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This is a list of computability and complexity topics, by Wikipedia page.

This is a list of computability and complexity topics, by Wikipedia page.


Computability theory is the part of the theory of computation that deals with what can be computed, in principle. Computational complexity theory deals with how hard computations are, in quantitative terms, both with upper bounds (algorithms whose complexity in the worst cases, as use of computing resources, can be estimated), and from below (proofs that no procedure to carry out some task can be very fast).

Computability theory is the part of the theory of computation that deals with what can be computed, in principle. Computational complexity theory deals with how hard computations are, in quantitative terms, both with upper bounds (algorithms whose complexity in the worst cases, as use of computing resources, can be estimated), and from below (proofs that no procedure to carry out some task can be very fast).

原则上,可计算性理论是计算理论计算机系统中处理可计算内容的部分。计算复杂性理论处理如何硬计算,从定量的角度来说,既有上界(算法的复杂性在最坏的情况下,作为计算资源的使用,可以估计) ,从下面(证明没有程序执行一些任务可以非常快)。

For more abstract foundational matters, see the list of mathematical logic topics. See also list of algorithms, list of algorithm general topics.

For more abstract foundational matters, see the list of mathematical logic topics. See also list of algorithms, list of algorithm general topics.



Computability theory: models of computation

Decision problems

Definability questions

Complexity theory

Complexity classes

See the list of complexity classes

See the list of complexity classes


Named problems


Computability and complexity


Category:Theory of computation

类别: 计算理论





This page was moved from wikipedia:en:List of computability and complexity topics. Its edit history can be viewed at 可计算性和复杂性列表/edithistory