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大气模式 atmospheric model是围绕控制大气运动的一整套原始的动力学方程所建立的数学模型。它可以通过湍流扩散、辐射湿过程(云和降水)、热交换、土壤、植被、地表水、地形的动力学效应和对流等的参数化来补充这些方程。大多数大气模式是基于数值方法的,即将运动方程离散化。它们可以预测微尺度的现象,例如龙卷风、边界层的涡旋、流经建筑物上方的亚微尺度湍流,以及天气气流、全球气流。模式的水平区域全球性的,覆盖整个地球,也可以是区域性的(有限区域的),只覆盖部分地球。模式运行的不同类型包括热致的、正压的、流体静力学的和非流体静力学的。部分类型的模式对大气进行了一些假设,从而加长了时间步长并提高计算速度。



The main assumption made by the thermotropic model is that while the magnitude of the thermal wind may change, its direction does not change with respect to height, and thus the baroclinicity in the atmosphere can be simulated using the 模板:Convert and 模板:Convert geopotential height surfaces and the average thermal wind between them.


正压 Barotropic模式假定大气接近正压,这意味着地转风的方向和速度与高度无关,即地转风无垂直切变。这也意味着温度的厚度等值线平行于上层高度等值线。在这种类型的大气中,高压区和低压区是冷暖温度异常的中心。暖心高压(如亚热带脊线和百慕大-亚速尔高压)和冷心低压具有随高度增强的风力,而冷心高压(北极浅层高压)和暖心低压(如热带气旋)则相反。[3]正压模式试图基于大气处于地转平衡的假设(即空气中的罗斯比数小)来解决简化形式的大气动力学问题。[4]如果假设大气无散度,则欧拉方程的旋度简化为正压涡度方程,后者可以在一层大气上求解。由于大气在大约5.5 千米(3.4 英里)处几乎无旋度,正压模式最接近大气在对应海拔处的位势高度时的状态,该海拔与大气压力面有关。[5]

流体静力学 Hydrostatic模式从垂直动量方恒中过滤出垂直运动的声波,这显著地增加了模型运行中使用的时间步长,这就是流体静力学近似。流体静力学模式使用压力或sigma压力作为垂直坐标。压力坐标与地形相交,而sigma坐标随地形等高线变化。只要水平网格分辨率不小,该模式的流体静力学假设便是合理的。使用整个垂直动量方程的模式称为 非流体静力学模式 nonhydrostatic model,它既可以滞弹性求解,这意味着它求解了不可压缩空气的完整的连续性方程;也可以弹性求解,这意味着它求解了完全可压缩空气的完整的连续性方程。非静力学假设使用海拔高度或sigma高度作为其垂直坐标。海拔高度可以和地形相交,而sigma 高度坐标随地面等高线改变。[6]


The ENIAC main control panel at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering

数值天气预报的历史起于20世纪20年代,这得益于 Lewis Fry Richardson 使用了 Vihelm Bjerknes 开发的方法的成果。[7][8]直到计算机和计算机模拟时代的到来,计算时间才降低到少于被预测时段。ENIAC 在1950年发明了第一台计算机预测系统,[5][9]之后功能更强大的计算机增加了初始数据集的规模,并包含了更复杂的运动方程的版本。[10]1966年,西德和美国开始根据原始方程模式制作业务预测系统,1972年英国和1977年澳大利亚紧随其后。[7][11] 全球预报模式的发展导致了第一个气候模式的诞生。[12][13]在20世纪70年代和20世纪80年代,有限区域(区域性)模式的发展推动了热带气旋轨道和空气质量预报的进步。[14][15]



大气是流动的。因此,数值天气预报的思想是对给定时间的流体状态进行采样,并使用流体动力学和热力学方程来估计未来某个时间的流体状态。将观测数据输入模型以生成初始条件的过程称为初始化。在陆地上,全球分辨率低至1公里(0.6英里)的地形图用于帮助模拟崎岖地形区域内的大气环流,以便更好地描述影响入射太阳辐射的下坡风、过山波和相关云量等特征。基于国家的气象服务的主要输入是来自气象气球上的设备(称为无线电探空仪)的观测,这些设备测量各种大气参数并将其传输到固定接收器,以及来自气象卫星的观测。世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization)在全球范围内对仪器、观测实践和观测时间进行标准化。观测站在METAR报告中每小时报告一次,或者在SYNOP报告中每六小时报告一次。这些观测数据的间隔不规则,因此通过数据同化和客观分析方法进行处理,以实现质量控制并在模型数学算法可用的位置获取数值,使得最后在模式中被用作预测的起点。



An example of 500 mbar geopotential height prediction from a numerical weather prediction model.

文件:Supercomputing the Climate.ogv

模式指的是一种可以在给定的位置和海拔高度生成未来气象信息的一种计算机程序。任何模型中都有一套称为“原始方程组”的方程组,用于预测未来的大气状态。这些方程组依据分析数据初始化,并确定变化速率。这些变化速率可以预测未来一小段时间的大气状态,每一个时间增量被称为一个时间步长。然后这些方程组被用于新的大气状态,得到新的变化速率,新的变化速率接着被用于预测再往后的大气状态。[23]不断推进时间步,直到方程组的解到达了想要的预测时间。模式内时间步长的选择与计算网格间距有关,需要确保数值稳定性。[24]全球模式的时间步长约为数十分钟,[25]而区域模式则为1到4分钟。[26]全球模式预测时段各有不同。UKMET联合模式可预测未来6天,[27]欧洲中心的中程天气预测模式 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model可预测未来10天,[28]而环境建模中心 Environmental Modeling Center的全球预测系统模式 Global Forest System model可以预测未来16天。[29]




在崎岖的地形中或云量多变地区达到地面的太阳辐射量也被参数化了,因为该过程发生在分子尺寸。[35] 并且,模型的网格尺寸相对于实际的云和地形的尺寸及粗糙度都要大得多。太阳角度以及其对多个云层的影响均被考虑在内。[36]土壤类型、植被类型以及土壤湿度均决定了多少辐射参与邻近大气的加热以及湿度的增加。因此,它们也是重要的需要参数化的量。[37]



垂直坐标有多种方式处理。一些模式,如Richardson的1922模式,使用几何高度(z)作为垂直坐标。后来的模式使用压力坐标系代替了几何z坐标系,从而等压面的位势高度变成了因变量,极大地简化了原始方程组。[39] 这是因为地球大气层的压力随着高度增加而降低。[40]第一个用于业务预报的模式,即单层正压模式,在500mbar水平面上使用一个简单的压力坐标,[5]并因此基本上是二维的。高分辨率模式(也被称为中尺度模式),如WRF模式,则往往使用标准化压力坐标(sigma坐标)。[41]



  • GFS 全球预测系统(Global Forecast System,前身为AVN)——由NOAA开发
  • NOGAPS ——由美国海军开发,用于和GFS比对
  • GEM 全球环境多尺度模式(Global Environmental Multiscale Model)——由加拿大气象局(MSC)开发
  • IFS 由欧洲中心的中程度天气预测部门(the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)开发
  • UM 统一模式(Unified Model),由英国气象办公室(the UK Met Office)
  • ICON 由德国天气局、DWD以及马普所(MPI)气象部门(汉堡)联合开发
  • ARPEGE 由法国天气局开发(the French Weather Service, Météo-France)
  • IGCM 中间大气环流模式(Intermediate General Circulation Model)



  • WRF 天气研究与预测模式(the Weather Research and Forecasting model),由NCEP、NCAR以及气象研究社区共同开发。WRF有多种配置,比如:
    • WRF-NMM WRF非流体静力学中尺度模式(the WRF Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model),这是美国主要的短期天气预测模式,用于替代Eta模式
    • WRF-ARW 主要由NCAR开发的高级研究WRF(Advanced Research WRF)
  • NAM 北美中尺度模式(North American Mesoscale model),指的是 NCEP 在北美地区运作的任何区域模式。NCEP 于2005年1月开始使用这一称呼系统。2005年1月至2006年5月期间,Eta 模式使用了这一称号。从2006年5月开始,NCEP 开始使用 WRF-NMM 作为业务预报中的北美中尺度模式。
  • RAMS 区域大气模拟系统(the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)由科罗拉多州立大学开发,用于从数米到数百公里范围内的大气气象和其他环境现象的数值模拟,现已得到公共领域的支持
  • MM5 第五代宾夕法尼亚州立大学/NCAR 中尺度模式(the Fifth Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model)
  • ARPS 奥克拉荷马大学开发的高级区域预报系统(the Advanced Region Prediction System)是一个综合性的多尺度非流体静力学的模拟和预报系统,应用范围从区域尺度的天气预报,到龙卷尺度的模拟和预报。用于雷暴预报的高级雷达数据同化是该系统的关键部分。
  • HIRLAM 高分辨率有限区域模式(High Resolution Limited Area Model),由欧洲数值天气预报研究联盟 HIRLAM 开发,由10个欧洲气象部门共同资助。中尺度的 HIRLAM 模式被称为 HARMONIE,是 Meteo France 和 ALADIN 联盟合作开发的。
  • GEM-LAM 全球环境多尺度有限区域模式(Global Environmental Multiscale Limited Area Model),由加拿大气象局开发的高分辨率(2.5千米,约1.6英里)的 GEM。
  • ALADIN 高分辨率有限区域流体静力学和非流体静力学模式(the high-resolution limited-area hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic model),由欧洲和北非的一些国家在 Météo-France 领导下开发和运行
  • COSMO 模式,以前称为 LM,aLMo 或 LAMI,是在小尺度模式联合会(德国、瑞士、意大利、希腊、波兰、罗马尼亚和俄罗斯)框架内开发的有限区域非流体静力学模式。
  • Meso-NH Meso-NH 模式是有限区域非流体静力学模式,自1998年来由法国国家气象研究中心和航空实验室(法国,图卢兹)联合开发,其应用领域包括从中尺度到厘米尺度的天气模拟。

Model output statistics 模式输出统计

Because forecast models based upon the equations for atmospheric dynamics do not perfectly determine weather conditions near the ground, statistical corrections were developed to attempt to resolve this problem. Statistical models were created based upon the three-dimensional fields produced by numerical weather models, surface observations, and the climatological conditions for specific locations. These statistical models are collectively referred to as model output statistics (MOS),[42] and were developed by the National Weather Service for their suite of weather forecasting models.[16] The United States Air Force developed its own set of MOS based upon their dynamical weather model by 1983.[17]

Because forecast models based upon the equations for atmospheric dynamics do not perfectly determine weather conditions near the ground, statistical corrections were developed to attempt to resolve this problem. Statistical models were created based upon the three-dimensional fields produced by numerical weather models, surface observations, and the climatological conditions for specific locations. These statistical models are collectively referred to as model output statistics (MOS), and were developed by the National Weather Service for their suite of weather forecasting models. The United States Air Force developed its own set of MOS based upon their dynamical weather model by 1983.

由于基于大气动力学方程式的预报模式不能完全确定近地天气状况,因此开发了统计修正以试图解决这一问题。基于数值天气模型、地面观测和特定地点的气候条件产生的三维场,建立了统计模型。这些统计模型统称为模型输出统计(MOS) ,由国家气象局为他们的一套天气预报模型开发。到1983年,美国空军根据其动态天气模型开发了自己的一套 MOS。


Model output statistics differ from the perfect prog technique, which assumes that the output of numerical weather prediction guidance is perfect.[43] MOS can correct for local effects that cannot be resolved by the model due to insufficient grid resolution, as well as model biases. Forecast parameters within MOS include maximum and minimum temperatures, percentage chance of rain within a several hour period, precipitation amount expected, chance that the precipitation will be frozen in nature, chance for thunderstorms, cloudiness, and surface winds.[44]

Model output statistics differ from the perfect prog technique, which assumes that the output of numerical weather prediction guidance is perfect. MOS can correct for local effects that cannot be resolved by the model due to insufficient grid resolution, as well as model biases. Forecast parameters within MOS include maximum and minimum temperatures, percentage chance of rain within a several hour period, precipitation amount expected, chance that the precipitation will be frozen in nature, chance for thunderstorms, cloudiness, and surface winds.

模型输出统计不同于完美的前端技术,前端技术假设数值天气预报指导的输出是完美的。MOS 可以修正由于网格分辨率不足以及模型偏差而无法由模型解决的局部效应。MOS 内的预报参数包括最高和最低气温、几个小时内降雨的百分比、预期降水量、降水在自然界结冰的可能性、雷暴的可能性、云量和地面风。



Applications 应用

Climate modeling 气候模拟

In 1956, Norman Phillips developed a mathematical model that realistically depicted monthly and seasonal patterns in the troposphere. This was the first successful climate model.[12][13] Several groups then began working to create general circulation models.[45] The first general circulation climate model combined oceanic and atmospheric processes and was developed in the late 1960s at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, a component of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.[46] By the early 1980s, the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research had developed the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM), which can be run by itself or as the atmospheric component of the Community Climate System Model. The latest update (version 3.1) of the standalone CAM was issued on 1 February 2006.[47][48][49] In 1986, efforts began to initialize and model soil and vegetation types, resulting in more realistic forecasts.[50] Coupled ocean-atmosphere climate models, such as the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research's HadCM3 model, are being used as inputs for climate change studies.[45]

In 1956, Norman Phillips developed a mathematical model that realistically depicted monthly and seasonal patterns in the troposphere. This was the first successful climate model. Several groups then began working to create general circulation models. The first general circulation climate model combined oceanic and atmospheric processes and was developed in the late 1960s at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, a component of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. By the early 1980s, the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research had developed the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM), which can be run by itself or as the atmospheric component of the Community Climate System Model. The latest update (version 3.1) of the standalone CAM was issued on 1 February 2006. In 1986, efforts began to initialize and model soil and vegetation types, resulting in more realistic forecasts. Coupled ocean-atmosphere climate models, such as the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research's HadCM3 model, are being used as inputs for climate change studies.

1956年,诺曼 · 菲利普斯开发了一个数学模型,这个模型真实地描述了对流层的每月和季节的模式。这是第一个成功的气候模型。几个小组随后开始建立大体循环模型。第一个大气环流气候模式结合了海洋和大气过程,于20世纪60年代末在美国地球物理流体动力学实验室气候研究中心发展起来,该中心是美国美国国家海洋和大气管理局气候研究中心的一个组成部分。到20世纪80年代早期,美国国家大气研究中心开发了社区大气模型(CAM) ,它可以自己运行,也可以作为社区气候系统模型的大气成分。最新更新(3.1版本)已于2006年2月1日发出。在1986年,开始努力初始化和模型的土壤和植被类型,导致更现实的预测。耦合的海洋-大气气候模型,如哈德利气候预测与研究中心的 hadcm3模型,正被用作气候变化研究的输入。

【终稿】1956年,诺曼·菲利普斯(Norman Phillips)开发了一个真实描述对流层逐月和逐季节模式的数学模型。这是第一个成功的气候模式。几个小组随后开始开创大气循环模式。20世纪60年代,第一个耦合海洋和大气过程的循环气候模式在美国地球物理流体动力学实验室气候研究中心被开发出来,该中心是美国美国国家海洋和大气管理局气候研究中心的一个分部门。到20世纪80年代早期,美国国家大气研究中心开发了社区大气模式(CAM) ,既可以单独运行,也可以作为社区气候系统模型的大气模块部分运行。最新的独立CAM(3.1版本)已于2006年2月1日发布。在1986年,人们开始投入初始化和模拟的土壤、植被类型,以实现更真实的预测。耦合的海洋-大气气候模式,如哈德利气候预测与研究中心的 HadCM3模式(the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research's HadCM3 model),正被用作气候变化研究的输入。

Limited area modeling 有限区域模拟

Model spread with Hurricane Ernesto (2006) within the National Hurricane Center limited area models

Air pollution forecasts depend on atmospheric models to provide fluid flow information for tracking the movement of pollutants.[51] In 1970, a private company in the U.S. developed the regional Urban Airshed Model (UAM), which was used to forecast the effects of air pollution and acid rain. In the mid- to late-1970s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency took over the development of the UAM and then used the results from a regional air pollution study to improve it. Although the UAM was developed for California, it was during the 1980s used elsewhere in North America, Europe, and Asia.[15]

Air pollution forecasts depend on atmospheric models to provide fluid flow information for tracking the movement of pollutants. In 1970, a private company in the U.S. developed the regional Urban Airshed Model (UAM), which was used to forecast the effects of air pollution and acid rain. In the mid- to late-1970s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency took over the development of the UAM and then used the results from a regional air pollution study to improve it. Although the UAM was developed for California, it was during the 1980s used elsewhere in North America, Europe, and Asia.

空气污染预报依靠大气模型来提供流体流动信息,以跟踪污染物的运动。1970年,美国的一家私营公司开发了区域城市气流模型(UAM) ,用于预测空气污染和酸雨的影响。在1970年代中后期,美国环境保护局接管了 UAM 的开发工作,然后利用区域空气污染研究的结果来改进 UAM。虽然 UAM 是为加利福尼亚州开发的,但在20世纪80年代,它在北美、欧洲和亚洲的其他地方得到了应用。

【终稿】空气污染预报依靠大气模式来提供流体流动信息,从而跟踪污染物运动。1970年,美国的一家私营公司开发了区域城市气流模式(the regional Urban Airshed Model,UAM),用于预报空气污染及酸雨的影响。在20世纪70年代年代中后期,美国环境保护局接管了UAM的开发工作,并利用区域空气污染研究的结果对其改进。尽管UAM是为加利福利亚州开发的,但到了20世纪80年代,它在北美、欧洲和亚洲的部分地区投入应用。

The Movable Fine-Mesh model, which began operating in 1978, was the first tropical cyclone forecast model to be based on atmospheric dynamics.[14] Despite the constantly improving dynamical model guidance made possible by increasing computational power, it was not until the 1980s that numerical weather prediction (NWP) showed skill in forecasting the track of tropical cyclones. And it was not until the 1990s that NWP consistently outperformed statistical or simple dynamical models.[52] Predicting the intensity of tropical cyclones using NWP has also been challenging. As of 2009, dynamical guidance remained less skillful than statistical methods.[53]

The Movable Fine-Mesh model, which began operating in 1978, was the first tropical cyclone forecast model to be based on atmospheric dynamics. Despite the constantly improving dynamical model guidance made possible by increasing computational power, it was not until the 1980s that numerical weather prediction (NWP) showed skill in forecasting the track of tropical cyclones. And it was not until the 1990s that NWP consistently outperformed statistical or simple dynamical models. Predicting the intensity of tropical cyclones using NWP has also been challenging. As of 2009, dynamical guidance remained less skillful than statistical methods.


【终稿】可移动细网格模式(the Movable Fine-Mesh model)在1978年开始运行,是第一个基于大气动力学的热带气旋预报模式。尽管由于不断增强的计算机算力,持续改进的动力学模式指导成为可能,但是直到20世纪80年代,数值天气预报才显示出预报热带气旋路径的能力;直到20世纪90年代才持续地好于统计模型或简单的动力学模型。使用数值预报方法预测热带气旋强调也始终难度较高。直到2009年,动力学控制的方法仍不如统计方法效果好。

See also 另见

  • Atmospheric reanalysis
  • Climate model
  • Numerical weather prediction
  • Upper-atmospheric models
  • Static atmospheric model


  • 大气再分析
  • 气候模式
  • 数值天气预报
  • 高层大气模式
  • 稳定大气模式

= = =

  • 大气重新分析
  • 气候模式
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  51. Alexander Baklanov; Alix Rasmussen; Barbara Fay; Erik Berge; Sandro Finardi (September 2002). "Potential and Shortcomings of Numerical Weather Prediction Models in Providing Meteorological Data for Urban Air Pollution Forecasting". Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus. 2 (5): 43–60. doi:10.1023/A:1021394126149. S2CID 94747027.
  52. James Franklin (20 April 2010). "National Hurricane Center Forecast Verification". National Hurricane Center. Archived from the original on 2 January 2011. Retrieved 2 January 2011.
  53. Edward N. Rappaport; James L. Franklin; Lixion A. Avila; Stephen R. Baig; John L. Beven II; Eric S. Blake; Christopher A. Burr; Jiann-Gwo Jiing; Christopher A. Juckins; Richard D. Knabb; Christopher W. Landsea; Michelle Mainelli; Max Mayfield; Colin J. McAdie; Richard J. Pasch; Christopher Sisko; Stacy R. Stewart; Ahsha N. Tribble (April 2009). "Advances and Challenges at the National Hurricane Center". Weather and Forecasting. 24 (2): 395–419. Bibcode:2009WtFor..24..395R. CiteSeerX doi:10.1175/2008WAF2222128.1.

Further reading 进一步阅读

  • Roulstone, Ian; Norbury, John (2013). Invisible in the Storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-15272-1. 

External links

  • WRF Source Codes and Graphics Software Download Page
  • RAMS source code available under the GNU General Public License
  • MM5 Source Code download
  • The source code of ARPS
  • Model Visualisation


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