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时间序列常通过趋势图(即时间线图Line chart)具象化。时间序列常被用于统计学、信号处理、模式识别、计量经济学、数理金融学、天气预报、地震预测、脑电图、控制工程、天文学、通信工程,以及涉及时序测量的任何科学和工程领域。

时间序列分析需要提取时间序列数据中有意义的统计特征以及数据的其他特征。时间序列分析涉及到时间序列的预测。时间序列预测是一种基于先前观测到的值去使用模型来预测未来值的方法。虽然回归分析经常被用于分析一个或多个不同时间序列之间的关系,但这种类型的分析通常不被称为 "时间序列分析"。时间序列分析特指的是分析单一序列中不同时间点之间的关系,也会分析被干预的时间序列(分析时间序列在接受干预前后的变化)。这种干预可能会影响基础变量。






时间序列分析的方法也可以分为线性和非线性,以及单变量 和多变量。








文件:Tuberculosis incidence US 1953-2009.png
Tuberculosis incidence US 1953-2009美国1953-2009年结核病发病率

绘制折线图是分析常规时间序列的直观方法。右侧显示了一个使用电子表格程序制作的美国结核病发病率示例图表。病例的数量被标准化为每10万人的比率,并计算出该比率每年的变化百分比。几乎稳定下降的线条表明,结核病发病率在大多数年份都在下降,但该比率的变化百分比高达+/-10%,且在1975年和20世纪90年代初前后出现了 "激增"。图中应用了两个纵轴,可以在一个图表中比较两个时间序列。



  • 通过自相关分析去检验序列相关性;
  • 通过频谱分析来检查与季节性无关的周期性行为。例如,太阳黑子活动在一个周期内(11年)的变化。周期性行为常见的例子也包括天体现象、天气模式、神经活动、商品价格和经济活动;
  • 将序列分离为代表趋势、季节性、慢速和快速变化以及周期性不规则的成分;


曲线拟合[4][5] 是构建一条曲线或数学函数的过程,它对一系列的数据点具有最佳的拟合效果[6],但也可能会受到一些限制[7][8]。曲线拟合包括插值[9][10](需要精确地拟合数据)与平滑[11][12](构造一个 "平滑 "的函数来近似地拟合数据)。与曲线拟合相近的回归分析[13][14]更侧重于统计推断的问题。例如,在拟合有随机误差的数据的曲线中,推测有多少不确定性存在。拟合曲线可以作为数据可视化的辅助工具[15][16],在没有数据的情况下推断函数的值[17],并总结两个或多个变量之间的关系[18]。外推法是指在观测到的数据范围之外使用拟合曲线[19],它有一定程度的不确定性[20],因为它既可能是反映观测数据,也可能是反映用于构建曲线的方法。





时间序列分析的目标函数,例如 g,可能是未知的。根据 g 的畴和余畴的结构,几种近似 g 的方法可能是适用的。例如,如果 g 是对实数的运算,可以使用插值、外推、回归分析和曲线拟合等技术。如果 g 的余域(范围或目标集)是一个有限集,那么我们就是在处理一个分类问题。





  • 为完成随机模拟而建立完整的统计模型能产生时间序列的替代版本,会反映未来在非特定时间段内可能发生的情况。
  • 时间序列预测通常使用自动化的统计软件包和编程语言,例如 Julia、 Python、 r、 SAS、 SPSS 等。
  • 使用第三方软件包 Spark-TS 库,Apache Spark 可以对大规模数据进行预测。






时间序列数据的模型可以用多种形式来表示不同的随机过程。在对过程层次的变化进行建模时,三大重要模型是自回归(AR)模型、综合(i)模型和移动平均(MA)模型。这三个模型线性地依赖于以前的数据点。这些模型的结合产生了自回归移动平均(ARMA)和 模型移动平均(ARIMA)模型。自回归分数积分移动平均(ARFIMA)模型对三大重要模型进行了推广。处理矢量值数据的模型的扩展可以在多元时间序列模型下继续完成,有一些是前面的首字母缩略词被扩展,例如一个初始的“ v”代表“矢量”; VAR 代表向量自回归模型。从这些模型的另外一组扩展可以发现观测到的时间序列是由某种“强迫”的时间序列驱动的(这种时间序列可能对观测到的序列没有因果效应);与多变量情况的区别在于这种强迫序列可能是在实验者的控制之下所得到的。对于这些模型,首字母缩略词被扩展成最后一个“ x”,表示“外生的”。




A Hidden Markov model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states. An HMM can be considered as the simplest dynamic Bayesian network. HMM models are widely used in speech recognition, for translating a time series of spoken words into text.

A Hidden Markov model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states. An HMM can be considered as the simplest dynamic Bayesian network. HMM models are widely used in speech recognition, for translating a time series of spoken words into text.



A number of different notations are in use for time-series analysis. A common notation specifying a time series X that is indexed by the natural numbers is written

X = (X1, X2, ...).

A number of different notations are in use for time-series analysis. A common notation specifying a time series X that is indexed by the natural numbers is written

X = (X1, X2, ...).

= = = 表示法 = = 用于时间序列分析的许多不同的表示法。一个用于指定时间序列 x 的通用符号是: x = (X1,X2,...)。

Another common notation is

Y = (Yt: tT),

where T is the index set.

Another common notation is

Y = (Yt: t ∈ T),

where T is the index set.

另一种常用的表示法是: y = (Yt: t ∈ t) ,其中 t 是索引集。


There are two sets of conditions under which much of the theory is built:

There are two sets of conditions under which much of the theory is built:

  • Stationary process
  • Ergodic process


  • 平稳过程遍历过程

However, ideas of stationarity must be expanded to consider two important ideas: strict stationarity and second-order stationarity. Both models and applications can be developed under each of these conditions, although the models in the latter case might be considered as only partly specified.

However, ideas of stationarity must be expanded to consider two important ideas: strict stationarity and second-order stationarity. Both models and applications can be developed under each of these conditions, although the models in the latter case might be considered as only partly specified.

然而,平稳性的概念必须扩展到考虑两个重要的概念: 严格平稳性和二阶平稳性。模型和应用程序都可以在这些条件中的每一种情况下开发,尽管后一种情况下的模型可能被认为只是部分具体说明。

In addition, time-series analysis can be applied where the series are seasonally stationary or non-stationary. Situations where the amplitudes of frequency components change with time can be dealt with in time-frequency analysis which makes use of a time–frequency representation of a time-series or signal.[23]

In addition, time-series analysis can be applied where the series are seasonally stationary or non-stationary. Situations where the amplitudes of frequency components change with time can be dealt with in time-frequency analysis which makes use of a time–frequency representation of a time-series or signal.Boashash, B. (ed.), (2003) Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing: A Comprehensive Reference, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2003

此外,时间序列分析可以应用于季节性平稳或非平稳的序列。时频分析利用时间序列或信号的时频表示,可以处理频率分量振幅随时间变化的情况。波阿什,b。我不知道你在说什么。) ,(2003)《时频信号分析与处理: 综合参考》 ,爱思唯尔科学出版社,牛津,2003


Tools for investigating time-series data include:

Tools for investigating time-series data include:

= = = 调查时间序列数据的工具包括:

  • Consideration of the autocorrelation function and the spectral density function (also cross-correlation functions and cross-spectral density functions)
  • Scaled cross- and auto-correlation functions to remove contributions of slow components
  • Performing a Fourier transform to investigate the series in the frequency domain
  • Use of a filter to remove unwanted noise
  • Principal component analysis (or empirical orthogonal function analysis)
  • Singular spectrum analysis
  • "Structural" models:
    • General State Space Models
    • Unobserved Components Models
  • Machine Learning
    • Artificial neural networks
    • Support vector machine
    • Fuzzy logic
    • Gaussian process
    • Genetic Programming
    • Gene expression programming
    • Hidden Markov model
    • Multi expression programming
  • Queueing theory analysis
  • Control chart
    • Shewhart individuals control chart
    • CUSUM chart
    • EWMA chart
  • Detrended fluctuation analysis
  • Nonlinear mixed-effects modeling
  • Dynamic time warping
  • Cross-correlation
  • Dynamic Bayesian network
  • Time-frequency analysis techniques:
    • Fast Fourier transform
    • Continuous wavelet transform
    • Short-time Fourier transform
    • Chirplet transform
    • Fractional Fourier transform
  • Chaotic analysis
    • Correlation dimension
    • Recurrence plots
    • Recurrence quantification analysis
    • Lyapunov exponents
    • Entropy encoding

  • 考虑自相关函数和谱密度函数(也包括互相关函数和互谱密度函数)
  • 调整互相关函数和自相关函数以去除慢分量的贡献
  • 在频域中执行一个傅里叶变换来调查这个序列
  • 使用
  • CUSUM 图
  • EWMA 图
  • 非趋势波动分析
  • 非线性混合效应建模
  • 动态时间规整互相关
  • 动态贝氏网路
  • 时频分析技术:
  • 快速傅里叶变换连续小波转换
  • 短时距傅里叶变换
  • 混沌分析
  • 复发图
  • 递归量化分析
  • Lyapunov 指数


Time series metrics or features that can be used for time series classification or regression analysis:[27]

Time series metrics or features that can be used for time series classification or regression analysis:

= = = = 可用于时间序列分类或回归分析的时间序列度量或特征:

  • Univariate linear measures
    • Moment (mathematics)
    • Spectral band power
    • Spectral edge frequency
    • Accumulated Energy (signal processing)
    • Characteristics of the autocorrelation function
    • Hjorth parameters
    • FFT parameters
    • Autoregressive model parameters
    • Mann–Kendall test
  • Univariate non-linear measures
    • Measures based on the correlation sum
    • Correlation dimension
    • Correlation integral
    • Correlation density
    • Correlation entropy
    • Approximate entropy
    • Sample entropy
    • Wavelet entropy
    • Dispersion entropy
    • Fluctuation dispersion entropy
    • Rényi entropy
    • Higher-order methods
    • Marginal predictability
    • Dynamical similarity index
    • State space dissimilarity measures
    • Lyapunov exponent
    • Permutation methods
    • Local flow
  • Other univariate measures
    • Algorithmic complexity
    • Kolmogorov complexity estimates
    • Hidden Markov Model states
    • Rough path signature[1] Chevyrev, I., Kormilitzin, A. (2016) "A Primer on the Signature Method in Machine Learning, arXiv:1603.03788v1"
    • Surrogate time series and surrogate correction
    • Loss of recurrence (degree of non-stationarity)
  • Bivariate linear measures
    • Maximum linear cross-correlation
    • Linear Coherence (signal processing)
  • Bivariate non-linear measures
    • Non-linear interdependence
    • Dynamical Entrainment (physics)
    • Measures for Phase synchronization
    • Measures for Phase locking
  • Similarity measures:
    • Cross-correlation
    • Dynamic Time Warping
    • Hidden Markov Models
    • Edit distance
    • Total correlation
    • Newey–West estimator
    • Prais–Winsten transformation
    • Data as Vectors in a Metrizable Space
      • Minkowski distance
      • Mahalanobis distance
    • Data as time series with envelopes
      • Global standard deviation
      • Local standard deviation
      • Windowed standard deviation
    • Data interpreted as stochastic series
      • Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
      • Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
    • Data interpreted as a probability distribution function
      • Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
      • Cramér–von Mises criterion

  • 单变量线性测量
  • 矩(数学)
  • 谱带功率
  • 谱边缘频率
  • 累积能量(信号处理)
  • 自相关函数特性
  • Hjorth 参数
  • FFT 参数
  • 自回归模型参数
  • 相关积分相关密度相关熵近似熵小波熵色散熵涨落色散熵高阶方法边际可预测动力学相似性指数状态空间相异性度量李亚普诺夫指数排列方法
  • 本地流
  • 其他单变量度量
  • 算法复杂度
  • 柯氏复杂性估计
  • 隐马尔可夫模型状态
  • 粗糙路径签名[1] Chevyrev,i. ,Kormilitzin,a。(2016)“ a Primer on the Signature Method in Machine Learning,arXiv: 1603.03788 v1”
  • 替代时间序列和替代校正
  • 递归损失(非平稳度)
  • 双变量线性度量
  • 最大线性互相关
  • 线性相干性(信号处理)
  • 双变量非线性度量
  • 非线性相互依赖
  • 动态卷吸(物理学)
  • 相位同步的度量
  • 相位锁定的度量
  • 相似度量:
  • 互相关
  • 动态时间规整
  • 隐马尔可夫模型
  • 编辑距离
  • 总相关性
  • Newey-West 估计
  • Prais-Winsten 变换
  • 数据作为向量在乌雷松度量化定理
  • 明氏距离
  • 马氏距离
  • 数据作为时间序列与信封
  • 局部标准差标准差
  • 窗口标准差
  • 数据解释为随机序列
  • 斯皮尔曼的秩相关系数
  • 数据解释为概率分布函数
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov 检验
  • Cramér-von Mises 准则


Time series can be visualized with two categories of chart: Overlapping Charts and Separated Charts. Overlapping Charts display all-time series on the same layout while Separated Charts presents them on different layouts (but aligned for comparison purpose)[31]

Time series can be visualized with two categories of chart: Overlapping Charts and Separated Charts. Overlapping Charts display all-time series on the same layout while Separated Charts presents them on different layouts (but aligned for comparison purpose)

= = 可视化 = = 时间序列可以用两类图表进行可视化: 重叠图表和分离图表。重叠图表显示同一布局的所有时间序列,而分离图表显示不同的布局(但对齐用于比较)

Overlapping charts

  • Braided graphs
  • Line charts
  • Slope graphs

= = = 重叠图 =

  • 编织图
  • 线图
  • 斜率图

Separated charts

  • Horizon graphs
  • Reduced line chart (small multiples)
  • Silhouette graph
  • Circular silhouette graph
  • Horizon graphs
  • Reduced line chart (small multiples)
  • Silhouette graph
  • Circular silhouette graph

= = = = 分离图表 = =

  • 地平线图
  • 简化线图(小倍数)
  • 轮廓线图
  • 圆形轮廓线图

See also


  1. Lin, Jessica; Keogh, Eamonn; Lonardi, Stefano; Chiu, Bill (2003). "A symbolic representation of time series, with implications for streaming algorithms". Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMOD workshop on Research issues in data mining and knowledge discovery. New York: ACM Press. pp. 2–11. doi:10.1145/882082.882086. 
  2. Agrawal, Rakesh; Faloutsos, Christos; Swami, Arun (October 1993). "Efficient Similarity Search In Sequence Databases". Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms. International Conference on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms. Vol. 730. pp. 69–84. doi:10.1007/3-540-57301-1_5. – via SpringerLink (subscription required)
  3. Sarkar, Advait; Spott, Martin; Blackwell, Alan F.; Jamnik, Mateja (2016). "Visual discovery and model-driven explanation of time series patterns". 2016 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). IEEE. doi:10.1109/vlhcc.2016.7739668.
  4. Sandra Lach Arlinghaus, PHB Practical Handbook of Curve Fitting. CRC Press, 1994.
  5. William M. Kolb. Curve Fitting for Programmable Calculators. Syntec, Incorporated, 1984.
  6. S.S. Halli, K.V. Rao. 1992. Advanced Techniques of Population Analysis. Page 165 (cf. ... functions are fulfilled if we have a good to moderate fit for the observed data.)
  7. [1]The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail-but Some Don't. By Nate Silver
  8. Data Preparation for Data Mining: Text. By Dorian Pyle.
  9. Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB®. By Jaan Kiusalaas. Page 24.
  10. Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3. By Jaan Kiusalaas. Page 21.
  11. Numerical Methods of Curve Fitting. By P. G. Guest, Philip George Guest. Page 349.
  12. See also: Mollifier
  13. Fitting Models to Biological Data Using Linear and Nonlinear Regression. By Harvey Motulsky, Arthur Christopoulos.
  14. Regression Analysis By Rudolf J. Freund, William J. Wilson, Ping Sa. Page 269.
  15. Visual Informatics. Edited by Halimah Badioze Zaman, Peter Robinson, Maria Petrou, Patrick Olivier, Heiko Schröder. Page 689.
  16. Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Engineering Models. By John R. Hauser. Page 227.
  17. Methods of Experimental Physics: Spectroscopy, Volume 13, Part 1. By Claire Marton. Page 150.
  18. Encyclopedia of Research Design, Volume 1. Edited by Neil J. Salkind. Page 266.
  19. Community Analysis and Planning Techniques. By Richard E. Klosterman. Page 1.
  20. An Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Environmental Investments. DIANE Publishing. Pg 69
  21. Hamming, Richard. Numerical methods for scientists and engineers. Courier Corporation, 2012.
  22. Friedman, Milton. "The interpolation of time series by related series." Journal of the American Statistical Association 57.300 (1962): 729–757.
  23. Boashash, B. (ed.), (2003) Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing: A Comprehensive Reference, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2003
  24. Nikolić, D.; Muresan, R. C.; Feng, W.; Singer, W. (2012). "Scaled correlation analysis: a better way to compute a cross-correlogram". European Journal of Neuroscience. 35 (5): 742–762. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07987.x. PMID 22324876. S2CID 4694570.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Sakoe, Hiroaki; Chiba, Seibi (1978). "Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition". 26. pp. 43–49. doi:10.1109/TASSP.1978.1163055. https://semanticscholar.org/paper/18f355d7ef4aa9f82bf5c00f84e46714efa5fd77. 
  26. Goutte, Cyril; Toft, Peter; Rostrup, Egill; Nielsen, Finn Å.; Hansen, Lars Kai (1999). "On Clustering fMRI Time Series". 9. pp. 298–310. doi:10.1006/nimg.1998.0391. PMID 10075900. https://semanticscholar.org/paper/2d5c663fb53d8348bdf3c4df0f881b5db2dcf5e3. 
  27. Mormann, Florian; Andrzejak, Ralph G.; Elger, Christian E.; Lehnertz, Klaus (2007). "Seizure prediction: the long and winding road". Brain. 130 (2): 314–333. doi:10.1093/brain/awl241. PMID 17008335.
  28. Land, Bruce; Elias, Damian. "Measuring the 'Complexity' of a time series".
  29. [1] Chevyrev, I., Kormilitzin, A. (2016) "A Primer on the Signature Method in Machine Learning, arXiv:1603.03788v1"
  30. Ropella, G. E. P.; Nag, D. A.; Hunt, C. A. (2003). "Similarity measures for automated comparison of in silico and in vitro experimental results". Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 3: 2933–2936. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2003.1280532. ISBN 978-0-7803-7789-9. S2CID 17798157.
  31. Tominski, Christian; Aigner, Wolfgang. "The TimeViz Browser:A Visual Survey of Visualization Techniques for Time-Oriented Data". Retrieved 1 June 2014.

Further reading