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Fernando讨论 | 贡献2020年11月21日 (六) 23:29的版本
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Hierarchy theory is a means of studying ecological systems in which the relationship between all of the components is of great complexity. Hierarchy theory focuses on levels of organization and issues of scale, with a specific focus on the role of the observer in the definition of the system. Complexity in this context does not refer to an intrinsic property of the system but to the possibility of representing the systems in a plurality of non-equivalent ways depending on the pre-analytical choices of the observer. Instead of analyzing the whole structure, hierarchy theory refers to the analysis of hierarchical levels, and the interactions between them.

Hierarchy theory is a means of studying ecological systems in which the relationship between all of the components is of great complexity. Hierarchy theory focuses on levels of organization and issues of scale, with a specific focus on the role of the observer in the definition of the system. Complexity in this context does not refer to an intrinsic property of the system but to the possibility of representing the systems in a plurality of non-equivalent ways depending on the pre-analytical choices of the observer. Instead of analyzing the whole structure, hierarchy theory refers to the analysis of hierarchical levels, and the interactions between them.


 --Typhoid讨论)[翻译]  存疑“在这种情况下,复杂度不是指代系统的一种固有属性,而是指根据观察者的预分析选择,以多元不等价的方式来描绘系统的可能性。”

See also


  1. Allen, Timothy F. H. (2001). "A summary of the principles of hierarchy theory". Archived from the original on 2001-12-18. Retrieved 2016-03-19.

Further reading


类别: 层级

Category:Systems ecology

类别: 系统生态学


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