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模板:Multiple issues

Future Earth is a 2012 10-year international research program which aims to build knowledge about the environmental and human aspects of Global change, and to find solutions for sustainable development. It aims to increase the impact of scientific research on sustainable development.

Future Earth is a 2012 10-year international research program which aims to build knowledge about the environmental and human aspects of Global change, and to find solutions for sustainable development. It aims to increase the impact of scientific research on sustainable development.


Future Earth is an interdisciplinary research programme bringing together natural and social sciences, as well as the humanities, engineering and law, and focused on designing and producing research together with stakeholders from outside the scientific community.

Future Earth is an interdisciplinary research programme bringing together natural and social sciences, as well as the humanities, engineering and law, and focused on designing and producing research together with stakeholders from outside the scientific community.


Mission and principles 使命和原则

Future Earth's mission is to "build and connect global knowledge to intensify the impact of research and find new ways to accelerate sustainable development". Its vision is for "people to thrive in a sustainable and equitable world". To do this, Future Earth aims to mobilize the international community of global environmental science researchers to:

  • Inspire and create interdisciplinary science relevant to major global sustainability challenges
  • Deliver products and services that society needs to meet these challenges
  • Co-design and co-produce solutions-oriented science, knowledge and innovation for global sustainable development
  • Build capacity among scholars world-wide

Future Earth's mission is to "build and connect global knowledge to intensify the impact of research and find new ways to accelerate sustainable development". Its vision is for "people to thrive in a sustainable and equitable world". To do this, Future Earth aims to mobilize the international community of global environmental science researchers to:

  • Inspire and create interdisciplinary science relevant to major global sustainability challenges
  • Deliver products and services that society needs to meet these challenges
  • Co-design and co-produce solutions-oriented science, knowledge and innovation for global sustainable development
  • Build capacity among scholars world-wide


  • 激励和创建与重大全球可持续性挑战相关的跨学科科学
  • 提供社会应对相应挑战所需的产品和服务
  • 共同设计和制定面向全球可持续发展的科学、知识和创新解决方案
  • 培养世界各地学者的能力

History 历史沿革

Future Earth was launched in June 2012, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).[1] Over the next eighteen months, an open bidding process was held to operationalize the new initiative and a design phase was led by a Transition Team of more than 30 international experts representing the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and international policy, research funding, and business. The final report of the Transition Team is available for download.

Future Earth was launched in June 2012, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Over the next eighteen months, an open bidding process was held to operationalize the new initiative and a design phase was led by a Transition Team of more than 30 international experts representing the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and international policy, research funding, and business. The final report of the Transition Team is available for download.

未来地球于2012年6月在联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20) UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)正式启动。在接下来的18个月里,一个开放的投标过程进行了,以实施新的倡议,设计阶段由一个由30多名代表自然科学、社会科学、人文科学、国际政策、研究基金和商业的国际专家组成的过渡团队领导。过渡团队的最终报告可以下载。

A globally distributed consortium was appointed as the Secretariat of Future Earth in July 2014, with offices in Montreal (Canada), Stockholm (Sweden), Colorado (USA), Tokyo (Japan) and Paris (France). Future Earth became fully operational with a permanent Secretariat at the end of 2015.

A globally distributed consortium was appointed as the Secretariat of Future Earth in July 2014, with offices in Montreal (Canada), Stockholm (Sweden), Colorado (USA), Tokyo (Japan) and Paris (France). Future Earth became fully operational with a permanent Secretariat at the end of 2015.


Projects 项目

Scientific research and synthesis in Future Earth is carried out by a number of international networks, known as ‘global research projects’, many of which were launched under the umbrella of the existing four global environmental change programmes, DIVERSITAS, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP),[2] the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Some further projects arose out of the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP). A formal process for the affiliation of these projects into Future Earth began in 2014. The projects are:

Scientific research and synthesis in Future Earth is carried out by a number of international networks, known as ‘global research projects’, many of which were launched under the umbrella of the existing four global environmental change programmes, DIVERSITAS, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Some further projects arose out of the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP). A formal process for the affiliation of these projects into Future Earth began in 2014. The projects are:

《未来地球》的科学研究和综合工作是由一些国际网络开展的,这些网络被称为”全球研究项目”,其中许多项目是在现有的四个全球环境变化方案、 DIVERSITAS、国际地圈-生物圈方案、国际人的方面方案和世界气候研究方案下发起的。地球系统科学伙伴关系(ESSP)提出了一些进一步的项目。2014年,这些项目与未来地球的联系正式开始。有关计划包括:

  • AIMES (Analysis, Integration and Modelling of the Earth System)
  • bioGENESIS
  • CCAFS – Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, a collaboration among the CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers
  • oneHEALTH
  • ESG – Earth System Governance
  • GCP – Global Carbon Project
  • GLP – Global Land Project
  • GMBA – Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment
  • GWSP – Global Water System Project
  • IGAC – International Global Atmospheric Chemistry
  • IHOPE – Integrated History and Future of People on Earth
  • ILEAPS – Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study
  • IMBER – Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research
  • IRG – Integrated Risk Governance Project
  • LOICZ – Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone
  • MAIRS – Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study
  • PAGES – Past Global Changes
  • PECS – Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society
  • SOLAS – Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study

  • AIMES (地球系统的分析、集成和建模)
  • 生物发现
  • 生物起源
  • CCAFS ——气候变化、农业和粮食安全,由国际农业研究中心 CGIAR 联盟合作
  • onhealth
  • ESG ——地球系统治理
  • GCP ——全球碳项目
  • GLP ——全球土地项目
  • GMBA ——全球山区生物多样性评估
  • GWSP-全球水系统项目
  • IGAC-国际全球大气化学
  • IHOPE-地球上人类的综合历史和未来
  • ILEAPS-陆地生态系统-大气过程综合研究
  • IMBER-综合海洋生物地球化学和生态系统研究
  • IRG-综合风险治理项目
  • LOICZ-沿海地区陆地-海洋相互作用
  • MAIRS-亚洲季风综合区域研究
  • PAGES-过去的全球变化
  • PECS-生态系统变化和社会方案
  • SOLAS-表层海洋-低层大气研究

See also

  • International Council for Science
  • Great acceleration

= = = = = = = 国际科学理事会 = = 大加速度


  1. "'Future Earth' platform outlines global change strategy". BBC News. 4 December 2014.
  2. Wake, Bronwyn (2014). "Looking forward". Nature Climate Change. 4 (10): 856–857. Bibcode:2014NatCC...4..856.. doi:10.1038/nclimate2395.

External links

  • Official website
  • La sostenibilidad es insuficiente (El País article - Spanish national press)

= = 外部链接 =

  • 官方网站
  • La sostenibilidad es insuficiente (西班牙国家报)

Category:Research Category:Research projects

类别: 研究类别: 研究项目

This page was moved from wikipedia:en:Future Earth. Its edit history can be viewed at 未来地球/edithistory