebbles on an n-dimensional lattice with probability p, and predicts the sudden formation of a single large cluster at a critical probability [math]\displaystyle{ p_c }[/math]. In percolation theory this cluster is named the percolating cluster. This phenomenon is quantified in percolation theory by a number of quantities, for example the average cluster size [math]\displaystyle{ \langle s \rangle }[/math]. This quantity represents the average size of all finite clusters and is given by the following equation.

The focus of robustness in complex networks is the response of the network to the removal of nodes or links. The mathematical model of such a process can be thought of as an inverse percolation process. Percolation theory models the process of randomly placing pebbles on an n-dimensional lattice with probability p, and predicts the sudden formation of a single large cluster at a critical probability [math]\displaystyle{ p_c }[/math]. In percolation theory this cluster is named the percolating cluster. This phenomenon is quantified in percolation theory by a number of quantities, for example the average cluster size [math]\displaystyle{ \langle s \rangle }[/math]. This quantity represents the average size of all finite clusters and is given by the following equation.


[math]\displaystyle{ \langle s \rangle \sim \left|p - p_c\right|^{\gamma_p} }[/math]

We can see the average cluster size suddenly diverges around the critical probability, indicating the formation of a single large cluster. It is also important to note that the exponent [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma_p }[/math] is universal for all lattices, while [math]\displaystyle{ p_c }[/math] is not. This is important as it indicates a universal phase transition behavior, at a point dependent on the topology. The problem of robustness in complex networks can be seen as starting with the percolating cluster, and removing a critical fraction of the pebbles for the cluster to break down. Analogous to the formation of the percolation cluster in percolation theory, the breaking down of a complex network happens abruptly during a phase transition at some critical fraction of nodes removed.

We can see the average cluster size suddenly diverges around the critical probability, indicating the formation of a single large cluster. It is also important to note that the exponent [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma_p }[/math] is universal for all lattices, while [math]\displaystyle{ p_c }[/math] is not. This is important as it indicates a universal phase transition behavior, at a point dependent on the topology. The problem of robustness in complex networks can be seen as starting with the percolating cluster, and removing a critical fraction of the pebbles for the cluster to break down. Analogous to the formation of the percolation cluster in percolation theory, the breaking down of a complex network happens abruptly during a phase transition at some critical fraction of nodes removed.

我们可以看到平均聚类大小的簇群突然在临界概率附近发散,表明形成了单个大簇群。需要注意的是指数 [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma_p }[/math] 对于所有晶格都是通用的,而 [math]\displaystyle{ p_c }[/math] 却不是的。这点非常重要,因为它表明在基于拓扑学观点上存在通用相变行为。可以将复杂网络中的鲁棒性问题视为渗透一个簇群开始,紧接着除去该簇群中卵石的关键部分最终以使该簇群瓦解。类似于渗流理论中渗流簇的形成,复杂网络的崩溃在相变过程中突然发生,且发生在某些节点的关键部分。

Critical threshold for random failures

The mathematical derivation for the threshold at which a complex network will lose its giant component is based on the Molloy–Reed criterion.

The mathematical derivation for the threshold at which a complex network will lose its giant component is based on the Molloy–Reed criterion.


[math]\displaystyle{ \kappa \equiv \frac{\langle k^2 \rangle}{\langle k \rangle} \gt 2 }[/math]

The Molloy–Reed criterion is derived from the basic principle that in order for a giant component to exist, on average each node in the network must have at least two links. This is analogous to each person holding two others' hands in order to form a chain. Using this criterion and an involved mathematical proof, one can derive a critical threshold for the fraction of nodes needed to be removed for the breakdown of the giant component of a complex network.

The Molloy–Reed criterion is derived from the basic principle that in order for a giant component to exist, on average each node in the network must have at least two links. This is analogous to each person holding two others' hands in order to form a chain. Using this criterion and an involved mathematical proof, one can derive a critical threshold for the fraction of nodes needed to be removed for the breakdown of the giant component of a complex network.


[math]\displaystyle{ f_c=1-\frac{1}{\frac{\langle k^2 \rangle}{\langle k \rangle}-1} }[/math]

An important property of this finding is that the critical threshold is only dependent on the first and second moment of the degree distribution and is valid for an arbitrary degree distribution.

An important property of this finding is that the critical threshold is only dependent on the first and second moment of the degree distribution and is valid for an arbitrary degree distribution.


Random network 随机网络

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Using [math]\displaystyle{ \langle k^2 \rangle = \langle k \rangle(\langle k \rangle+1) }[/math] for an Erdős–Rényi (ER) random graph, one can re-express the critical point for a random network.

Using [math]\displaystyle{ \langle k^2 \rangle = \langle k \rangle(\langle k \rangle+1) }[/math] for an Erdős–Rényi (ER) random graph, one can re-express the critical point for a random network.

使用 [math]\displaystyle{ \langle k^2 \rangle = \langle k \rangle(\langle k \rangle+1) }[/math] 表示Erdős-Rényi(ER)随机图,可以重新表达随机网络的临界点。

[math]\displaystyle{ f_c^{ER}=1-\frac{1}{\langle k \rangle} }[/math]

As a random network gets denser, the critical threshold increases, meaning a higher fraction of the nodes must be removed to disconnect the giant component.

As a random network gets denser, the critical threshold increases, meaning a higher fraction of the nodes must be removed to disconnect the giant component.


Scale-free network 无标度网络

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By re-expressing the critical threshold as a function of the gamma exponent for a scale-free network, we can draw a couple of important conclusions regarding scale-free network robustness.

By re-expressing the critical threshold as a function of the gamma exponent for a scale-free network, we can draw a couple of important conclusions regarding scale-free network robustness.


[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align} f_c &=1-\frac{1}{\kappa-1}\\ \kappa &=\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k \rangle}=\left|\frac{2-\gamma}{3-\gamma}\right|A \\ A &=K_{min},~\gamma \gt 3 \\ A &=K_{max}^{3-\gamma}K_{min}^{\gamma-2},~3 \gt \gamma \gt 2 \\ A &=K_{max},~2 \gt \gamma \gt 1 \\ &where~K_{max}=K_{min}N^{\frac{1}{\gamma - 1}} \end{align} }[/math]

For gamma greater than 3, the critical threshold only depends on gamma and the minimum degree, and in this regime the network acts like a random network breaking when a finite fraction of its nodes are removed. For gamma less than 3, [math]\displaystyle{ \kappa }[/math] diverges in the limit as N trends toward infinity. In this case, for large scale-free networks, the critical threshold approaches 1. This essentially means almost all nodes must be removed in order to destroy the giant component, and large scale-free networks are very robust with regard to random failures. One can make intuitive sense of this conclusion by thinking about the heterogeneity of scale-free networks and of the hubs in particular. Because there are relatively few hubs, they are less likely to be removed through random failures while small low-degree nodes are more likely to be removed. Because the low-degree nodes are of little importance in connecting the giant component, their removal has little impact.

For gamma greater than 3, the critical threshold only depends on gamma and the minimum degree, and in this regime the network acts like a random network breaking when a finite fraction of its nodes are removed. For gamma less than 3, [math]\displaystyle{ \kappa }[/math] diverges in the limit as N trends toward infinity. In this case, for large scale-free networks, the critical threshold approaches 1. This essentially means almost all nodes must be removed in order to destroy the giant component, and large scale-free networks are very robust with regard to random failures. One can make intuitive sense of this conclusion by thinking about the heterogeneity of scale-free networks and of the hubs in particular. Because there are relatively few hubs, they are less likely to be removed through random failures while small low-degree nodes are more likely to be removed. Because the low-degree nodes are of little importance in connecting the giant component, their removal has little impact.


Targeted attacks on scale-free networks 无标度网络的针对性攻击

Although scale-free networks are resilient to random failures, we might imagine them being quite vulnerable to targeted hub removal. In this case we consider the robustness of scale free networks in response to targeted attacks, performed with thorough prior knowledge of the network topology. By considering the changes induced by the removal of a hub, specifically the change in the maximum degree and the degrees of the connected nodes, we can derive another formula for the critical threshold considering targeted attacks on a scale free network.

Although scale-free networks are resilient to random failures, we might imagine them being quite vulnerable to targeted hub removal. In this case we consider the robustness of scale free networks in response to targeted attacks, performed with thorough prior knowledge of the network topology. By considering the changes induced by the removal of a hub, specifically the change in the maximum degree and the degrees of the connected nodes, we can derive another formula for the critical threshold considering targeted attacks on a scale free network.


[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align} f_c^{\frac{2-\gamma}{1-\gamma}}=2+\frac{2-\gamma}{3-\gamma}K_{min}(f_c^{\frac{3-\gamma}{1-\gamma}}-1) f_c^{\frac{2-\gamma}{1-\gamma}}=2+\frac{2-\gamma}{3-\gamma}K_{min}(f_c^{\frac{3-\gamma}{1-\gamma}}-1) F _ c ^ { frac {2-gamma }{1-gamma } = 2 + frac {2-gamma }{3-gamma } k { min }(f _ c ^ { frac {3-gamma }{1-gamma }-1) \end{align} }[/math]

This equation cannot be solved analytically, but can be graphed numerically. To summarize the important points, when gamma is large, the network acts as a random network, and attack robustness become similar to random failure robustness of a random network. However, when gamma is smaller, the critical threshold for attacks on scale-free networks becomes relatively small, indicating a weakness to targeted attacks.

This equation cannot be solved analytically, but can be graphed numerically. To summarize the important points, when gamma is large, the network acts as a random network, and attack robustness become similar to random failure robustness of a random network. However, when gamma is smaller, the critical threshold for attacks on scale-free networks becomes relatively small, indicating a weakness to targeted attacks.


For more detailed information on the attack tolerance of complex networks please see the attack tolerance page.

For more detailed information on the attack tolerance of complex networks please see the attack tolerance page.


Cascading failures

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An important aspect of failures in many networks is that a single failure in one node might induce failures in neighboring nodes. When a small number of failures induces more failures, resulting in a large number of failures relative to the network size, a cascading failure has occurred. There are many models for cascading failures.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] These models differ in many details, and model different physical propagation phenomenon from power failures to information flow over Twitter, but have some shared principals. Each model focuses on some sort of propagation or cascade, there is some threshold determining when a node will fail or activate and contribute towards propagation, and there is some mechanism defined by which propagation will be directed when nodes fail or activate. All of these models predict some critical state, in which the distribution of the size of potential cascades matches a power law, and the exponent is uniquely determined by the degree exponent of the underlying network. Because of the differences in the models and the consensus of this result, we模板:Who are led to believe the underlying phenomenon is universal and model-independent.[9]

An important aspect of failures in many networks is that a single failure in one node might induce failures in neighboring nodes. When a small number of failures induces more failures, resulting in a large number of failures relative to the network size, a cascading failure has occurred. There are many models for cascading failures. These models differ in many details, and model different physical propagation phenomenon from power failures to information flow over Twitter, but have some shared principals. Each model focuses on some sort of propagation or cascade, there is some threshold determining when a node will fail or activate and contribute towards propagation, and there is some mechanism defined by which propagation will be directed when nodes fail or activate. All of these models predict some critical state, in which the distribution of the size of potential cascades matches a power law, and the exponent is uniquely determined by the degree exponent of the underlying network. Because of the differences in the models and the consensus of this result, we are led to believe the underlying phenomenon is universal and model-independent.

在许多网络中,失败的一个重要方面是一个节点的单一失败可能会导致相邻节点的失败。当少量的故障导致更多的故障,导致相对于网络大小的大量故障时,就会发生级联故障。对于连锁故障有许多模型。这些模型在许多细节上有所不同,并且模拟了从电源故障到 Twitter 上的信息流等不同的物理传播现象,但是有一些共享的原则。每个模型都关注于某种传播或级联,有一些阈值来决定一个节点何时会失败或激活并促进传播,还有一些机制定义了当节点失败或激活时,传播将被定向。所有这些模型都预测了一些临界状态,在这些临界状态中,势级联的大小分布符合幂律,指数由底层网络的度指数唯一决定。由于模型之间的差异和对这一结果的共识,我们相信潜在的现象是普遍的和模型独立的。

For more detailed information on modeling cascading failures, see the global cascades model page.

For more detailed information on modeling cascading failures, see the global cascades model page.



  1. Dobson, I.; Carreras, B. A.; Lynch, V. E.; Newman, D. E. (2007). "Complex systems analysis of series of blackouts: Cascading failure, critical points, and self-organization". Chaos. 17 (2): 026103. Bibcode:2007Chaos..17b6103D. doi:10.1063/1.2737822. PMID 17614690.
  2. Dobson, I.; Carreras, A.; Newman, D.E. "A loading dependent model of probabilistic cascading failure. Probability in the". Engineering and Informational Sciences. 19 (15): 2005.
  3. Watts, D.J. (2002). "A simple model of global cascades on random networks". PNAS. 99 (9): 5766–5771. Bibcode:2002PNAS...99.5766W. doi:10.1073/pnas.082090499. PMC 122850. PMID 16578874.
  4. Goh, K.-I.; Lee, D.-S.; Kahng, B.; Kim, D. (2003). "Sandpile on scale-free net-works". Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (14): 148701. arXiv:cond-mat/0305425. Bibcode:2003PhRvL..91n8701G. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.91.148701. PMID 14611564.
  5. Lee, D.-S.; Goh, K.-I.; Kahng, B.; Kim, D. (2004). "Sandpile avalanche dy-namics on scale-free networks". Physica A. 338 (1–2): 84. arXiv:cond-mat/0401531. Bibcode:2004PhyA..338...84L. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2004.02.028.
  6. Ding, M.; Yang, W. (1995). "Distribution of the first return time in frac-tional Brownian motion and its application to the study of onoff intermit-tency". Phys. Rev. E. 52 (1): 207–213. Bibcode:1995PhRvE..52..207D. doi:10.1103/physreve.52.207. PMID 9963421.
  7. Motter, Adilson E.; Lai, Ying-Cheng (20 December 2002). "Cascade-based attacks on complex networks". Physical Review E. 66 (6): 065102. arXiv:cond-mat/0301086. Bibcode:2002PhRvE..66f5102M. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.66.065102. PMID 12513335.
  8. Kong, Z.; Yeh, E. M. (2010). "Resilience to Degree-Dependent and Cascad-ing Node Failures in Random Geometric Networks". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 56 (11): 5533. doi:10.1109/tit.2010.2068910.
  9. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为NetworkBook的引用提供文字

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