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本词条由11初步翻译 由CecileLi初步审校

自发秩序spontaneous order,在自然科学中也被称为自组织,是从表面看似混乱中自发出现的秩序。这是存在于经济学等社会网络领域中的一个过程,不过“自组织”一词更多地用于物理变化和生物过程,而“自发秩序”通常用于描述一群自私自利的个体在他们组合而成的社会中非人为刻意产生的各种社会秩序。地球上生命的进化、语言、晶体结构、互联网和自由市场经济都被认为是通过自发秩序进化而来的系统的例子。[1]

自发秩序要与组织区分开来。二者的区别在于自发秩序是无标度网络,而组织是层级网络。此外,组织往往是自发的社会秩序的一部分,但反之则不然。同时,组织是由人类创造和控制的,而自发的秩序则是可以由任何人创造、控制的。在经济学和社会科学中,自发秩序被定义为 “人类行动的结果,而非人类设计的结果”。[2]

经济教育基金会主席Lawrence Reed对自发秩序的描述如下:



根据Murray Rothbard,庄子(公元前369-286年)是第一个提出自发秩序思想的人。这位哲学家反对儒家的专制主义,他写道:“从来没有过让人类独善其身的事情;从来没有过(政府成功)治理人类的事情”。他阐述了一种早期的自发秩序形式,断言 "当事物被放任自流时,良好的秩序就会自发地产生",这一概念后来 “由Pierre-Joseph Proudhon在19世纪发展起来”。[4]



苏格兰启蒙运动的思想家们发展并探讨了市场作为一种自发秩序的思想。1767年,社会学家和历史学家Adam Ferguson将社会描述为 “人类行动的结果,但不是任何人类设计的执行”。[5][6]

One commentator states that (Hayek's) theory of spontaneous order, “the foundations of Hayek’s liberalism are so incoherent” because the “idea of spontaneous order lacks distinctness and internal structure.”. The three components: lack of intentionality, the “primacy of tacit or practical knowledge,” and the “natural selection of competitive traditions.”. While the first feature, that social institutions may arise in some unintended fashion, is indeed an essential element of spontaneous order, the second two are only implications, not essential elements.

一位评论家评论(哈耶克 Hayek的)自发秩序理论:“哈耶克自由主义的基础是如此不连贯” ,因为“自发秩序的理念缺乏明确性和内在结构”。三个组成部分: 缺乏意向性,“隐性或实用性知识的首要地位” ,以及“竞争传统的自然选择”。虽然第一个特征,即社会制度可能以某种意想不到的方式出现的确是自发秩序的一个基本要素,但后两个特征只是影响,而不是基本要素。



然而,“自发秩序 ”这个术语,大概是由Michael Polanyi在他的文章《社会中思想的增长》The Growth of Thought in Society中提出来的,这篇文章于1941年11月发表在经济学刊的第8期([7]

以Carl Menger、Ludwig von Mises和弗里德里希·哈耶克 Friedrich Hayek为首的奥地利经济学派把它作为其社会和经济思想的核心。哈耶克的自发秩序理论是两种相关而又不同影响的产物,这些影响并不总是倾向于同一个方向,作为一个经济理论家,他对自己的观点作出了合理的解释。但作为一个法律和社会理论家,他却非常倾向于一种保守和传统主义的方法,这种方法指导人们盲目地服从于人类难以控制的事件流。[8]



许多保守的理论家[9]如哈耶克,认为市场经济是一种自发秩序,“比任何设计都能实现的社会资源更有效的配置。”[10] 他们声称这种自发秩序(在哈耶克的《致命的自负: 社会主义的谬误》The Fatal Conceit中被称为“扩展秩序”)优于人类头脑根据所需信息的细节而设计的任何秩序[11]。他们认为,集中的统计数据无法传达这种信息,因为统计数据是通过抽象具体的情况,脱离细节而产生的。[12]

For Hayek, prices in a market economy are the aggregation of information acquired when the people who own resources are free to use their individual knowledge. Price then allows everyone dealing in a commodity or its substitutes to make decisions based on more information than he or she could personally acquire, information not statistically conveyable to a centralized authority. Interference from a central authority which affects price will have consequences they could not foresee because they do not know all of the particulars involved.


According to Barry this is illustrated in the concept of the invisible hand proposed by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations.[1] Thus in this view by acting on information with greater detail and accuracy than possible for any centralized authority, a more efficient economy is created to the benefit of a whole society.


Lawrence Reed, president of the Foundation for Economic Education, describes spontaneous order as follows:

Spontaneous order is what happens when you leave people alone—when entrepreneurs... see the desires of people... and then provide for them.

--CecileLi(讨论) 【审校】补充翻译:自发秩序是当当你远离人群——当企业家们看到人们的欲望然后按需提供供给给他们。

They respond to market signals, to prices. Prices tell them what's needed and how urgently and where. And it's infinitely better and more productive than relying on a handful of elites in some distant bureaucracy.[13]

 --CecileLi(讨论)  【审校】补充翻译:自发秩序对市场信号、价格做出反应。价格告诉人们市场需求、需求程度以及市场在哪里。而且,这比依靠鞭长莫及的官僚机构里的一小群精英要好得多,同时效率也更高。


类别: 无政府资本主义

Hayek, or at least his followers on the contemporary British and American political scene ‐ have wrongly inferred strong conclusions from these theories which are inimical to the welfare state by failing to reconcile the rule of law to social justice.[14]


Category:Systems theory

范畴: 系统论


类别: 自我组织




Anarchists argue that the state is in fact an artificial creation of the ruling elite, and that true spontaneous order would arise if it was eliminated. Construed by some but not all as the ushering in of organization by anarchist law. In the anarchist view, such spontaneous order would involve the voluntary cooperation of individuals. According to the Oxford Dictionary of Sociology, "the work of many symbolic interactionists is largely compatible with the anarchist vision, since it harbours a view of society as spontaneous order."[14]

无政府主义者认为,国家实际上是统治精英人为创造的,如果消灭了它,真正的自发秩序就会出现。这种观点不能说全然不对,因为无政府主义者就是首先在组织中引入法律。在无政府主义者看来,这种自发秩序包括个人的自愿合作。根据《牛津社会学词典》 ,“许多象征性互动主义者的作品在很大程度上符合无政府主义者的愿景,因为它包含了一种社会自发秩序的观点。”[15]



自发秩序最突出的代表人物是应该是哈耶克。除了认为经济是一种自发秩序(他称之为“耦合秩序 catallaxy”)之外,他还认为民法和大脑也是一种自发秩序。在《科学共和国》The Republic of Science中,Michael Polanyi也认为科学是一种自发秩序,这一理论由Bill Butos和Thomas McQuade在多篇论文中进一步讨论和研究。Gus DiZerega认为民主是政府的自发秩序形式,David Andersson认为在像美国这样的地方宗教也是自发秩序,Troy Camplin认为艺术和文学作品也是自发秩序。Paul Krugman在他的《自组织经济》The Self-Organizing Economy一书中也对自发秩序理论做出了贡献,他在书中声称城市是自组织的系统。可信性理论认为,社会制度的可信性是制度内生自组织及其持续性的驱动因素。

The competitions between huge numbers of self-interested individuals will lead to many possible income distributions. Among all possible income distributions, exponential income distribution will occur with the highest probability. Following the natural selection process "survival of the likeliest", the exponential income distribution is most likely to evolve and survive, and hence is called the "Spontaneous Order" by Tao.[3] By analyzing datasets of household income from 66 countries and Hong Kong SAR, ranging from Europe to Latin America, North America and Asia, Tao et al found that, for all of these countries, the income distribution for the great majority of populations (low and middle income classes) follows an exponential income distribution.[25]

大量自私自利的个人之间的竞争将导致许多可能的收入分配。在所有可能的收入分配分布中,指数型收入分配的发生概率最高。遵循“最大生存”的自然选择过程,指数型收入分配最有可能进化和生存,因此被道称为“自发秩序”。[3]通过分析从欧洲到拉丁美洲、北美和亚洲的66个国家和香港特别行政区的家庭收入数据集,Tao 等人发现,对于所有这些国家,绝大多数人口(低收入和中等收入阶层)的收入分布遵循指数分布。[25]


  • Anonymous
  • Deregulation
  • Emergence
  • Free price system
  • "I, Pencil" by Leonard Read
  • Mutual aid
  • Natural law
  • Natural order
  • Revolutionary spontaneity
  • Stigmergy
  • Tragedy of the commons
  • Wu wei (Effortless Action)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Barry, Norman (1982). "The Tradition of Spontaneous Order". Literature of Liberty. 5 (2).
  2. Hayek, Friedrich A. (1969). Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Touchstone. p. 97. ISBN 978-0671202460. 
  3. Yong Tao, Spontaneous economic order, Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2016) 26 (3): 467-500 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00191-015-0432-6
  4. Rothbard, Murray. Concepts of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Change Toward Laissez Faire, The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. IX No. 2 (Fall 1990)
  5. Adam Ferguson -{zh-cn:互联网档案馆; zh-tw:網際網路檔案館; zh-hk:互聯網檔案館;}-存檔,存档日期2007-05-09. on The History of Economic Thought Website
  6. Ferguson, Adam (1767). An Essay on the History of Civil Society. The Online Library of Liberty: T. Cadell, London. p. 205. http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=1428&Itemid=28. 
  7. Straun Jacobs,"迈克尔-波兰尼的自发秩序理论",《奥地利经济学评论》11期1-2号(1999年):111-127
  8. Barry, Norman (University of Buckingham) - Literature of Liberty; Vol. v, no. 2, pp. 7-58. Arlington, VA: Institute for Humane Studies Pub. Date 1982
  9. MACCORMICK, D.N. (1989), Spontaneous Order and the Rule of Law: Some Problems. Ratio Juris, 2: 41-54. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9337.1989.tb00025.x
  10. Hayek cited. Petsoulas, Christian. Hayek's Liberalism and Its Origins: His Idea of Spontaneous Order and the Scottish Enlightenment. Routledge. 2001. p. 2
  11. Hayek, F.A. The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. The University of Chicago Press. 1991. p. 6.
  12. Hayek cited. Boaz, David. The Libertarian Reader. The Free Press. 1997. p. 220
  13. Stossel, John (2011-02-10) Spontaneous Order, Reason
  14. MACCORMICK, D.N. (1989), Spontaneous Order and the Rule of Law: Some Problems. Ratio Juris, 2: 41-54. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9337.1989.tb00025.x
  15. Marshall, Gordon (1998). Oxford Dictionary of Sociology (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 19–20. ISBN 978-0-19-280081-7. https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofsoci00mars/page/19.