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Molecular structure of DNA DNA分子结构

[ DNA 的分子结构]

Self-replication is any behavior of a dynamical system that yields construction of an identical or similar copy of itself. Biological cells, given suitable environments, reproduce by cell division. During cell division, DNA is replicated and can be transmitted to offspring during reproduction. Biological viruses can replicate, but only by commandeering the reproductive machinery of cells through a process of infection. Harmful prion proteins can replicate by converting normal proteins into rogue forms.[1] Computer viruses reproduce using the hardware and software already present on computers. Self-replication in robotics has been an area of research and a subject of interest in science fiction. Any self-replicating mechanism which does not make a perfect copy (mutation) will experience genetic variation and will create variants of itself. These variants will be subject to natural selection, since some will be better at surviving in their current environment than others and will out-breed them.

Self-replication is any behavior of a dynamical system that yields construction of an identical or similar copy of itself. Biological cells, given suitable environments, reproduce by cell division. During cell division, DNA is replicated and can be transmitted to offspring during reproduction. Biological viruses can replicate, but only by commandeering the reproductive machinery of cells through a process of infection. Harmful prion proteins can replicate by converting normal proteins into rogue forms. Computer viruses reproduce using the hardware and software already present on computers. Self-replication in robotics has been an area of research and a subject of interest in science fiction. Any self-replicating mechanism which does not make a perfect copy (mutation) will experience genetic variation and will create variants of itself. These variants will be subject to natural selection, since some will be better at surviving in their current environment than others and will out-breed them.

自我复制是一个动力系统的任何行为,产生一个相同或相似的复制本身的建设。生物细胞,在适当的环境下,通过细胞分裂进行繁殖。在细胞分裂过程中,DNA 被复制,并在生殖过程中传递给后代。生物病毒可以复制,但只能通过感染过程控制细胞的生殖机制。有害的朊病毒蛋白可以通过将正常的蛋白质转化为流氓形式来复制。计算机病毒利用计算机上已有的硬件和软件进行复制。自我复制机器人学一直是一个研究领域,也是科幻小说中的一个兴趣主题。任何不能完美复制的自我复制机制(变异)都会经历遗传变异,并且会产生自身的变异。这些变异将受到自然选择的影响,因为有些变异会比其他变异更好地在当前环境中生存,并将超越他们。

Overview 综述

Theory 理论

Early research by John von Neumann[2] established that replicators have several parts:

Early research by John von Neumann established that replicators have several parts:


  • A coded representation of the replicator

  • A mechanism to copy the coded representation

  • A mechanism for effecting construction within the host environment of the replicator

Exceptions to this pattern may be possible, although none have yet been achieved. For example, scientists have come close to constructing RNA that can be copied in an "environment" that is a solution of RNA monomers and transcriptase. In this case, the body is the genome, and the specialized copy mechanisms are external. The requirement for an outside copy mechanism has not yet been overcome, and such systems are more accurately characterized as "assisted replication" than "self-replication".

Exceptions to this pattern may be possible, although none have yet been achieved. For example, scientists have come close to constructing RNA that can be copied in an "environment" that is a solution of RNA monomers and transcriptase. In this case, the body is the genome, and the specialized copy mechanisms are external. The requirement for an outside copy mechanism has not yet been overcome, and such systems are more accurately characterized as "assisted replication" than "self-replication".

这种模式可能有例外,尽管尚未实现任何例外。例如,科学家们已经接近于在 RNA 单体和转录酶的“环境”中构建[可复制的 https://arstechnica.com/science/2011/04/investigations-into-the-ancient-RNA-world/ RNA ]。在这种情况下,身体就是基因组,专门的复制机制是外部的。对外部复制机制的需求尚未被克服,这种系统更准确地描述为“辅助复制”而不是“自我复制复制”。

However, the simplest possible case is that only a genome exists. Without some specification of the self-reproducing steps, a genome-only system is probably better characterized as something like a crystal.

However, the simplest possible case is that only a genome exists. Without some specification of the self-reproducing steps, a genome-only system is probably better characterized as something like a crystal.


Classes of self-replication 自复制的类别

Recent research[3] has begun to categorize replicators, often based on the amount of support they require.

Recent research has begun to categorize replicators, often based on the amount of support they require.


  • Natural replicators have all or most of their design from nonhuman sources. Such systems include natural life forms.
  • 自然复制因子的设计全部或绝大部分来自非人类来源。这样的系统包含自然生命形式。

  • Autotrophic replicators can reproduce themselves "in the wild". They mine their own materials. It is conjectured that non-biological autotrophic replicators could be designed by humans, and could easily accept specifications for human products.
  • 无机复制因子可以在自然环境下进行自我复制。它们采掘自身的矿物质。据推测,非生物的无极复制因子可能由人类设计而成,并且可以轻易地接受人类产物的规格。

  • Self-reproductive systems are conjectured systems which would produce copies of themselves from industrial feedstocks such as metal bar and wire.
  • 可以利用工业原料,例如金属棒和金属丝,以产生自身的拷贝的自复制的系统存在于假想当中

  • Self-assembling systems assemble copies of themselves from finished, delivered parts. Simple examples of such systems have been demonstrated at the macro scale.
  • 自组装系统将它们已经完成并运送过来的自复制部分组装起来。这种系统的简单例子已经在宏观尺度得到展示。

The design space for machine replicators is very broad. A comprehensive study[4] to date by Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle has identified 137 design dimensions grouped into a dozen separate categories, including: (1) Replication Control, (2) Replication Information, (3) Replication Substrate, (4) Replicator Structure, (5) Passive Parts, (6) Active Subunits, (7) Replicator Energetics, (8) Replicator Kinematics, (9) Replication Process, (10) Replicator Performance, (11) Product Structure, and (12) Evolvability.

The design space for machine replicators is very broad. A comprehensive study to date by Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle has identified 137 design dimensions grouped into a dozen separate categories, including: (1) Replication Control, (2) Replication Information, (3) Replication Substrate, (4) Replicator Structure, (5) Passive Parts, (6) Active Subunits, (7) Replicator Energetics, (8) Replicator Kinematics, (9) Replication Process, (10) Replicator Performance, (11) Product Structure, and (12) Evolvability.

机器复制因子的设计空间非常广阔。迄今为止,罗伯特·弗雷塔斯(Robert Freitas)和拉尔夫·默克尔(Ralph Merkle)的综合研究已经确定了137个设计维度并将其分为十几个独立的类别,包括: (1)复制控制,(2)复制信息,(3)复制基质,(4)复制因子 结构,(5)被动部件,(6)主动子单元,(7)复制因子能量学,(8)复制因子运动学,(9)复制过程,(10)复制因子性能,(11)产物结构,和(12)进化性。

A self-replicating computer program 一种自复制的电脑程序

In computer science a quine is a self-reproducing computer program that, when executed, outputs its own code. For example, a quine in the Python programming language is:

In computer science a quine is a self-reproducing computer program that, when executed, outputs its own code. For example, a quine in the Python programming language is:

在计算机科学中,quine 是一种自我复制的计算机程序,当执行时,输出自己的代码。例如,利用Python语言编写的一个 quine 是:



A more trivial approach is to write a program that will make a copy of any stream of data that it is directed to, and then direct it at itself. In this case the program is treated as both executable code, and as data to be manipulated. This approach is common in most self-replicating systems, including biological life, and is simpler as it does not require the program to contain a complete description of itself.

A more trivial approach is to write a program that will make a copy of any stream of data that it is directed to, and then direct it at itself. In this case the program is treated as both executable code, and as data to be manipulated. This approach is common in most self-replicating systems, including biological life, and is simpler as it does not require the program to contain a complete description of itself.


In many programming languages an empty program is legal, and executes without producing errors or other output. The output is thus the same as the source code, so the program is trivially self-reproducing.

In many programming languages an empty program is legal, and executes without producing errors or other output. The output is thus the same as the source code, so the program is trivially self-reproducing.


Self-replicating tiling 自复制式平铺

In geometry a self-replicating tiling is a tiling pattern in which several congruent tiles may be joined together to form a larger tile that is similar to the original. This is an aspect of the field of study known as tessellation. The "sphinx" hexiamond is the only known self-replicating pentagon.[5] For example, four such concave pentagons can be joined together to make one with twice the dimensions.[6] Solomon W. Golomb coined the term rep-tiles for self-replicating tilings.

In geometry a self-replicating tiling is a tiling pattern in which several congruent tiles may be joined together to form a larger tile that is similar to the original. This is an aspect of the field of study known as tessellation. The "sphinx" hexiamond is the only known self-replicating pentagon. For example, four such concave pentagons can be joined together to make one with twice the dimensions. Solomon W. Golomb coined the term rep-tiles for self-replicating tilings.

在几何学中,自复制式平铺是一种平铺方法,其中几个全等的瓷砖可以连接在一起,形成一个较大的类似于原来的瓷砖。这是一个被称为镶嵌的研究领域的一个方面。“狮身人面像”六面双锥体是已知唯一能自复制的五角形。 例如,四个这样的凹形五边形可以连接在一起,形成一个尺寸是原来两倍的五边形。所罗门·W·格伦布(Solomon W. Golomb)创造了术语 rep-tiles 来描述自复制式平铺。

 --袁一博讨论)“‘狮身人面像’双锥六面体是已知唯一能自复制的五角形。”这句对应原句"The 'sphinx' hexiamond is the only known self-replicating pentagon."疑似存在几何上的逻辑错误,hexiamond并不是一个平面几何图形。

In 2012, Lee Sallows identified rep-tiles as a special instance of a self-tiling tile set or setiset. A setiset of order n is a set of n shapes that can be assembled in n different ways so as to form larger replicas of themselves. Setisets in which every shape is distinct are called 'perfect'. A rep-n rep-tile is just a setiset composed of n identical pieces.

In 2012, Lee Sallows identified rep-tiles as a special instance of a self-tiling tile set or setiset. A setiset of order n is a set of n shapes that can be assembled in n different ways so as to form larger replicas of themselves. Setisets in which every shape is distinct are called 'perfect'. A rep-n rep-tile is just a setiset composed of n identical pieces.

2012年,李·萨洛斯(Lee Sallows) 将 rep-tiles 定义为一种特殊的自平铺纹样集。一组 n 阶的复制品是一组 n 个形状的复制品,它们可以以 n 种不同的方式组合,以便形成更大的自复制产物。每个形状各不相同的 setiset 被称为“完美的”。n次重复的 rep-tile 只是由 n 个相同部分组成的一个集合。

Four 'sphinx' hexiamonds can be put together to form another sphinx. 四个“人面狮身像”双锥六面体可以拼凑成另一个人面狮身像

sphinx' hexiamonds can be put together to form another sphinx.]]

A perfect setiset of order 4 一个完美的四阶setiset

setiset of order 4]]

setiset of order 4]]

Self replicating clay crystals 自复制的粘土晶体

One form of natural self-replication that isn't based on DNA or RNA occurs in clay crystals.[7] Clay consists of a large number of small crystals, and clay is an environment that promotes crystal growth. Crystals consist of a regular lattice of atoms and are able to grow if e.g. placed in a water solution containing the crystal components; automatically arranging atoms at the crystal boundary into the crystalline form. Crystals may have irregularities where the regular atomic structure is broken, and when crystals grow, these irregularities may propagate, creating a form of self-replication of crystal irregularities. Because these irregularities may affect the probability of a crystal breaking apart to form new crystals, crystals with such irregularities could even be considered to undergo evolutionary development.

One form of natural self-replication that isn't based on DNA or RNA occurs in clay crystals. Clay consists of a large number of small crystals, and clay is an environment that promotes crystal growth. Crystals consist of a regular lattice of atoms and are able to grow if e.g. placed in a water solution containing the crystal components; automatically arranging atoms at the crystal boundary into the crystalline form. Crystals may have irregularities where the regular atomic structure is broken, and when crystals grow, these irregularities may propagate, creating a form of self-replication of crystal irregularities. Because these irregularities may affect the probability of a crystal breaking apart to form new crystals, crystals with such irregularities could even be considered to undergo evolutionary development.

粘土晶体中存在一种不基于 DNA 或 RNA 的天然自复制。粘土由大量的小晶体组成,粘土是促进晶体生长的环境。晶体是由规则的原子晶格组成的,将其放置在含有晶体成分的水溶液中能够生长,并自动地将晶体边界上的原子排列成晶体形式。当正常的原子结构被破坏时,晶体可能具有不规则性,当晶体生长时,这些不规则性可能会传播,形成一种晶体不规则性的自我复制。由于这些不规则结构可能会影响晶体分裂形成新晶体的概率,因此这种不规则结构的晶体甚至可以被认为是在进化过程中形成的。

Applications 应用

It is a long-term goal of some engineering sciences to achieve a clanking replicator, a material device that can self-replicate. The usual reason is to achieve a low cost per item while retaining the utility of a manufactured good. Many authorities say that in the limit, the cost of self-replicating items should approach the cost-per-weight of wood or other biological substances, because self-replication avoids the costs of labor, capital and distribution in conventional manufactured goods.

It is a long-term goal of some engineering sciences to achieve a clanking replicator, a material device that can self-replicate. The usual reason is to achieve a low cost per item while retaining the utility of a manufactured good. Many authorities say that in the limit, the cost of self-replicating items should approach the cost-per-weight of wood or other biological substances, because self-replication avoids the costs of labor, capital and distribution in conventional manufactured goods.


A fully novel artificial replicator is a reasonable near-term goal.

A fully novel artificial replicator is a reasonable near-term goal.


A NASA study recently placed the complexity of a clanking replicator at approximately that of Intel's Pentium 4 CPU.[8] That is, the technology is achievable with a relatively small engineering group in a reasonable commercial time-scale at a reasonable cost.

A NASA study recently placed the complexity of a clanking replicator at approximately that of Intel's Pentium 4 CPU. That is, the technology is achievable with a relatively small engineering group in a reasonable commercial time-scale at a reasonable cost.


Given the currently keen interest in biotechnology and the high levels of funding in that field, attempts to exploit the replicative ability of existing cells are timely, and may easily lead to significant insights and advances.

Given the currently keen interest in biotechnology and the high levels of funding in that field, attempts to exploit the replicative ability of existing cells are timely, and may easily lead to significant insights and advances.


A variation of self replication is of practical relevance in compiler construction, where a similar bootstrapping problem occurs as in natural self replication. A compiler (phenotype) can be applied on the compiler's own source code (genotype) producing the compiler itself. During compiler development, a modified (mutated) source is used to create the next generation of the compiler. This process differs from natural self-replication in that the process is directed by an engineer, not by the subject itself.

A variation of self replication is of practical relevance in compiler construction, where a similar bootstrapping problem occurs as in natural self replication. A compiler (phenotype) can be applied on the compiler's own source code (genotype) producing the compiler itself. During compiler development, a modified (mutated) source is used to create the next generation of the compiler. This process differs from natural self-replication in that the process is directed by an engineer, not by the subject itself.

自复制的一种变体在编译器构造中具有实际意义,在天然自复制中也会出现类似的自举问题。编译器(表型)可以应用于编译器自身的源代码(基因型) ,从而产生编译器本身。在编译器开发过程中,一般使用修改(变异)的源代码来创建下一代编译器。这个过程不同于自然自我复制,因为这个过程是由工程师指导的,而不是主体本身。

Mechanical self-replication 机械自复制

An activity in the field of robots is the self-replication of machines. Since all robots (at least in modern times) have a fair number of the same features, a self-replicating robot (or possibly a hive of robots) would need to do the following:

An activity in the field of robots is the self-replication of machines. Since all robots (at least in modern times) have a fair number of the same features, a self-replicating robot (or possibly a hive of robots) would need to do the following:


  • Obtain construction materials
  • 获得结构材料

  • Manufacture new parts including its smallest parts and thinking apparatus
  • 制造新零件,包括最小的零件和思维组件

  • Provide a consistent power source
  • 提供一个已存在的动力源

  • Program the new members
  • 为新成员编程

  • error correct any mistakes in the offspring
  • 改正子代产物的任何错误

On a nano scale, assemblers might also be designed to self-replicate under their own power. This, in turn, has given rise to the "grey goo" version of Armageddon, as featured in such science fiction novels as Bloom, Prey, and Recursion.

On a nano scale, assemblers might also be designed to self-replicate under their own power. This, in turn, has given rise to the "grey goo" version of Armageddon, as featured in such science fiction novels as Bloom, Prey, and Recursion.


The Foresight Institute has published guidelines for researchers in mechanical self-replication.[9] The guidelines recommend that researchers use several specific techniques for preventing mechanical replicators from getting out of control, such as using a broadcast architecture.

The Foresight Institute has published guidelines for researchers in mechanical self-replication. The guidelines recommend that researchers use several specific techniques for preventing mechanical replicators from getting out of control, such as using a broadcast architecture.


For a detailed article on mechanical reproduction as it relates to the industrial age see mass production.

For a detailed article on mechanical reproduction as it relates to the industrial age see mass production.

有关与工业时代有关的机械复制的详细文章,请参阅大规模生产(mass production)

Fields 研究领域

模板:Refimprove section

Research has occurred in the following areas:

Research has occurred in the following areas:


  • Biology studies natural replication and replicators, and their interaction. These can be an important guide to avoid design difficulties in self-replicating machinery.

  • In Chemistry self-replication studies are typically about how a specific set of molecules can act together to replicate each other within the set [10] (often part of Systems chemistry field).

  • Memetics studies ideas and how they propagate in human culture. Memes require only small amounts of material, and therefore have theoretical similarities to viruses and are often described as viral.

  • Space resources: NASA has sponsored a number of design studies to develop self-replicating mechanisms to mine space resources. Most of these designs include computer-controlled machinery that copies itself.

  • In parallel computing, it takes a long time to manually load a new program on every node of a large computer cluster or distributed computing system. Automatically loading new programs using mobile agents can save the system administrator a lot of time and give users their results much quicker, as long as they don't get out of control.

In industry 在工业界

Space exploration and manufacturing 太空探索和制造业

The goal of self-replication in space systems is to exploit large amounts of matter with a low launch mass. For example, an autotrophic self-replicating machine could cover a moon or planet with solar cells, and beam the power to the Earth using microwaves. Once in place, the same machinery that built itself could also produce raw materials or manufactured objects, including transportation systems to ship the products. Another model of self-replicating machine would copy itself through the galaxy and universe, sending information back.

The goal of self-replication in space systems is to exploit large amounts of matter with a low launch mass. For example, an autotrophic self-replicating machine could cover a moon or planet with solar cells, and beam the power to the Earth using microwaves. Once in place, the same machinery that built itself could also produce raw materials or manufactured objects, including transportation systems to ship the products. Another model of self-replicating machine would copy itself through the galaxy and universe, sending information back.


In general, since these systems are autotrophic, they are the most difficult and complex known replicators. They are also thought to be the most hazardous, because they do not require any inputs from human beings in order to reproduce.

In general, since these systems are autotrophic, they are the most difficult and complex known replicators. They are also thought to be the most hazardous, because they do not require any inputs from human beings in order to reproduce.


A classic theoretical study of replicators in space is the 1980 NASA study of autotrophic clanking replicators, edited by Robert Freitas.[11]

A classic theoretical study of replicators in space is the 1980 NASA study of autotrophic clanking replicators, edited by Robert Freitas.

一个关于太空中复制因子的经典理论研究是1980年 NASA 关于自养叮当复制因子的研究,由 Robert Freitas 编辑。

Much of the design study was concerned with a simple, flexible chemical system for processing lunar regolith, and the differences between the ratio of elements needed by the replicator, and the ratios available in regolith. The limiting element was Chlorine, an essential element to process regolith for Aluminium. Chlorine is very rare in lunar regolith, and a substantially faster rate of reproduction could be assured by importing modest amounts.

Much of the design study was concerned with a simple, flexible chemical system for processing lunar regolith, and the differences between the ratio of elements needed by the replicator, and the ratios available in regolith. The limiting element was Chlorine, an essential element to process regolith for Aluminium. Chlorine is very rare in lunar regolith, and a substantially faster rate of reproduction could be assured by importing modest amounts.


The reference design specified small computer-controlled electric carts running on rails. Each cart could have a simple hand or a small bull-dozer shovel, forming a basic robot.

The reference design specified small computer-controlled electric carts running on rails. Each cart could have a simple hand or a small bull-dozer shovel, forming a basic robot.


Power would be provided by a "canopy" of solar cells supported on pillars. The other machinery could run under the canopy.

Power would be provided by a "canopy" of solar cells supported on pillars. The other machinery could run under the canopy.


A "casting robot" would use a robotic arm with a few sculpting tools to make plaster molds. Plaster molds are easy to make, and make precise parts with good surface finishes. The robot would then cast most of the parts either from non-conductive molten rock (basalt) or purified metals. An electric oven melted the materials.

A "casting robot" would use a robotic arm with a few sculpting tools to make plaster molds. Plaster molds are easy to make, and make precise parts with good surface finishes. The robot would then cast most of the parts either from non-conductive molten rock (basalt) or purified metals. An electric oven melted the materials.


A speculative, more complex "chip factory" was specified to produce the computer and electronic systems, but the designers also said that it might prove practical to ship the chips from Earth as if they were "vitamins".

A speculative, more complex "chip factory" was specified to produce the computer and electronic systems, but the designers also said that it might prove practical to ship the chips from Earth as if they were "vitamins".


Molecular manufacturing


Nanotechnologists in particular believe that their work will likely fail to reach a state of maturity until human beings design a self-replicating assembler of nanometer dimensions [1].

Nanotechnologists in particular believe that their work will likely fail to reach a state of maturity until human beings design a self-replicating assembler of nanometer dimensions [2].

纳米技术专家尤其相信,在人类设计出一种纳米尺度的自我复制装配器之前,他们的工作很可能无法达到成熟的状态。 Molecularassembler.com/ksrm/4.11.3.htm.

These systems are substantially simpler than autotrophic systems, because they are provided with purified feedstocks and energy. They do not have to reproduce them. This distinction is at the root of some of the controversy about whether molecular manufacturing is possible or not. Many authorities who find it impossible are clearly citing sources for complex autotrophic self-replicating systems. Many of the authorities who find it possible are clearly citing sources for much simpler self-assembling systems, which have been demonstrated. In the meantime, a Lego-built autonomous robot able to follow a pre-set track and assemble an exact copy of itself, starting from four externally provided components, was demonstrated experimentally in 2003 [3].

These systems are substantially simpler than autotrophic systems, because they are provided with purified feedstocks and energy. They do not have to reproduce them. This distinction is at the root of some of the controversy about whether molecular manufacturing is possible or not. Many authorities who find it impossible are clearly citing sources for complex autotrophic self-replicating systems. Many of the authorities who find it possible are clearly citing sources for much simpler self-assembling systems, which have been demonstrated. In the meantime, a Lego-built autonomous robot able to follow a pre-set track and assemble an exact copy of itself, starting from four externally provided components, was demonstrated experimentally in 2003 [4].

这些系统比自养系统简单得多,因为它们提供了纯化的原料和能源。他们不需要复制它们。这种区别是关于分子制造是否可行的一些争论的根源。许多当局认为这是不可能的,他们明确地引用了复杂的自养自我复制系统的资源。许多发现这种可能性的权威人士显然是在引用已经证明的更简单的自组装系统的资料。与此同时,2003年的一项实验展示了一个乐高积木自主机器人,它能够按照预先设定的轨道,从外部提供的4个组件开始,精确地组装出自己的副本。 Molecularassembler.com/ksrm/3.23.4.htm.

Merely exploiting the replicative abilities of existing cells is insufficient, because of limitations in the process of protein biosynthesis (also see the listing for RNA).

Merely exploiting the replicative abilities of existing cells is insufficient, because of limitations in the process of protein biosynthesis (also see the listing for RNA).


What is required is the rational design of an entirely novel replicator with a much wider range of synthesis capabilities.

What is required is the rational design of an entirely novel replicator with a much wider range of synthesis capabilities.


In 2011, New York University scientists have developed artificial structures that can self-replicate, a process that has the potential to yield new types of materials. They have demonstrated that it is possible to replicate not just molecules like cellular DNA or RNA, but discrete structures that could in principle assume many different shapes, have many different functional features, and be associated with many different types of chemical species.[12][13]

In 2011, New York University scientists have developed artificial structures that can self-replicate, a process that has the potential to yield new types of materials. They have demonstrated that it is possible to replicate not just molecules like cellular DNA or RNA, but discrete structures that could in principle assume many different shapes, have many different functional features, and be associated with many different types of chemical species.

2011年,纽约大学的科学家们开发出了可以自我复制的人造结构,这一过程有可能产生新型材料。他们已经证明,不仅可以复制像细胞 DNA 或 RNA 这样的分子,而且可以复制原则上呈现许多不同形状、具有许多不同功能特征、并与许多不同类型的化学物种相关联的离散结构。

For a discussion of other chemical bases for hypothetical self-replicating systems, see alternative biochemistry.

For a discussion of other chemical bases for hypothetical self-replicating systems, see alternative biochemistry.


See also 请参阅

  • RepRap (self-replicated 3D printer)




  1. "'Lifeless' prion proteins are 'capable of evolution'". BBC News. 2010-01-01. Retrieved 2013-10-22.
  2. von Neumann, John (1948). The Hixon Symposium. Pasadena, California. pp. 1–36. 
  3. Freitas, Robert; Merkle, Ralph (2004). "Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines - General Taxonomy of Replicators". Retrieved 2013-06-29.
  4. Freitas, Robert; Merkle, Ralph (2004). "Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines - Freitas-Merkle Map of the Kinematic Replicator Design Space (2003–2004)". Retrieved 2013-06-29.
  5. For an image that does not show how this replicates, see: Eric W. Weisstein. "Sphinx." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Sphinx.html
  6. For further illustrations, see Teaching TILINGS / TESSELLATIONS with Geo Sphinx
  7. "The idea that life began as clay crystals is 50 years old". bbc.com. 2016-08-24. Retrieved 2019-11-10.
  8. "Modeling Kinematic Cellular Automata Final Report" (PDF). 2004-04-30. Retrieved 2013-10-22.
  9. "Molecular Nanotechnology Guidelines". Foresight.org. Retrieved 2013-10-22.
  10. Moulin, Giuseppone (2011). "Dynamic Combinatorial Self-Replicating Systems". Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry. Topics in Current Chemistry. 322. Springer. pp. 87–105. doi:10.1007/128_2011_198. ISBN 978-3-642-28343-7. PMID 21728135. 
  11. Wikisource:Advanced Automation for Space Missions
  12. Wang, Tong; Sha, Ruojie; Dreyfus, Rémi; Leunissen, Mirjam E.; Maass, Corinna; Pine, David J.; Chaikin, Paul M.; Seeman, Nadrian C. (2011). "Self-replication of information-bearing nanoscale patterns". Nature. 478 (7368): 225–228. doi:10.1038/nature10500. PMC 3192504. PMID 21993758.
  13. "Self-replication process holds promise for production of new materials". Science Daily. 2011-10-17. Retrieved 2011-10-17.




  • von Neumann, J., 1966, The Theory of Self-reproducing Automata, A. Burks, ed., Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL.

  • Kenyon, R., Self-replicating tilings, in: Symbolic Dynamics and Applications (P. Walters, ed.) Contemporary Math. vol. 135 (1992), 239-264.

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