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危机现象(癫痫发作)存在于不同的尺度[3]和不同的生物[4]中,具有一定的动力学特性。我们可以区分不同的方法:现象学模型专注于观察到的动力学,通常将目标减少到几个维度,这有利于从动力学系统理论[5]的角度进行研究,更多的机制模型可以解释癫痫发作背后生物物理学的相互作用。也可以用这些方法来建模并分析大脑不同区域之间的相互作用[6](在这种情况下,网络的概念起着重要作用[7])或发作状态的过渡期[8]。这些大规模的方法的优势在于能够与人类的记录相关联,这是脑电图(electroencephalography, EEG)的功劳。现象学模型为临床研究提供了新的方向,特别是作为治疗难治性癫痫的补充手段。[9][10]



= 参考文献 =

  1. Computational neuroscience in epilepsy. Ivan Soltesz, Kevin Staley (1st ed.). Amsterdam: Academic. 2008. ISBN 978-0-12-373649-9. OCLC 281558250.
  2. Lytton, William W. (August 2008). "Computer modelling of epilepsy". Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 9 (8): 626–637. doi:10.1038/nrn2416. ISSN 1471-0048. PMC 2739976. PMID 18594562.
  3. Depannemaecker, Damien; Destexhe, Alain; Jirsa, Viktor; Bernard, Christophe (2021-02-22). "Modeling Seizures: From Single Neurons to Networks".doi:10.20944/preprints202102.0478.v1.
  4. Jirsa, Viktor K.; Stacey, William C.; Quilichini, Pascale P.; Ivanov, Anton I.; Bernard, Christophe (2014-06-10). "On the nature of seizure dynamics". Brain. 137 (8): 2210–2230. doi:10.1093/brain/awu133. ISSN 1460-2156. PMC 4107736. PMID 24919973.
  5. Saggio, Maria Luisa; Spiegler, Andreas; Bernard, Christophe; Jirsa, Viktor K. (2017-07-25). "Fast–Slow Bursters in the Unfolding of a High Codimension Singularity and the Ultra-slow Transitions of Classes". The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience. 7 (1): 7. doi:10.1186/s13408-017-0050-8. ISSN 2190-8567. PMC 5526832. PMID 28744735.
  6. Breakspear, M.; Roberts, J. A.; Terry, J. R.; Rodrigues, S.; Mahant, N.; Robinson, P. A. (2005-11-09). "A Unifying Explanation of Primary Generalized Seizures Through Nonlinear Brain Modeling and Bifurcation Analysis". Cerebral Cortex. 16 (9): 1296–1313. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhj072. ISSN 1460-2199. PMID 16280462.
  7. Terry, John R.; Benjamin, Oscar; Richardson, Mark P. (2012). "Seizure generation: The role of nodes and networks". Epilepsia. 53 (9): e166–e169. doi:10.1111/j.1528-1167.2012.03560.x. ISSN 1528-1167. PMID 22709380. S2CID 25085531.
  8. Wendling, Fabrice; Hernandez, Alfredo; Bellanger, Jean-Jacques; Chauvel, Patrick; Bartolomei, Fabrice (October 2005). "Interictal to ictal transition in human temporal lobe epilepsy: insights from a computational model of intracerebral EEG". Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 22 (5): 343–356.
  9. Jirsa, V.K.; Proix, T.; Perdikis, D.; Woodman, M.M.; Wang, H.; Gonzalez-Martinez, J.; Bernard, C.; Bénar, C.; Guye, M.; Chauvel, P.; Bartolomei, F. (2017-01-15). "The Virtual Epileptic Patient: Individualized whole-brain models of epilepsy spread". NeuroImage. 145 (Pt B): 377–388. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.049. ISSN 1053-8119. PMID 27477535. S2CID 36510741.
  10. Khambhati, Ankit N.; Davis, Kathryn A.; Lucas, Timothy H.; Litt, Brian; Bassett, Danielle S. (September 2016). "Virtual Cortical Resection Reveals Push-Pull Network Control Preceding Seizure Evolution". Neuron. 91 (5): 1170–1182. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2016.07.039. PMC 5017915. PMID 27568515.
  11. Depannemaecker, Damien; Ivanov, Anton; Lillo, Davide; Spek, Len; Bernard, Christophe; Jirsa, Viktor (2020-10-23). "A unified physiological framework of transitions between seizures, sustained ictal activity and depolarization block at the single neuron level". bioRxiv 10.1101/2020.10.23.352021.
  12. Cressman, John R.; Ullah, Ghanim; Ziburkus, Jokubas; Schiff, Steven J.; Barreto, Ernest (April 2009). "The influence of sodium and potassium dynamics on excitability, seizures, and the stability of persistent states: I. Single neuron dynamics". Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 26 (2): 159–170. doi:10.1007/s10827-008-0132-4. ISSN 0929-5313. PMC 2704057. PMID 19169801.
  13. Destexhe, A.; Bal, T.; McCormick, D. A.; Sejnowski, T. J. (1996-09-01). "Ionic mechanisms underlying synchronized oscillations and propagating waves in a model of ferret thalamic slices". Journal of Neurophysiology. 76 (3): 2049–2070. doi:10.1152/jn.1996.76.3.2049. ISSN 0022-3077.
  14. Almeida, Antônio-Carlos G. De; Rodrigues, Antônio M.; Scorza, Fúlvio A.; Cavalheiro, Esper A.; Teixeira, Hewerson Z.; Duarte, Mário A.; Silveira, Gilcélio A.; Arruda, Emerson Z. (2008). "Mechanistic hypotheses for nonsynaptic epileptiform activity induction and its transition from the interictal to ictal state—Computational simulation". Epilepsia. 49 (11): 1908–1924. doi:10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01686.x. ISSN 1528-1167. PMID 18513350. S2CID 12024463.

Category:Computational biology Category:Epilepsy

类别: 计算生物学类别: 癫痫

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