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适应行为 Adaptive behavior是指使一个人(通常是指孩童)能够在环境中获得最大的成功并且尽量不与他人产生冲突的行为。这是一个用于心理学和特殊教育领域的术语。适应行为与“一般”人能够完成的日常技能或任务有关,类似于“生活技能”这个术语。





  • 一个出生时患有脑瘫的孩子很可能同时患有一种偏瘫或半身麻痹(身体一侧功能减弱或丧失使用能力)。为了适应环境,孩子可能会使用这些肢体作为助手,在某些情况下,他们甚至会用上嘴和牙齿,而不仅仅用它们来吃饭或聊天。
  • 由于缺乏表达自己需求的能力而产生的挫败感会导致发脾气。此外,它可能会导致一个人使用符号或手语来传达愿望。







2001年,美国国家研究委员会发表了一份对诊断为自闭症的儿童和成人的干预措施的综合评论。综述表明,基于应用行为分析 applied behavior analysis的干预措施对这些群体是有效的。


特殊技能 Specific skills


  • Community access skills社区使用技能
  1. Bus riding (Neef et al. 1978)


  1. Independent walking (Gruber et al. 1979)


  1. Coin summation (Lowe and Cuvo, 1976; Miller et al. 1977)

加总钱币(劳和科沃,1976年; 米勒等,1977)[4]

  1. 在餐厅点餐 (Haring 1987)
  1. 自动售货机的使用 Vending machine use (Sprague and Horner, 1984)

  1. 在公共场所进食(文登坡等,1981)[5]

  1. 行人安全 Pedestrian safety (Page et al. 1976)

  • Peer access and retention


  1. Clothing selection skills (Nutter and Reid, 1978)


  1. Appropriate mealtime behaviors (McGrath et al. 2004; O'Brien et al. 1972; Wilson et al. 1984)

适当的进餐时间行为(麦克克里斯[7][8]等,2004; 欧比伦等,1972; 威尔森[9]等,1984)

  1. Toy play skills (Haring 1985) and playful activities (Lifter et al., 1993)


  1. 口腔卫生和刷牙[12][13]
  1. 踢足球 Soccer play (Luyben et al. 1986)


  • Barriers to access to peers and communities


  1. Diurnal bruxism (Blount et al. 1982)


Diurnal bruxism (Blount et al.1982)
  1. Controlling rumination and vomiting (Kholenberg, 1970; Rast et al. 1981)

控制反刍和呕吐(诺伦伯格[16],1970; 拉斯特[17]等,1981)

  1. 异食癖 Pica (Mace and Knight, 1986)

适应技能 Adaptive skills

Every human being must learn a set of skills that is beneficial for the environments and communities they live in. Adaptive skills are stepping stones toward accessing and benefiting from local or remote communities. This means that, in urban environments, to go to the movies, a child will have to learn to navigate through the town or take the bus, read the movie schedule, and pay for the movie. Adaptive skills allow for safer exploration because they provide the learner with an increased awareness of his/her surroundings and of changes in context, that require new adaptive responses to meet the demands and dangers of that new context. Adaptive skills may generate more opportunities to engage in meaningful social interactions and acceptance. Adaptive skills are socially acceptable and desirable at any age and regardless of gender (with the exception of gender specific biological differences such as menstrual care skills, etc.)


学习适应技能 Learning adaptive skills

Adaptive skills encompass a range of daily situations and they usually start with a task analysis. The task analysis will reveal all the steps necessary to perform the task in the natural environment. The use of behavior analytic procedures has been documented, with children, adolescents and adults, under the guidance of behavior analysts[18] and supervised behavioral technicians. The list of applications has a broad scope and it is in continuous expansion as more research is carried out in applied behavior analysis (see Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior).

适应技能涉及一系列的日常情况,并且通常从任务分析开始。任务分析揭示了在自然环境中执行任务所需的所有步骤。在行为分析师和监督行为技术员的指导下,儿童,青少年和成年人的行为分析程序的使用情况已经被记录在案。任务分析的应用范围很广,而且随着应用行为分析 Professional practice of behavior analysis研究的不断深入,其应用范围仍在不断扩大。

拓扑理论 Practopoietic theory

根据拓扑理论 practopoietic theory[19]适应行为的产生涉及到系统组织不同层次之间的特殊的、极性的相互作用。描述这些相互作用的基础是控制论,特别是良好的调节器定理。在拓扑系统中,系统组织的较低层次决定了系统组织较高层次的性质,而不是相反。这确保了系统组织的较低层次(例如,基因)总是比系统组织的较高层次拥有更多的控制意义上的一般知识——较高层次的知识是较低层次知识的特例。在组织的最高层次存在着明显的行为。认知运作位于这种等级制度的中间部分,在基因之上、行为之下。为了使行为具有适应性,我们至少需要三个适应性跨越。



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 William Heward: Exceptional Children 2005
  2. Neef, A.N.; Iwata, B.A.; Page T.J. et al. (1978). Public Transportation Skills. In vivo versus classroom instruction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 11, 331–4.
  3. Gruber, B.; Reeser R.; Reid, D.H. (1979). Providing a less restrictive environment to retarded persons by teaching independent walking skills. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12, 285–97.
  4. Lowe, M.L. & Cuvo, A.J. (1976). Teaching coin summation to the mentally retarded. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 9, 483–9.
  5. Van den Pol, R.A.; Iwata, B.A.; Ivancic M.T.; Page, T.J.; Neef N.A. & Whitley (1981). Teaching the handicapped to eat in public places: Acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of restaurant skills. JABA. 14, 61–9.
  6. Nutter D. & Reid D.H. (1978). Teaching retarded women a clothing selection skill using community norms. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 11, 475–87.
  7. McGrath, A.; Bosch, S.; Sullivan, C.; Fuqua, R.W. (2003). Teaching reciprocal social interactions between preschoolers and a child diagnosed with autism. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions, 5, 47–54.
  8. O'Brien, F.; Bugle, C. & Azrin N.H. (1972). Training and maintaining a retarded child's proper eating. JABA, 5, 67–72.
  9. Wilson, P.G.; Reid, D.H.; Phillips, J.F. & Burgio, L.D. (1984). Normalization of institutional mealtimes for profoundly retarded persons. Effects and non-effects of teaching family-style dining. JABA, 17, 189–201.
  10. Haring, T.G. (1985). Teaching between class generalization of toy play behavior to handicapped children. JABA, 18, 127–39.
  11. Lifter, K.; Sulzer-Azaroff, B.; Anderson, S.R. & Cowdery, G.E. (1993) Teaching Play Activities to Preschool Children with Disabilities: The Importance of Developmental Considerations. Journal of Early Intervention, 17, 139–59.
  12. Singh, N.N.; Manning, P.J. & Angell M.J. (1982). Effects of an oral hyegene punishment procedure on chronic rumination and collateral behaviors in monozygous twins. JABA, 15, 309–14.
  13. Horner, R.D. & Keilitz, I. (1975). Training mentally retarded adolescents to brush their teeth. JABA, 8, 301–9.
  14. "Psychology: Adaptive Behavior". Archived from the original on 2 February 2011. Retrieved 2 October 2011.
  15. Blount, R.L.; Drabman, R.S.; Wilson, N.; Stewart D. (1982). Reducing severe diurnal bruxism ib tw profoundly retarded females. JABA, 15, 565–71.
  16. Kholenberg (1970). Punishment of persitent vomiting: A case study. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 3, 241–5.
  17. Rast, J.; Johnston, J.M.; Drum, C. & Corin, J. (1981). The relation of food quantity to rumination behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14, 121–30.
  18. Professional practice of behavior analysis
  19. Danko Nikolić (2014). "Practopoiesis: Or how life fosters a mind. arXiv:1402.5332 [q-bio.NC]". Retrieved 2014-06-06.


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